發(fā)起人:eging2  回復數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):7357  最后更新:2022/9/28 4:41:36 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2015/12/16 12:23:58

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):1468
3-jaws indexing spacers 三爪、分割工具頭

a.t.c.system 加工中心機刀庫

aluminum continuous melting & holding furnaces 連續(xù)溶解保溫爐

balancing equipment 平衡設(shè)備

bayonet 卡口

bearing fittings 軸承配件

bearing processing equipment 軸承加工機

bearings 軸承

belt drive 帶傳動

bending machines 彎曲機

blades 刀片

blades,saw 鋸片

bolts,screws & nuts 螺栓,螺帽及螺絲

boring heads 搪孔頭

boring machines 鏜床

cable making tools 造線機

casting,aluminium 鑄鋁

casting,copper 鑄銅

casting,gray iron 鑄灰口鐵

casting,malleable iron 可鍛鑄鐵

casting,other 其他鑄造

casting,steel 鑄鋼

chain drive 鏈傳動

chain making tools 造鏈機

chamfer machines 倒角機

chucks 夾盤

clamping/holding systems 夾具/支持系統(tǒng)

cnc bending presses 電腦數(shù)控彎折機

cnc boring machines 電腦數(shù)控鏜床

cnc drilling machines 電腦數(shù)控鉆床

cnc edm wire-cutting machines 電腦數(shù)控電火花線切削機

cnc electric discharge machines 電腦數(shù)控電火花機

cnc engraving machines 電腦數(shù)控雕刻機

cnc grinding machines 電腦數(shù)控磨床

cnc lathes 電腦數(shù)控車床

cnc machine tool fittings 電腦數(shù)控機床配件

cnc milling machines 電腦數(shù)控銑床

cnc shearing machines 電腦數(shù)控剪切機

cnc toolings cnc刀桿

cnc wire-cutting machines 電腦數(shù)控線切削機

conveying chains 輸送鏈

coolers 冷卻機

coupling 聯(lián)軸器

crimping tools 卷邊工具

cutters 刀具

cutting-off machines 切斷機

diamond cutters 鉆石刀具

dicing saws 晶圓切割機

die casting dies 壓鑄沖模

die casting machines 壓鑄機

dies-progressive 連續(xù)沖模

disposable toolholder bits 舍棄式刀頭

drawing machines 拔絲機

drilling machines 鉆床

drilling machines bench 鉆床工作臺

drilling machines,high-speed 高速鉆床

drilling machines,multi-spindle 多軸鉆床

drilling machines,radial 搖臂鉆床

drilling machines,vertical 立式鉆床

drills 鉆頭

electric discharge machines(edm) 電火花機

electric power tools 電動刀具

engraving machines 雕刻機

engraving machines,laser 激光雕刻機

etching machines 蝕刻機

finishing machines 修整機

fixture 夾具

forging dies 鍛模

forging,aluminium 鍛鋁

forging,cold 冷鍛

forging,copper 銅鍛

forging,other 其他鍛造

forging,steel 鋼鍛

foundry equipment 鑄造設(shè)備

gear cutting machines 齒輪切削機

gears 齒輪

gravity casting machines 重力鑄造機

grinder bench 磨床工作臺

grinders,thread 螺紋磨床

grinders,tools & cutters 工具磨床

grinders,ultrasonic 超聲波打磨機

grinding machines 磨床

grinding machines,centerless 無心磨床

grinding machines,cylindrical 外圓磨床

grinding machines,universal 萬能磨床

grinding tools 磨削工具

grinding wheels 磨輪

hand tools 手工具

hard/soft and free expansion sheet making plant 硬(軟)板(片)材及自由發(fā)泡板機組

heat preserving furnaces 保溫爐

heating treatment funaces 熔熱處理爐

honing machines 搪磨機

hydraulic components 液壓元件

hydraulic power tools 液壓工具

hydraulic power units 液壓動力元件

hydraulic rotary cylinders 液壓回轉(zhuǎn)缸

jigs 鉆模

lapping machines 精研機

lapping machines,centerless 無心精研機

laser cutting 激光切割

laser cutting for smt stensil 激光鋼板切割機

lathe bench 車床工作臺

lathes,automatic 自動車床

lathes,heavy-duty 重型車床

lathes,high-speed 高速車床

lathes,turret 六角車床

lathes,vertical 立式車床

lubricants 潤滑液

lubrication systems 潤滑系統(tǒng)

lubricators 注油機

machining centers,general 通用加工中心

machining centers,horizontal 臥式加工中心

machining centers,horizontal & vertical 臥式及立式加工中心

machining centers,vertical 立式加工中心

machining centers,vertical double-column type 立式雙柱加工中心

magnetic tools 磁性工具

manifolds 集合管

milling heads 銑頭

milling machines 銑床

milling machines,bed type 床身式銑床

milling machines,duplicating 仿形銑床

milling machines,horizontal 臥式銑床

milling machines,turret vertical 六角立式銑床

milling machines,universal 萬能銑床

milling machines,vertical 立式銑床

milling machines,vertical & horizontal 立式及臥式銑床

mold & die components 模具單元

mold changing systems 換模系統(tǒng)

