法律英語基礎(chǔ)句子:Tort 侵權(quán)
發(fā)起人:eging  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):6805  最后更新:2022/9/28 4:03:06 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2017/2/23 8:50:16

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):3730
法律英語基礎(chǔ)句子:Tort 侵權(quán)
1.In tort law the duty is imposed by the law. 在侵權(quán)法中,責(zé)任是由法律規(guī)定的。

2.Some jurisdictions have established this tort to provide a remedy for malicious deeds. 有些司法管轄區(qū)規(guī)定了此種侵權(quán)行為,目的是對惡意行為受害人提供救濟(jì)。

3.Such tort-feasors are jointly and severally liable. 此種侵權(quán)行為為要承擔(dān)共同和連帶責(zé)任。

4.The law of tort provides rules of conduct that regulate how members fo society interact and remedies if the rules are breached and damage is suffered. 侵權(quán)行為法提供行為規(guī)則,規(guī)范社會成員的相互交往,以及在該規(guī)則被違反和損害發(fā)生是,如何進(jìn)行救濟(jì)。

5.The law of tort aims to compensate those who have suffered as a result of a tort. 侵權(quán)行為法的目的在于補(bǔ)償被侵害人。

6.Tort law is a branch of civil law that is connected with civil wrongs, but not contract actions. 侵權(quán)法屬于民法的一部分,其與民事過錯(cuò)相關(guān),與合同行為無關(guān)。

7.Tort liability for negligence presupposes causality between the negligent act and the injury to person or property. 過失侵權(quán)責(zé)任以過失行為與對人身或財(cái)產(chǎn)的侵權(quán)之間的因果關(guān)系為前提。

8.Torts are in themselves sufficient grounds for bringing an action without the need to prove that damage has been suffered. 侵權(quán)本身足民構(gòu)成起訴某人的證據(jù),無須證明遭受了損失。

9.Torts can be divided into three categories depending on whether liability is based on intent, on negligence, or is absolute or strict without either intent or negligence. 侵權(quán)可根據(jù)侵權(quán)責(zé)任的不同分為三類,故意侵權(quán)責(zé)任,過失侵權(quán)責(zé)任,絕對侵權(quán)責(zé)任或無過錯(cuò)嚴(yán)格侵權(quán)責(zé)任。

10.Two of the largest categories of civil law are contract law and tort law. 民法中最大兩個(gè)類別是合同法和侵權(quán)法。

[eging 于 2017-2-23 7:37:53 編輯過] 上海翻譯公司 
2022/9/28 4:03:08

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發(fā) 帖 數(shù):10863
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