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發(fā)表時間:2016/12/27 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):3489  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】


Sample of Tenancy Agreement

This agreement is made on this thirtieth day of September 1999 by and between Chen Jianmin of 221 Sichuan Road and Zhang Jie of 345 Lintong Road,as follows:

The said Chen Jianmin hereby lets to the said Zhang Jie a dwelling flat of No.404(hereinafter referred to as the said flat), situated in 999 Feiyun Road, for the term of two years followed by each term of two years until one month's notice to quit is given by or to either party, at the monthly rent of H.K.$ 900 payable in advance on the first day of each and every calendar month. The tenancy is to commence on the first day of October, one day after the said agreement is signed.

And the said Chen Jianmin undertakes to pay the land tax and the property tax, and to keep the said flat in all necessary repairs, so long as the said Zhang Jie shall continue therein. And the said Zhang Jie shall undertake to take the said flat of Chen Jianmin for and at the before mentioned term and rent, and pay all taxes except those on land or property, and to abide by the other conditions aforesaid.
We get our hands the day and year aforesaid.

In the presence of Zhou Wenqi (Signature)

Chen Jianmin(Signature)
Zhang Jie(Signature)
立約人:陳建民 張捷

1. let:此處作“出租”解。
2. notice to quit:搬家的預(yù)先通知。quit在此作“搬出”、“遷出”解。
3. each and every:每一個。
4. tenancy:(土地、房屋等的)租賃;租賃期限。
5. continue:在此相當于continue to stay.
6. therein:在那里。
7. abide by:遵守(法律、決定等);信守(諾言等)。
8. get hands (to)= set hands (to):簽名。

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