mold core 模芯

mold heaters/chillers 模具加熱器/冷卻器

mold polishing/texturing 模具打磨/磨紋

mold repair 模具維修

molds 模具

nail making machines 造釘機

oil coolers 油冷卻器

overflow cutting machines for aluminium wheels 鋁輪冒口切斷機

p type pvc waterproof rolled sheet making plant p型pvc高分子防水

pcb fine piecing systems 印刷電器板油壓沖孔脫料系統(tǒng)

pipe & tube making machines 管筒制造機

planing machines 刨床

planing machines vertical 立式刨床

pneumatic hydraulic clamps 氣油壓虎鉗

pneumatic power tools 氣動工具

powder metallurgic forming machines 粉末冶金成型機

presses,cold forging 冷鍛沖壓機

presses,crank 曲柄壓力機

presses,eccentric 離心壓力機

presses,forging 鍛壓機

presses,hydraulic 液壓沖床

presses,knuckle joint 肘桿式壓力機

presses,pneumatic 氣動沖床

presses,servo 伺服沖床

presses,transfer 自動壓力機

pressing dies 壓模

punch formers 沖子研磨器

quick die change systems 速換模系統(tǒng)

quick mold change systems 快速換模系統(tǒng)

reverberatory furnaces 反射爐

rollers 滾筒

rolling machines 輾壓機

rotary tables 轉(zhuǎn)臺

sawing machines 鋸床

sawing machines,band 帶鋸床

saws,band 帶鋸

saws,hack 弓鋸

saws,horizontal band 臥式帶鋸

saws,vertical band 立式帶鋸

shafts 軸

shapers 牛頭刨床

shearing machines 剪切機

sheet metal forming machines 金屬板成型機

sheet metal working machines 金屬板加工機

slotting machines 插床

spindles 主軸

stamping parts 沖壓機

straightening machines 矯直機

switches & buttons 開關(guān)及按鈕

tapping machines 攻螺絲機

transmitted chains 傳動鏈

tube bending machines 彎管機

vertical hydraulic broaching machine 立式油壓拉床

vises 虎鉗

vises,tool-maker 精密平口鉗

wheel dressers 砂輪修整器

woven-cutting machines 織麥激光切割機

wrenches 扳手

鋁輪冒口切斷機 overflow cutting machines for aluminium wheels

離心壓力機 presses,eccentric

六角立式銑床 milling machines,turret vertical

六角車床 lathes,turret

螺栓,螺帽及螺絲 bolts,screws & nuts

螺紋磨床 grinders,thread

冷卻機 coolers

冷鍛 forging,cold

冷鍛沖壓機 presses,cold forging

立式雙柱加工中心 machining centers,vertical double-column type

立式銑床 milling machines,vertical

立式油壓拉床 vertical hydraulic broaching machine

立式刨床 planing machines vertical

立式車床 lathes,vertical

立式帶鋸 saws,vertical band

立式加工中心 machining centers,vertical

立式及臥式銑床 milling machines,vertical & horizontal

立式鉆床 drilling machines,vertical

聯(lián)軸器 coupling

連續(xù)溶解保溫爐 aluminum continuous melting & holding furnaces

連續(xù)沖模 dies-progressive

鏈傳動 chain drive

切斷機 cutting-off machines

cnc刀桿 cnc toolings

曲柄壓力機 presses,crank

修整機 finishing machines

舍棄式刀頭 disposable toolholder bits

潤滑系統(tǒng) lubrication systems

潤滑液 lubricants

熔熱處理爐 heating treatment funaces

三爪、分割工具頭 3-jaws indexing spacers

伺服沖床 presses,servo

輸送鏈 conveying chains

手工具 hand tools

砂輪修整器 wheel dressers

蝕刻機 etching machines

外圓磨床 grinding machines,cylindrical

搪磨機 honing machines

搪孔頭 boring heads

臥式銑床 milling machines,horizontal

臥式帶鋸 saws,horizontal band

臥式加工中心 machining centers,horizontal

臥式及立式加工中心 machining centers,horizontal & vertical

萬能銑床 milling machines,universal

萬能磨床 grinding machines,universal

鏜床 boring machines

彎曲機 bending machines

彎管機 tube bending machines

通用加工中心 machining centers,general

銅鍛 forging,copper

銑頭 milling heads

銑床 milling machines

無心磨床 grinding machines,centerless

無心精研機 lapping machines,centerless

壓模 pressing dies

壓鑄沖模 die casting dies

壓鑄機 die casting machines

油冷卻器 oil coolers

造鏈機 chain making tools

造線機 cable making tools

造釘機 nail making machines

