發(fā)起人:eging4  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):6071  最后更新:2022/9/28 20:51:00 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2017/4/14 12:15:20

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):2103
A video showing a passenger being dragged off a United Airlines flight at Chicago O’Hare international airport has caused outrage at home and abroad. In China commentators on social media sites including Weibo have expressed particular anger according the the Associated Press.


Indeed this is OUTRAGEOUS. I'm not EVER going to fly United. Pricks. Literally DRAG a passenger off a plane to make room for '4 crew members'. Nope.


@Fall Guy - When this is done United will be no more. So far more than 5 million posts from around the world have condemned this action as brutal assault and battery depraved indifference and straight up racial discrimination. I hope this louse airline goes out of business. As Trump says Drain the Swamp well in this case United can go right down the old porcelain throne and into the sewer for recycling.

@Fall Guy - 這樣做之后后美聯(lián)航玩完啦。目前已有來(lái)自世界各地的500多萬(wàn)個(gè)帖子譴責(zé)這種野蠻的毆打,惡意的冷漠以及明晃晃的種族歧視行為。我希望這個(gè)卑鄙的航空公司停業(yè)。正如特朗普所說(shuō)的排干沼澤(川普競(jìng)選期間的一個(gè)口號(hào),意即要趕走害人蟲(chóng),根除腐敗的特權(quán)階級(jí)的影響),放這里就是美聯(lián)航可以從古老的瓷器王座上滾下來(lái)進(jìn)水道進(jìn)行回收了。

China should not allow United to fly to China. We must boycott United and hurt their bottom line This will send a strong message to them and others that they cannot just push their citizens of Chinese heritage around with impunity. This incident came at the heel of the French incident where the police killed a man of Chinese decent without cause. That incident was not even reported by mainstream media here in North America. The French swept the whole incident under the carpet. I am of Chinese decent and law-abiding. I remember the time when such #$%$ was frequent. I though those days were over. Is this a trend to bash people of Chinese decent? Mad


United policies do not spell out how to sext passengers to booted off as "excess baggage." This team picked a young couple and an old Asian couple. They probably thought they would be compliant. Proud of this doctor for standing up to them. The 4 United employees did not need to be in Louisville till the next day so they should have been "reaccommodated" instead of the paying customers. Boycott United!


2022/9/28 20:51:02

角  色:普通會(huì)員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):10863
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