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發(fā)表時間:2017/05/04 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):3509  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

Foreign Investment Enterprise Representation Office

Register Certificate

Register Number: Qi Du Yue Shen Ban Zi No. 7608XX

This representation office was approved to be registered and issue this certificate.

Document No. 0059XXX

Name: Shanghai XX Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Representation office

Address: Unit X, Block X,WorldFinanceCenter,4003 Shennan Road East, Luohu Distric, Shenzhen

Legal Representative: XXX

Scope of Business:Represent the Company to perform business expansion.

Affiliate of:Shanghai XXX Co., Ltd.

Valid from XX, 200X to XX, 202X

Issued by:Shenzhen Administration for Industrial and Commercial (Seal)

Date: XX, 2005

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