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2018/1/15 8:40:09

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):3730








Illinois kidnap case  

  University of Illinois police are asking the public's help to find a visiting scholar from China who has been missing from the Urbana-Champaign campus since Friday.


  The FBI is investigating the disappearance of Yingying Zhang as a kidnapping.


  Christensen, 28, was arrested on Friday in connection with Zhang's disappearance. He did not speak during a hearing at a federal courthouse in Urbana city, the U.S. state of Illinois. If convicted of the federal kidnapping charge, Christensen faces up to life in prison.


  A prosecutor described Christensen's alleged comments in which he spoke about what makes an "ideal victim" at his second court hearing Wednesday. Prosecutors also told the court that Christensen was recorded allegedly describing how Zhang "fought and resisted" during her abduction.


  Christensen is being held without bond after the June kidnapping.



visiting scholar  訪問學(xué)者
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)  美國聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局
kidnap  綁架
hearing  聽力;審訊
courthouse  法院
alleged  所謂的;被斷言的
abduction  誘拐,綁架
bond  契約;聯(lián)結(jié);債券;保證金

 ?。ㄓ⑽膩碓矗篶hicagotribune、CBS News)

UK snap/early general election  

  UK Prime Minister Theresa May has called a snap general election for 8 June, taking the country by surprise.


  The previous election was in 2015, so another was not due until 2020.


  May is on Wednesday met Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace to officially inform her of the dissolution of Parliament. Under the British law, the Parliament must be dissolved at least 25 working days before a general election.


  The U.K. general election ended Friday in a "hung parliament," where no single party holds a majority. With 646 seats out of 650 declared, May's Conservative Party has won 315 seats, making it impossible for the ruling party to keep its majority in parliament.


  Following the result, May has confirmed she is seeking a coalition with the Democratic Unionist Party.



a snap general election  提前大選
Buckingham Palace  白金漢宮
dissolution  解散;解除;溶解
hung parliament  懸浮議會
the Conservative Party  保守黨
the ruling party  執(zhí)政黨
coalition  聯(lián)合,聯(lián)盟
the Democratic UnionistParty  民主統(tǒng)一黨

 ?。ㄓ⑽膩碓矗築BC, HowTrend, Fox Business)


Ke Jie against AlphaGo  

  In the first of several games being held in China this week, a revamped AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie, a Chinese grandmaster who currently ranks as the game's number one player.


  AlphaGo has again defeated Ke Jie in their second and third games. Besides demonstrating the software's mastery over the abstract and intuitive board game, the contest reveals how the machine-learning techniques that underpin AlphaGo are developing.


  "Huge respect to Ke Jie for pushing AlphaGo to its limits," said Demis Hassabis, cofounder and CEO of DeepMind. "I see AlphaGo as a tool for Go players and the Go community to explore the truth of Go, and to find out more."

  “我十分敬佩柯潔,他推動著AlphaGo不斷突破極限,”DeepMind公司聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼CEO戴密斯·哈薩比斯表示,“我把AlphaGo看作棋手和圍棋界的工具,從而探尋圍棋的真諦,并探索其他可能?!?br />

Go 圍棋
revamp  修改,改進(jìn)
grandmaster  象棋大師,大師
mastery  掌握,精通
intuitive  直覺的
underpin  支撐,作為…的基礎(chǔ)
collaborate  合作
devise  設(shè)計(jì),構(gòu)思
push...to one's limit  使突破極限;使忍無可忍

 ?。ㄓ⑽膩碓矗篗IT Technology Review;略有刪改)

Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation  

  The Belt and Road Forum concluded in Beijing on Monday, with delegates from around the world pledging to revive the Silk Road. Xi also announced Beijing's second Belt and Road forum to be held in 2019.


  The forum started with President Xi Jinping announcing massive investment plans, and wrapped up with major deals signed among the 1500 delegates from over 130 countries, all looking to boost trade and connectivity.


  President Xi Jinping put the focus on inclusiveness and free trade. The Belt and Road Initiative "does not exclude or target any party," Xi told the summit where he spoke of the myriad challenges the world faces: sluggish trade and investment, wobbling economic globalization, increasingly uneven development, impact from the massive flow of refugees and migrants, as well as wars, conflicts and terrorism.


