發(fā)起人:eging3  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):7253  最后更新:2022/9/28 5:31:39 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2017/6/2 17:26:07

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):1914

The purpose of my visit is to increase mutual trust, enhance friendship, deepen co-operation, and advance the positive, co-operative and comprehensive China-US relationship for the 21st century. In recent years, particularly over the past 2 years since President Obama took office. China-US relations have made strong headway thanks to the joint efforts of both sides. We have increased exchanges and co-operation in a wide range of areas, maintained close communication and coordination on major international and regional issues, and played a positive role in promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the whole world.


Under the current circumstances, our two countries share broader common interests, shoulder bigger common responsibilities and face more severe common challenges than at any time in history. As a result it is more important than ever for us to maintain the long-term, sound and steady growth of our bilateral relations. It is the reality that we faced and it should be recognized by both sides.


This morning President Obama and I had an in-depth exchange of view on China-US relations and international and regional issues of common interest, and we reached an important agreement. We agreed that our two countries should increase contacts at the top and other levels, strengthen strategic mutual trust through dialogue and communication, intensify exchanges and co-operation in all fields and step up communication and coordination on international and regional issues. We agreed that the two countries should respect each other’s sovereignty, territorial integrity anddevelopment interests, properly handle differences and frictions, and work together to build a China-US co-operative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.


China-US relations have traveled an extraordinary journey in the past 32 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties. A review of the history of our relations shows that we have far more common interests than differences and cooperation for mutual benefit has always been the mainstream of our relations. This has reinforced our confidence in further pushing forward our relationship. Today, both China and the United States are confronted with the arduous task of sustaining steady economic growth and achieving economic transformation, and we both need to tackle the various challenges brought by economic globalization. This has added to our need and desire to enhance cooperation.


We should pursue our relations with a stronger conviction, of broader vision and more proactive approach. We need to take solid steps and make pioneering efforts to fully tap the potential of cooperation and strive for new progress in China-US relations. I am confident that with joint efforts China-US co-operative partnership will yield bountiful fruits for the greater benefit of our people and make newer and bigger contribution to the noble course of world peace and development.


To the health of President and Mrs. Obama ,to the health of all friends present here, to the stronger friendship between the people of China and United States and to the steady growth of China-US relations. Cheers!
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[eging3 于 2017-6-2 17:32:45 編輯過(guò)] 格式出現(xiàn)問(wèn)題

2022/9/28 5:31:40

角  色:普通會(huì)員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):10863
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