發(fā)起人:eging3  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):6718  最后更新:2022/9/28 5:29:05 by nihaota

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eging3 發(fā)表于 2017/6/23 9:33:55
? Jean: The more I learn about the world around me, the more aware I become of the environment problems facing us.

? 吉恩:越了解身邊的世界,我就越強(qiáng)烈地意識到我們面臨的環(huán)境問題。 ? 李軍:你是指中國的環(huán)境問題嗎?

? Li Jun: You mean environmental problems of China?

? Jean: Yes, here and all over the world. Have you read the recent news that Europe is experiencing the warmest winter ever in history and the glacier of the Arctic Ocean is melting down at an alarming rate?

? 吉恩:是的,不僅是中國,全世界均是如此。你有沒有讀最近的新聞,歐洲正經(jīng)歷著歷史上最暖和的冬天,而北冰洋的冰川正義令人擔(dān)憂的速度消融。 ? 李軍:我當(dāng)然意識到了這個(gè)問題,全球變暖的直接起因就是我們周圍無處不在的環(huán)境污染。

? Li Jun: Well, this is the problem I am certainly aware of. Environmental pollution all around us is the direct cause of global warming.

? Jean: Environmental pollution is one of the greatest problems the world is now facing with. But in many parts of the world, as people become more aware and apply new technology to solving the pollution problem; there is hope for the future.

? 吉恩:環(huán)境污染是世界面臨的最嚴(yán)重的問題之一。但是在世界的許多地方,人們的環(huán)保意識不斷加強(qiáng)并且采用新的技術(shù)解決污染問題。未來還是充滿希望的。 ? 李軍:用科技來解決污染問題應(yīng)該是一個(gè)很好的出路,吉恩,我知道你來自加拿大,加拿大的環(huán)保技術(shù)在全世界處于領(lǐng)先地位,能和我說說什么樣的技術(shù)能夠幫助控制污染呢?

? Li Jun: It is indeed a feasible solution to control pollution using technologies. Jean, as you are from Canada, the country that leads the world in environment related technology; can you introduce to me what technologies will help with pollution control?

? Jean: Well, for example, I have recently read an article back in Canada about using certain types of bacteria to help control some pollution problems.

? 吉恩:比如,我前段時(shí)間在加拿大讀了一片文章,講的是用某一種細(xì)菌來控制污染問題。

? It is reported that this kind of technology is very cost-effective in terms of controlling pollution and is considered to be a great breakthrough in environmental protection technology.

? 報(bào)道說這種技術(shù)在控制污染方面成本不高而且十分有效,被認(rèn)為是環(huán)??萍嫉囊淮笸黄啤?/font>

? Although it is still at its pilot stage, this new technology is expected to be expected to be extensively applied in the very near future.

? 盡管現(xiàn)在還在試點(diǎn)階段,這種新科技在短期內(nèi)會(huì)投入大面積的應(yīng)用

? 李軍:聽起來很棒??!但是,怎樣才能實(shí)現(xiàn)呢?細(xì)菌怎樣才能夠用來控制污染?我還以為細(xì)菌只會(huì)帶來疾病呢。

? Li Jun: That is awesome! But ,how could it be? How could bacteria be applied in pollution control? And I used to think that bacteria just cause illness.

? Jean: That is not true. Bacteriologists have identified certain strains of bacteria that" eat" petroleum products, such as oil and gasoline.

? 吉恩:并不是這樣的。細(xì)菌學(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn)某些種類的細(xì)菌可以“吃掉”石油類產(chǎn)品,比如說石油和汽油。

? 李軍: 聽起來挺奇怪的,具體是怎樣起效的呢?你能更具體些嗎? ? Li Jun: That sounds strange. How does it work? Can you be more specific? ? Jean: These bacteria ingest the petroleum and excrete hydrogen and oxygen, leaving a clean and pollutant-free environment behind them.

? 吉恩:這些For example, we can put the bacteria in the oil polluted land after a certain period of time this land can be cleaned and be arable again.

? 比如說,我們可以將這些細(xì)菌放入被石油污染的土地,經(jīng)過一段時(shí)間之后,土地就變得清潔并再次成為可耕地。

細(xì)菌攝入石油然后排放出氫氣和氧氣,留下一個(gè)潔凈,無污染的環(huán)境。 ? 李軍: 簡直是難以置信!那么這些小蟲可以清理大量的是有泄漏嗎? ? Li Jun: Unbelievable! Could they use that little bug to clean up big oil spills? ? Jean: Yes, as a matter of fact, they are being proven to be the most successful method of cleaning up after land-based oil spills and are useful for marine spills. And the best part is, these bacteria themselves are harmless, therefore, little side effect is expected.

? 吉恩:可以啊,事實(shí)上,這些細(xì)菌在清除土地石油污染和海上石油泄漏方面是最成功的。而且,最好的一點(diǎn)是,這些細(xì)菌本身無害,也不會(huì)帶來什么副作用。 ? 李軍: 哇!太棒了!現(xiàn)在如果發(fā)生油輪大規(guī)模泄漏的事件,我們就可以有一個(gè)有效的解救措施了。這些微生物還可以消化其他種類的污染物嗎?

? Li Jun: Wow! Awesome! Then the devastating condition caused by large-scale oil tank spills has an effective solution now. Are there oyher types of pollution that those microbes like to eat?

? Jean: Sure, bacteria have been used to remove arsenic from sludge produced by gold mining operations. These are several experiments being done now to research how to use these bacteria to reduce nuclear waste to a harmless residue.

? 吉恩:當(dāng)然可以。細(xì)菌害用在清除開采金礦所帶來的泥土中的砷。目前還有幾個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)正在進(jìn)行,研究如何利用細(xì)菌清除原子能工業(yè)廢料中的有害物質(zhì)。 ? 李軍:也許這些曾經(jīng)讓我們擔(dān)心的細(xì)菌能夠拯救我們的世界。希望這些尖端的環(huán)保技術(shù)能盡快在中國推廣開來。

? Li Jun: Maybe those bacteria that we used to worry about will eventually save the world! I hope these technologies can be widely utilized in China very soon. ? Jean: I am sure it will. We all witnessed China’s commitment to environmental protection. The advent of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be a great opportunity for China in upgrading its environmental protection system.

? 吉恩:我想一定會(huì)的。我們見證了中國在環(huán)保方面的決心。2008年北京奧運(yùn)會(huì)的到來給中國帶來進(jìn)一步升級環(huán)保體系的一個(gè)良好契機(jī)。

? 李軍:是的,正如我們的口號所倡導(dǎo)的“綠色北京,綠色奧運(yùn)”。讓我們一起努力吧!

? Li Jun: Yes, as our slogan goes" Green Beijing, Green Olympics”. Let us all make our own efforts.
nihaota 發(fā)表于 2022/9/28 5:29:06
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