  By any standard, the forum is the most prestigious international gathering China has ever launched and one of the highest-level assemblies in the world.



conclude / wrap up  結(jié)束,閉幕
revive  復(fù)興,重振
myriad  眾多,無數(shù)
wobbling  搖晃的,蹣跚的
inclusiveness  包容,包容性
gathering / assembly  集會
high-level  高級別

 ?。ㄓ⑽膩碓矗篨inhuanet, CGTN)

domestically built large passenger jet

  China's first domestically built large passenger jet C919 successfully took off for its maiden flight at 2:00 p.m. on Friday from Shanghai Pudong International Airport. C919, with 158 seats and a standard range of 4,075 kilometers, is expected to compete with the updated Airbus 320 and Boeing's new generation 737.


  The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) will seek airworthiness certificates from the Civil Aviation Administration of China and foreign aviation safety regulators before making its first deliveries.


  Also, to pave way for C919 to enter foreign markets, the airworthiness certification of the jet will be a part of bilateral air safety agreement talks between China and the EU.


  China has invested heavily in commercial passenger jet manufacturing. In 2007, plans to develop a domestic large passenger jet were approved by the State Council. In November 2015, the first C919 jet rolled off the assembly line.



passenger jet  客機(jī)
range  航程
maiden flight  首飛
airworthiness certificate  適航證
air / aviation safety  航空安全
pave way for  為…鋪平道路
assembly line  裝配線


French presidential election  

  Emmanuel Macron, a youthful former investment banker, handily won France's presidential election on Sunday, defeating the staunch nationalist Marine Le Pen after voters firmly rejected her far-right message and backed his call for centrist change.


  Mr. Macron's victory offered significant relief to the European Union, which Ms. Le Pen had threatened to leave. His platform to loosen labor rules, make France more competitive globally and deepen ties with the European Union is also likely to reassure a global financial market that was jittery at the prospect of a Le Pen victory.


  But the election results showed that many people chose not to vote for either candidate, signaling skepticism about his project. And Mr. Macron quickly made clear that he understood the magnitude of the task before him after an often angry campaign. "It is my responsibility to hear and protect the most fragile," he said.

  但選舉結(jié)果顯示,許多人選擇放棄投票,表示對馬克龍的計(jì)劃仍心存疑慮。馬克龍隨即表明,經(jīng)歷了一場充斥著憤怒的競選活動后,他理解了自己所面臨的任務(wù)是多么艱巨。他說道:“聆聽并保護(hù)最弱勢的群體是我的責(zé)任?!?br />

handily  輕易地,靈巧地
staunch  忠實(shí)的,堅(jiān)定的(擁護(hù)或支持)
centrist  中間派,中立派
offer relief to  使寬慰
platform  施政綱領(lǐng);平臺;站臺
jittery at  緊張不安的
prospect  可能性;前景;前途
magnitude  重要性;廣度;地震震級
the fragile  弱勢群體

 ?。ㄓ⑽膩碓矗篢he New York Times)

South Korean presidential election  

  South Korean liberal politician Moon Jae In has won the country's presidential election on Tuesday, ending a decade of conservative rule and potentially reshaping the country's policy toward North Korea.


  As a student in the 1970s, Moon was arrested and imprisoned for protesting Park's father Park Chung Hee. He went on to become human-rights lawyer, served as chief of staff for former liberal president Roh Moo Hyun, and narrowly lost his own election to Park in the 2012.


  In light of the scandal with the former president, Moon was seen as a clean candidate who would end corruption and revitalize South Korea's sluggish economy. Moon's plan to fight corruption centered on reining in what South Koreans called chaebol, family-controlled corporations suspected of forging shady deals with the government.


  Rising unemployment among the country's youth was also major issue. Moon pledged to put forth a stimulus plan that would create more than 800,000 public positions.



narrowly lost  惜敗
in light of  鑒于
serve as  擔(dān)任…,充當(dāng)…;起…的作用
revitalize  重振
sluggish  低迷的,緩慢的
rein in  控制
chaebol  韓國大企業(yè),韓國財(cái)閥
shady deal  不正當(dāng)交易
put forth  推出
family-controlled corporation  家族企業(yè)
stimulus plan  刺激計(jì)劃,刺激方案

 ?。ㄓ⑽膩碓矗篢he Atlantic)


domestically built aircraft carrier  

  China launched its second aircraft carrier Wednesday morning. The new carrier, the first developed and built by China, was transferred from a dry dock into water at a launch ceremony starting at about 9 a.m. in the Dalian shipyard of the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.