印刷電器板油壓沖孔脫料系統(tǒng) pcb fine piecing systems

搖臂鉆床 drilling machines,radial

硬(軟)板(片)材及自由發(fā)泡板機組 hard/soft and free expansion sheet making plant

輾壓機 rolling machines

液壓元件 hydraulic components

液壓沖床 presses,hydraulic

液壓動力元件 hydraulic power units

液壓工具 hydraulic power tools

液壓回轉(zhuǎn)缸 hydraulic rotary cylinders

p型pvc高分子防水 p type pvc waterproof rolled sheet making plant

刨床 planing machines

牛頭刨床 shapers

其他鑄造 casting,other

其他鍛造 forging,other

模芯 mold core

模具 molds

模具維修 mold repair

模具打磨/磨紋 mold polishing/texturing

模具單元 mold & die components

模具加熱器/冷卻器 mold heaters/chillers

磨輪 grinding wheels

磨削工具 grinding tools

磨床 grinding machines

磨床工作臺 grinder bench

平衡設(shè)備 balancing equipment

氣油壓虎鉗 pneumatic hydraulic clamps

氣動沖床 presses,pneumatic

氣動工具 pneumatic power tools

軸 shafts

軸承 bearings

軸承配件 bearing fittings

軸承加工機 bearing processing equipment

肘桿式壓力機 presses,knuckle joint

鑄鋁 casting,aluminium

鑄銅 casting,copper

鑄造設(shè)備 foundry equipment

鑄鋼 casting,steel

鑄灰口鐵 casting,gray iron

織麥激光切割機 woven-cutting machines

重力鑄造機 gravity casting machines

重型車床 lathes,heavy-duty

主軸 spindles

扳手 wrenches

拔絲機 drawing machines

保溫爐 heat preserving furnaces

插床 slotting machines

齒輪 gears

齒輪切削機 gear cutting machines

沖壓機 stamping parts

沖子研磨器 punch formers

超聲波打磨機 grinders,ultrasonic

車床工作臺 lathe bench

磁性工具 magnetic tools

傳動鏈 transmitted chains

床身式銑床 milling machines,bed type

帶傳動 belt drive

帶鋸 saws,band

帶鋸床 sawing machines,band

電腦數(shù)控鏜床 cnc boring machines

電腦數(shù)控彎折機 cnc bending presses

電腦數(shù)控銑床 cnc milling machines

電腦數(shù)控線切削機 cnc wire-cutting machines

電腦數(shù)控磨床 cnc grinding machines

電腦數(shù)控車床 cnc lathes

電腦數(shù)控電火花線切削機 cnc edm wire-cutting machines

電腦數(shù)控電火花機 cnc electric discharge machines

電腦數(shù)控雕刻機 cnc engraving machines

電腦數(shù)控機床配件 cnc machine tool fittings

電腦數(shù)控剪切機 cnc shearing machines

電腦數(shù)控鉆床 cnc drilling machines

電動刀具 electric power tools

電火花機 electric discharge machines(edm)

雕刻機 engraving machines

刀片 blades

刀具 cutters

倒角機 chamfer machines

多軸鉆床 drilling machines,multi-spindle

鍛鋁 forging,aluminium

鍛壓機 presses,forging

鍛模 forging dies

仿形銑床 milling machines,duplicating

粉末冶金成型機 powder metallurgic forming machines

反射爐 reverberatory furnaces

鋼鍛 forging,steel

高速車床 lathes,high-speed

高速鉆床 drilling machines,high-speed

管筒制造機 pipe & tube making machines

滾筒 rollers

工具磨床 grinders,tools & cutters

攻螺絲機 tapping machines

弓鋸 saws,hack

虎鉗 vises

換模系統(tǒng) mold changing systems

夾盤 chucks

夾具 fixture

夾具/支持系統(tǒng) clamping/holding systems

剪切機 shearing machines

加工中心機刀庫 a.t.c.system

激光切割 laser cutting

激光雕刻機 engraving machines,laser

激光鋼板切割機 laser cutting for smt stensil

集合管 manifolds

矯直機 straightening machines

金屬板成型機 sheet metal forming machines

金屬板加工機 sheet metal working machines

鋸片 blades,saw

鋸床 sawing machines

卷邊工具 crimping tools

晶圓切割機 dicing saws

精密平口鉗 vises,tool-maker

精研機 lapping machines

可鍛鑄鐵 casting,malleable iron

快速換模系統(tǒng) quick mold change systems

卡口 bayonet

開關(guān)及按鈕 switches & buttons

鉆石刀具 diamond cutters

鉆頭 drills

鉆模 jigs

鉆床 drilling machines

鉆床工作臺 drilling machines bench

自動壓力機 presses,transfer

自動車床 lathes,automatic

注油機 lubricators

轉(zhuǎn)臺 rotary tables 
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