發(fā)起人:eging3  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):4184  最后更新:2022/9/28 20:56:41 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2017/4/13 18:04:16

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):1914
How men change after marriage


Men are all liars. I remember hearing many women saying this long before I came to know the actual difference between a man and a woman. It also comes with another realization: men lie especially before marriage.


I was in no position to judge until I began to wear a wedding ring myself. Unfortunately, those "grown-ups" are right, once again.


Last week, my husband came back to Beijing from Brazil. It was his first return after he started working in Sao Paulo last November and it was also our first reunion after we got married.


I was, of course, more than excited to see him coming back and his gift - a sweet agreement we made before marriage: he will always return with a small gift from business trip wherever went, be it a postcard or a sticker.


So I asked about the gift like I did before, but was put down by his indifference. "I don’t think you will look good in either of the necklaces," said my husband in our FaceTime chat, as I sent him a link of Swarovski.


All I could give was a forced and frozen smile and a "fine." In the eyes of some friends, my husband is stingy and they even ask me why I married him.


For our first date, he took me out on a Phantom of Opera drama show with each ticket priced at 1,300 yuan ($188.7). He also spent more than 2,000 yuan for our first dinner at an exquisite German restaurant. On the first Valentine’s, he bought a rose bouquet at 1,999 yuan.

我們第一次約會(huì),他帶我看了一場(chǎng)幻影歌劇表演,每張門票售價(jià)為1300元($ 188.7)。晚餐是在一家精致的德國(guó)餐廳,花費(fèi)超過2000元。我們的第一個(gè)情人節(jié),他給我買了一束接近2000元的玫瑰花。

When all the romantic dates ended with a marriage certificate, a Swarovski silver necklace was too much for him to buy. Men are all liars before marriage. Suddenly I was overwhelmed by the remark, repeatedly chanted by women in my memories.


My mother gave me the same warning before I got married, saying my loving, sweet boyfriend would no longer stay the same after marriage. "Your dad promised that he would do all the housework before we got married, but look who is actually in the kitchen every day," said my mother.


After all, actions indeed speak louder than words. But as I look into my marriage and especially my role in it, I began to see myself as a "liar" too.


Stepping closer to marriage, I saw myself losing my elegance and patience more and more. Even make-up did not seem necessary after months into marriage. The fact that we are now legally bonded to each other has turned us both into being lazier, when we care more about ourselves than each other.


It suddenly occurred to me what my grandmother often said, marriage is like holding of a bamboo-woven basket by two people. If you pull harder on your end, the basket will eventually be torn. In the end, tolerance and gratitude not only makes good friends but also good couples.


專業(yè)翻譯公司 http://www.shufeiwangluo.com

[eging 于 2017-4-18 14:30:12 編輯過] 上海翻譯公司

2022/9/28 20:56:43

角  色:普通會(huì)員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):10863
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