  It came after the Liaoning, a refitted Soviet Union-made carrier put into commission in the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy in 2012. China began building its second carrier in November 2013, with dock construction starting in March 2015.


  The main body of the carrier has been completed, with equipment of major systems including propulsion and electricity installed. Putting the carrier into water marks significant progress in China's efforts to design and build a domestic aircraft carrier.


  After the launch, the new carrier will undergo equipment debugging, outfitting and mooring trials.



aircraft carrier  航空母艦
dry dock  干船塢
refit  改裝,整修
put into commission  (軍艦等)編入現(xiàn)役
propulsion  推力;推動器
debug  調(diào)試
outfit  舾裝(泛指在船舶各個(gè)生產(chǎn)階段的安裝工程)
mooring trial  系泊試驗(yàn)


Tianzhou 1  

  China on Thursday launched its first unmanned cargo spacecraft on a mission to dock with the country's space station, marking further progress in the ambitious Chinese space program.


  The Tianzhou 1 blasted off at 7:41 p.m. (1141 GMT) atop a latest-generation Long March 7 rocket from China's newest spacecraft launch site, Wenchang, on the province of Hainan.


  Minutes later, as the spacecraft cleared the atmosphere, the mission was declared a success by administrators at ground control on the outskirts of Beijing.


  It is programmed to conduct scientific experiments after reaching the now-crewless Tiangong 2, China's second space station. A pair of Chinese astronauts spent 30 days on board the station last year.



cargo spacecraft  貨運(yùn)飛船
dock with… 與…對接
make further progress  取得進(jìn)步
blast off  發(fā)射升空,點(diǎn)火起飛
Long March 7  長征七號
spacecraft launch site  航天發(fā)射場
on the outskirts of…  在…的外面/郊區(qū)
Tiangong 2  天宮二號
space station  空間站,太空站
on board  在(船、飛機(jī)、火車等)上


United Airlines incident  

  In the disturbing scene filmed by United Airlines passengers on April 9th on an overbooked flight, an Asian doctor who refused to be bumped from a plane screamed as a security officer wrestled him out of his seat and dragged him down the aisle by his arms.


  For United and its CEO, Mr. Munoz, the videos have turned into a PR crisis. United drew quick criticism and threat of boycott for its initial response to the incident, with many people calling it tone deaf after Mr. Munoz only apologized for having to "re-accommodate these customers".


  David Dao, the doctor who was seen being dragged off a United Airlines jet this month, has reached a settlement with the airline for an undisclosed amount, his lawyers said on Thursday.


  Later on, United announced several steps to prevent such episodes from recurring. The airline said it would create a new check-in process that would allow passengers to volunteer to give up their seats for compensation, and increased the limit of that compensation to $10,000 from $1,350.



overbook  超額預(yù)訂
security officer  安保人員
tone deaf  音盲;(講話、表態(tài)等)索然無味
imbroglio  糾葛;混亂狀態(tài)
wipe out  消滅;擦除
market value  市值
reach a settlement  達(dá)成和解
undisclosed  保密的;未公開的
episode  事件;插曲;集;
recur  重現(xiàn),再次發(fā)生
compensation  補(bǔ)償;薪酬


In the Name of the People  

  In the Name of The People, which cost some 120 million yuan to produce, features well-known actors like Lu Yi and Zhang Fengyi. The show is the first drama series to feature high-level government corruption as a central theme since 2004.


  The message is to convey that China is “a country of the people, all power belongs to the people,” the narrator says in the show's previews.

  這部劇想要傳達(dá)的信息正如預(yù)告片中所說:“我們是人民當(dāng)家作主的國家,一切權(quán)力屬于人民?!?br />
  And there's more to come, since In the Name of People is just the first of five anti-graft dramas the Procuratorate's broadcast department has been producing.


