發(fā)起人:eging3  回復數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):5058  最后更新:2022/9/28 3:36:38 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2017/6/9 11:18:09

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):1914
經(jīng)濟制裁 economic sanction

經(jīng)營自主權(quán) autonomy in management

景氣回升 recovery in business activity

境外投資 overseas investment

競爭加劇 intensifying competition

局部性金融風波 localized (isolated) financial disturbance

開辦人民幣業(yè)務(wù) to engage in RMB business

可維持(可持續(xù))經(jīng)濟增長 sustainable economic growth

可變成本 variable cost

可自由兌換貨幣 freely convertible currency

控制現(xiàn)金投放 control currency issuance

扣除物價因素 in real terms;on inflation-adjusted basis

庫存產(chǎn)品 inventory

跨國銀行業(yè)務(wù) cross-border banking

跨年度采購 cross-year procurement

來料加工 processing of imported materials for export )

離岸銀行業(yè)務(wù) off-shore banking(business)

理順外貿(mào)體制 to rationalize foreign trade regime

利率杠桿的調(diào)節(jié)作用 the role of interest rates in resource allocation

利潤驅(qū)動 profit-driven ;

利息回收率 interest collection ratio

聯(lián)行清算 inter-bank settlement

連鎖企業(yè) franchise(businesses);chain businesses

良性循環(huán) virtuous cycle

兩極分化 growing income disparity;polarization in income distribution

零售物價指數(shù) retail price index(RPI)

流動性比例 liquidity ratio

流動資產(chǎn)周轉(zhuǎn)率/流通速度 velocity of liquid assets

流動資金貸款 working capital loans

流通體制 distribution system

流通網(wǎng)絡(luò) distribution network

留購(租賃期滿時承租人可購買租賃物) hire purchase

壟斷行業(yè) monopolized industry(sector)

亂集資 irregular(illegal)fund raising )

亂收費 irregular(illegal)charges

亂攤派 unjustified(arbitrary)levies

買方市場 buyer's market

賣方市場 seller's market

賣出回購證券 matched sale of repo

貿(mào)易差額 trade balance

民間信用 non-institutionalized credit

免二減三 exemption of income tax for the first two years of making profit and 50% tax reduction for the following three years

明補 explicit subsidy

明虧 explicit loss

名牌產(chǎn)品 brand products

母國(請見“東道國”) home country

內(nèi)部控制 internal control

內(nèi)部審計 internal audit

內(nèi)地與香港 the mainland and Hong Kong

內(nèi)債 domestic debt

扭虧為盈 to turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one

扭曲金融分配 distorted allocation of financial resources

農(nóng)副產(chǎn)品采購支出 outlays for agricultural procurement

農(nóng)村信用社 rural credit cooperatives (RCCs)

泡沫效應(yīng) bubble effect

泡沫經(jīng)濟 bubble economy

培育新的經(jīng)濟增長點 to tap new sources of economic growth

片面追求發(fā)展速度 excessive pursuit of growth

平衡發(fā)展 balanced development

瓶頸制約 bottleneck (constraints)

平穩(wěn)回升 steady recovery

鋪底流動資金 initial (start-up) working capital

普遍回升 broad-based recovery

配套改革 concomitant (supporting) reforms

配套人民幣資金 local currency funding of…

企業(yè)辦社會 enterprises burdened with social responsibilities

企業(yè)集團戰(zhàn)略 corporate group strategy

企業(yè)兼并重組 company merger and restructuring

企業(yè)領(lǐng)導班子 enterprise management

企業(yè)所得稅 enterprise (corporate) income tax

企業(yè)效益 corporate profitability

企業(yè)資金違規(guī)流入股市 irregular flow of enterprise funds into the stock market

欠稅 tax arrears

欠息 overdue interest

強化稅收征管 to strengthen tax administration

強制措施 enforcement action

翹尾因素 carryover effect

切一刀 partial application

清理收回貸款 clean up and recover loans

(破產(chǎn))清算 liquidation

傾斜政策 preferential policy

區(qū)別對待 differential treatment

趨勢加強 intensifying trend

全球化 globalization

權(quán)益回報率 returns on equity (ROE)

缺乏后勁 unsustainable momentum

繞規(guī)模貸款 to circumvent credit ceiling
專業(yè)翻譯公司 http://www.shufeiwangluo.com

[eging3 于 2017-6-9 11:21:47 編輯過] 格式出現(xiàn)問題 
2022/9/28 3:36:40

角  色:普通會員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):10863
當前查看此主題的會員: 1 人。其中注冊用戶 0 人,訪客 1 人。

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