CATTI-中級口譯聽力答案 英譯漢答案含解析下載
發(fā)起人:eging2  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):5543  最后更新:2022/9/28 6:42:23 by nihaota

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eging2 發(fā)表于 2015/8/25 16:08:18
CATTI-中級口譯聽力答案 英譯漢答案含解析下載
CATTI-中級口譯聽力答案 英譯漢答案含解析下載



In the near future, professors will run their coursesover digital platforms capa

ble of collecting data oneach student’s progress. These platforms wereinitially

developed for massive open online courses.However, universities are now fol

ding theseplatforms back into their traditional classes becausethey make it e

asier to share content, hostdiscussions and keep track of student work.

Soon, they will be able to monitor which students arespending 15 minutes on

a calculus problem andwhich ones slog away for an hour. This can raise red f

lags for professors about who might needextra help.

nihaota 發(fā)表于 2022/9/28 6:42:25
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