  The term "main theme" is often used to refer to productions, including films and television series, that feature overarching themes with government policies. The production and broadcasting of In the Name of The People on prime-time screens, therefore, reflects Beijing's growing confidence that it is able to win the battle against corruption.



preview  預(yù)告片
anti-graft drama  反貪劇
overarching theme  貫穿始終的主題
main theme  主旋律
prime-time  黃金時(shí)段
win the battle against corruption  贏得反腐斗爭

 ?。ㄓ⑽膩碓矗篞uartz, CNBC)


loan shark killing case  

  The moneylending case in which a man in Liaocheng, eastern China, killed a thug who insulted his mother has attracted nationwide attention--so much that the Supreme People's Procuratorate has decided to investigate.


  The Shandong Provincial High People's Court on Friday overturned the life imprisonment sentence imposed by a lower court in February, ruling that when defendant Yu Huan attacked four men with a knife in April 2016, he was "stopping an unlawful attack." But, the court said, Yu did not face an "urgent or serious" situation, and therefore his self-defense was "obviously over the necessary limit."


  The court sentenced Yu Huan to five years in prison on the charge of intentional injury caused by excessive force in defense.



the Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民檢察院
overturn  傾覆,推翻
life imprisonment  無期徒刑
lower court  地方法院,初級法院
defendant  被告
prosecutor  原告,公訴人,起訴人,檢察官
unlawful  非法的
self-defense  自衛(wèi)
justifiable defense  正當(dāng)防衛(wèi)
excessive defense  防衛(wèi)過當(dāng)
intentional injury  故意傷害
on the charge of  以…的罪名

 ?。ㄓ⑽膩碓矗涵h(huán)球時(shí)報(bào)、Sixth Tone)

two sessions  

  The fifth session of the 12th National People's Congress (NPC), and the fifth session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, opened on March 5 and March 3, respectively.


  The annual sessions of the top legislature and top political advisory body are among the most important political events for the world's second largest economy.


  The NPC is the highest body of state power, enabling the Chinese people to exercise their power as "the master of state." New state leaders will be elected at the NPC session in March 2018 after the 19th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress elects a new Party leadership later this year.


  This year's two sessions are the first since Xi was endorsed as the core of the CPC Central Committee last October.


  The 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) concluded its annual session Monday.


  The meeting approved a draft resolution on the work report of the Standing Committee of the 12th CPPCC National Committee over the past year, a draft report on the proposals submitted by CPPCC National Committee members to the annual session this year, as well as the draft political resolution of the annual session.


  The National People's Congress (NPC) concluded its annual session Wednesday morning.


  The closing meeting approved the government work report, the work report of the NPC Standing Committee, the work report of the Supreme People's Court and the work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate.


  Lawmakers also approved the General Provisions of the Civil Law, the decision on the quota and election of deputies to the 13th NPC, and the methods for electing deputies to the 13th NPC from Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions.


  Other documents approved by the lawmakers included the 2017 national economic and social development plan, and the 2017 central and local budgets.



make headlines 占據(jù)頭條,上頭條,廣為宣揚(yáng)
be expected to 有望,預(yù)計(jì),被期待…
take the spotlight 大顯身手,引人注目,備受矚目
gathering  集會,聚會,收款
global influence  全球影響力
two sessions  兩會
the National People's Congress (NPC) 全國人民代表大會
the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference  中國人民政治協(xié)商會議全國委員會
top legislature 最高立法機(jī)構(gòu)
top political advisory body 最高政治協(xié)商機(jī)構(gòu)
state power  國家權(quán)力
exercise the power  行駛職權(quán)/權(quán)力
the master of state  當(dāng)家作主
state leader 國家領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人
the Communist Party of China (CPC) 中國共產(chǎn)黨
draft resolution  決議草案
political resolution  政治決議
standing committee  常務(wù)委員會
closing meeting  閉幕會議
Supreme People's Court  最高人民法院
Supreme People's Procuratorate  最高人民檢察院
quota  配額,限額
special administrative region  特別行政區(qū)


boycott against Lotte  

  On Tuesday, Lotte, one of South Korea's leading entertainment groups, agreed to provide a piece of land that the government in Seoul wants to use for the deployment of an American-made missile system known as THAAD. China strongly opposes the deployment of THAAD and had warned Lotte that its collaboration would have consequences.


