發(fā)起人:eging3  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):6772  最后更新:2022/9/28 5:31:05 by nihaota

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eging3 發(fā)表于 2017/6/7 15:08:20
Booking made through most travel agents. 可通過各地旅游代理商定票。??Centrally located overlooking a park with free parking. 市區(qū)中心,緊靠公園,免費(fèi)停車。? ?

Cleanliness and comfort assured.保證干凈舒適。? ?

Conference facilities. 會(huì)議設(shè)施? ?

Easy access to… Close to city center. 緊靠市中心,去……交通便利,。?

?Equipped and furnished to a high standard. 家具配備高檔,設(shè)施配備精良。?

?Extremely well equipped. 設(shè)施配備精良。? ?

Friendly family guest house near city center and railway station. 家庭式客房,緊靠市中心和火車站。?

?Full central heating with house provided hot water 24 hours 中央暖氣系統(tǒng),房間24小時(shí)提?供熱水。?

?Fully centrally heated.中央暖氣全部開放。? ?

Indoor swimming pool 室內(nèi)游泳池?

?Laundry service. 提供洗熨服務(wù)?

?Night porter on duty. 夜間有行李搬運(yùn)服務(wù)生。?

?Price according to season and size of flat. 價(jià)格按季節(jié)和公寓大小而定。?

?Reduced rates for elderly. 老人優(yōu)惠? ?

Shave pins in all bedrooms 所有臥室備有刮臉刀/脫發(fā)器插頭?

?Stay a minimum of 3 nights and receive 1 extra night free. 最少住三晚,另外免費(fèi)一晚。?

?Tea/coffee making facility in all bedrooms. 所有臥室有沏茶和煮咖啡的條件。? ?

This offer is available for all stays to 31 October 2003. 對(duì)截至2003年10月31日的住宿實(shí) ?行優(yōu)惠。?

?Warm, friendly service in a comfortable home. 熱情友好的服務(wù),舒適溫馨的家。?? ?

Tour and Sightseeing 旅游觀光? ?

15% off with this flyer 持本廣告85折優(yōu)惠?

?A place to relax and unwind 一個(gè)讓你放松身心的地方。?

?Access all day.全天開放 ? ?

Admission is free 不收門票 ?

?Advanced booking is essential to avoid disappointment 提前預(yù)定,避免錯(cuò)過。?

?All passengers are strongly advised to obtain travel insurance. 建議所有乘客購買旅游保險(xiǎn)。? ?

All tours require advance booking. 旅游需要提前定票。 ?

?All-inclusive ticket 票價(jià)包括所有費(fèi)用。?

?Cafeteria available 提供自助餐?

?Child reductions 兒童優(yōu)惠?

?Children are free if supervised.有監(jiān)護(hù)人的兒童免費(fèi)。?

?Children under 12 half price throughout season 全季12歲以下的兒童半價(jià)?

?Clean and comfortable 清潔舒適 ?

?Come with us to the world's most beautiful cities 和我們一起游覽世界上最美麗的城市。?

?Concessions (票價(jià))優(yōu)惠 ?

?Day trip to … ……一日游 ?

?Discounts available for pre-booked groups 團(tuán)體提前預(yù)定優(yōu)惠?

?Fine views of London 倫敦美景 ?

?For more detailed information please call 欲知詳情,請(qǐng)打電話。?

?Free children admission with full paying adult 賣成人票,兒童免費(fèi)。?

?Free children ticket with this leaflet 持本廣告兒童免費(fèi)。?

?Free entry for all. 向所有人開放 ?

?Free entry to over 60 attractions 免費(fèi)到60 多個(gè)景點(diǎn)旅游。?

Free for accompanied children under 16 years of age. 所帶16以下歲兒童免費(fèi)。?

?If you would like to join our club, please contact… 如想?yún)⒓游覀兊木銟凡?,?qǐng)聯(lián)系……?

?Pick up points and times 接站地點(diǎn)和接站時(shí)間? ?Reservations 預(yù)定 ?

?Reserved seating 預(yù)定座位 ?

?Safe and reliable 安全可靠 ? ?

Self-catering 可自己做飯?

?Shopping offers 提供購物機(jī)會(huì) ?

?Sights of London. 倫敦風(fēng)光 ?

?Sightseeing at its best! 觀光游覽最佳季節(jié)。? ?

Tour operators 旅游組織者? ?

Tours take up to two hours 游程兩個(gè)小時(shí)。? ?

Tours are held throughout the day 旅游活動(dòng)全天進(jìn)行。? ?

Tours have live English commentary 旅游配有現(xiàn)場英語解說。?

?Under 24 hours a 50% charge may be levied. 24小時(shí)內(nèi)收半價(jià)? ?

We want you to have a good holiday 我們讓你渡過一個(gè)愉快的假日。? ?

XVI.Training and Learning 學(xué)習(xí)培訓(xùn)? ?

Accommodation provided by the institution 學(xué)校提供住宿。? ?

All courses offered accredited by British Council 所有課程由英國文化委員會(huì)授權(quán)認(rèn)可。? ?

Expert English language training by qualified teachers 英語培訓(xùn),經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富,師資雄厚。?

?Full-students 全日制學(xué)生?

?One-to-one English language courses with full board accommodation 一對(duì)一的英語學(xué)習(xí)課程 ?,提供住宿。?

?We have over ten years of experience in teaching quality English and ? ?have successfully managed schools in different parts of

the world. 我們從事了10年多的


Exhibition and Museum 展覽會(huì)博物館?

?… are now free to everyone. …… 現(xiàn)免費(fèi)向公眾開放。 ?

?… will again be open to the public. …… 再次向公眾開放。? ?

Admission charge £4 門票 £4鎊?

?Do not touch the exhibits/objects 勿觸摸展品/物品 ?

?Exhibition opening times: 開館時(shí)間: ?

?Extended opening hours during August 八月延長開放時(shí)間。?

?Flash photograph is not permitted 不準(zhǔn)用閃光燈拍照。?

?Forthcoming exhibitions 即將展出?

?Open 10:30am - 6:00pm every day throughout the year 全年每天10:3:00am - 6:00pm 開放。?

?Open 7 days a week 每周7天開放?

?Photography and video are not permitted inside the building 樓內(nèi)不許拍照錄像。?

?Ticket office 售票處 ?

?Unemployed, disabled, students and children free 失業(yè)者,殘疾人,學(xué)生和兒童免費(fèi)。? ?

With access all day 全天開放?

?XVIII.Others 其它方面? ?

Bicycle hire 出租自行車 ?

?Call now to book and to claim your free colour brochure. 現(xiàn)在打電話預(yù)定,索取免費(fèi)彩色 ?介紹資料。?

?Call … to book 打電話……預(yù)定?

?Contact us at email: 同我們聯(lián)系請(qǐng)發(fā)電子郵件: ?

?Cycle hire 自行車出租?

nihaota 發(fā)表于 2022/9/28 5:31:07
當(dāng)前查看此主題的會(huì)員: 1 人。其中注冊用戶 0 人,訪客 1 人。

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