這個爸爸專拍女兒命懸一線的危險瞬間 原因令人感動!
發(fā)起人:eging4  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):3244  最后更新:2022/9/28 20:47:09 by nihaota

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eging4 發(fā)表于 2017/4/18 10:05:58
這個爸爸專拍女兒命懸一線的危險瞬間 原因令人感動!
A proud father has terrified parents woldwide by sharing photos of his baby daughter in death-defying situations.


Stephen Crowley, 32 from Dublin, Ireland, shares photos of his 18-month-old daughter Hannah in very precarious positions, sitting on vertiginous bridges, climbing up ladders and armed with sharp knifes - and all apparently unsupervised.


Hannah, the star of her father's photography, has a very rare immune disorder called Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH).


Little Hannah spent a full six months of her first year of life in hospital, receiving chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant, which her father said is the only possible cure for the disease.


HLH is a life-threatening condition in which immune cells do not work properly and therefore fail to destroy infected or damaged cells as they should. This overstimulates the immune system which can then damage the patient's own tissues and organs, including the bone marrow, the liver and the brain.


'My daughter was very ill and spent from 4-months-old to 10-months-old in hospital, ultimately receiving a bone marrow transplant,' said dad Stephen Crowley. Of 27 million worldwide donors, three were deemed suitable, and an anonymous German lady donated.


'Because we missed out on so much normal stuff that first year, we take tons of photos now that we're able to do normal things out of isolation,' Mr Crowley said. 'She is doing much better now, in and out of hospital, but she's lots of fun, always smiling, and has a great sense of humor given what she's been through so far.'


'I work as a designer, so thought it would be fun to worry family by putting someone delicate in precarious situations. Most of the reactions have been positive, with the odd person not getting the joke and commenting I 'should be shot', 'he said.


nihaota 發(fā)表于 2022/9/28 20:47:10
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