  Shortly after Lotte announced its decision to turn over the land, its Chinese website, Lotte.cn, suddenly became unavailable. Lotte said in a statement that its website had been the victim of a virus planted by hackers. The same day, Chinese e-commerce site JD.com removed the Lotte shopping site from its platform.


  Construction of a huge Lotte shopping and entertainment complex in the northern Chinese city of Shenyang had already been halted. Fire-safety regulations have been given as the explanation.


  While retaliation by the Chinese government is hard to prove, the state-run Xinhua news agency warned in an opinion piece that "the decision could turn into a nightmare for Lotte, which depends heavily on Chinese tourists to South Korea for revenue from duty-free stores."



deployment  部署,調(diào)度
THAAD(Terminal High Altitude Area Defense)“薩德”反導(dǎo)系統(tǒng)(全稱:末段高空區(qū)域防御系統(tǒng))
turn over  移交;翻身;(使)發(fā)動
retaliation  報(bào)復(fù),反擊
opinion piece  評論文章
duty-free store  免稅店



Chinese Poetry Conference  

  A 16-year-old high school girl has recently shot to national fame. Although she might not be a pop star or a movie star, Wu Yishu, from east China's Shanghai, has grabbed the public's attention for her broad knowledge of classical Chinese poetry.


  During a poetry reciting contest held by China Central Television (CCTV), Wu Yishu defeated a PhD student from Peking University to win the fourth round of the championship, before going on to grab the seasonal crown of the event.


  The contest, dubbed the "Chinese Poetry Conference," has become a dark horse in terms of popularity after being aired during the Spring Festival holiday. It has emerged from a sea of vibrant variety shows, glittering galas and dazzling celebrations that have filled Chinese television screens, to become a trending topic on Sina Weibo as well as a must-watch event.



shoot to national fame 舉國聞名
grab attention 吸引注意力,引起關(guān)注
broad knowledge 淵博的知識
Chinese Poetry 中國詩詞
Spring Festival 春節(jié)
dark horse 出乎意料的獲勝者,黑馬
trending topic 熱門話題



Trump's inauguration  

  After more than a year of campaigning, 26 primary and general election debates, and countless press conferences, attack ads, victory speeches, public apologies, and early morning Twitter rants, Donald Trump's inauguration is here.


  On Friday, January 20, Trump will officially be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.


  Event planners are estimating that 900,000 people will attend Trump's swearing-in ceremony and the ensuing parade - about half the turnout of President Barack Obama's record-holding 2008 inauguration ceremony. There's also a growing boycott among congressional Democrats; more than 50 lawmakers have said they will not attend Friday's ceremonies.


  Donald Trump has promised that his inauguration will "very, very special, very beautiful." By one measure, the event will definitely be as "bigly" as Mr. Trump envisions, given his inaugural committee has raised a record $90 million in private donations to help cover the tab.



primary election 初選
general election 普選
press conference 新聞發(fā)布會
attack ads(公開抨擊對手的)攻擊性商業(yè)廣告;攻擊性政治宣傳;攻擊性言論
victory speech 勝選演說
public apology 公開致歉
swearing-in 宣誓就職;就職儀式
turnout 出席者;參加人數(shù);產(chǎn)量

 ?。ㄓ⑽膩碓矗篤ox, CBS)

hard Brexit  

  Theresa May unveiled her 12-point plan for Brexit in a major speech at London's grand Lancaster House on Tuesday 18 January.


  She will invoke Article 50, triggering a two-year exit, in just two months - and Labour has long demanded she reveal her plan.


  The Prime Minister signalled a “clean break” with the EU, including leaving the lucrative single market.


  In language that indicated a "hard Brexit", May confirmed that Britain would leave the EU single market, which guarantees the free movement of goods, services and people within the bloc. The Prime Minister made it clear that her fundamental aim was regain full control of immigration and lawmaking -- and that leaving the single market was the inevitable consequence.



Article 50 《里斯本條約》第50條
Labour 工黨
clean break 一刀兩斷
hard Brexit 硬脫歐
single market 單一市場
fundamental aim 根本目的
full control of 完全控制
inevitable consequence 必然結(jié)果

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