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發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2017/4/18 15:14:17

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):1914
’Obese baby baffles doctors by weighing a HEAVY 17kg at just 8 months old


An eight-month-old obese baby in Punjab, India has baffled her parents and doctors by her extreme weight gain and insatiable appetite for food.


Chahat Kumar was born with an average weight but inexplicably started gaining in size at the age of four months. Now, at just eight months old, she weighs a whooping 17kg, the same weight as an average four-year-old child.


Chahat’s father, 23-year-old Suraj Kumar, spoke to reporters and said: “When Chahat was born, she was completely normal. Then, slowly we saw that her weight was shooting up. Her weight is increasing day by day.”


Chahat’s mother, 21-year-old Reena Kumar, said Chahat eats four times the amount of food a normal-sized baby her age eats, adding: “She doesn’t eat like a normal kid. She keeps eating all the time. If we don’t give her anything to eat, she starts crying."


Doctors have been unable to explain Chahat’s insatiable appetite. To make matters worse, the fat her body has accumulated has hardened her skin and made it difficult for them to get her blood samples. Furthermore, her extreme weight is now causing more problems for her, such as difficulties in breathing and eating. The family’s doctor, Vasudev Sharma, recommended that they take Chahat to a specialized pediatrician at the Civil Hospital in Amritsar but the parents lack funds.


Chahat’s parents deny doing anything unusual to cause her weight gain. Suraj said: “It’s not our fault. God gave this condition to her. It’s not in our hands. I feel bad when some people laugh at her for being fat.” They add that their dream is for Chahat to have a normal childhood.


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