發(fā)一條微博,豪賺300000美金!-- 美容健身達人的新興賺錢方式
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2017/4/18 14:58:19

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發(fā)一條微博,豪賺300000美金!-- 美容健身達人的新興賺錢方式
These Beauty and Fitness Influencers Can Make up to $300,000 Per Post

發(fā)一條微博,豪賺300000美金!-- 美容健身達人的新興賺錢方式

Forbes magazine just released its first-ever "Top Influencers" list spotlighting those who’ve made major bank off of social media. The debut ranking first looks at influencers in the beauty, fitness, and home spaces, but the list will be published quarterly and will cover fashion (coming in September), travel (coming in June), food (coming in December), and more.


The combined following of the 30 social media stars featured is 250 million. According to the report created with social insight platform Captiv8 and influencer analytics firm Traackr, if they have seven million subscribers or more on YouTube, vloggers could make up to $300,000 per post for a video partnership.Additionally, top influencers could make $187,000 per Facebook post, and $150,000 per Instagram post. Even on the "lower" end of the spectrum–those who have around100,000 followers–you could make up to $5,000 per Instagram post.


That’s not even counting what they make with book deals, apps, and clothing lines, supplement brands, and other companies they start. Kayla Itsines, for example, made $17 million her "Sweat with Kayla" app alone in 2016. Meanwhile, Michelle Phan co-founded cosmetics box Ipsy, which was valued at $500 million in 2015.

這甚至沒有計算他們通過圖書交易、應用程序、服飾銷售、附加品牌以及建立公司等等的其他盈利。例如 Kayla Itsines,僅僅通過“和凱拉一起流汗”的應用程序,就在2016年賺取了1700萬美元。同時,與Michelle Phan共同成立的化妝品牌box Ipsy在2015年的價值達到5億美元。

With that said, here are some of the big names Forbes called out:




1. Zoe "Zoella" Sugg ( @zoella ) 2. Michelle Phan ( @michellephan ) 3. Huda Kattan ( @hudabeauty ) 4. Nikkie de Jager ( @nikkietutorials ) 5. Shannon Harris ( @shaaanxo )

1、佐伊“Zoella”薩格(@zoella)2、米歇爾 潘( @michellephan )3、蘇達 卡丹( @hudabeauty)4、尼基( @nikkietutorials )5、香儂 哈里斯( @shaaanxo )



1. Kayla Itsines ( @kayla_itsines ) 2. Jennifer Selter ( @jenselter ) 3. Emily Skye ( @emilyskyefit ) 4. Michelle Lewin ( @michelle_lewin ) 5. Joe Wicks ( @thebodycoach )

1、凱拉( @kayla_itsines )2、詹尼弗 澤爾特( @jenselter )3、艾米麗 ( @emilyskyefit )4、米歇爾勒溫( @michelle_lewin ) 5、喬威克斯( @thebodycoach )

專業(yè)翻譯公司 http://www.shufeiwangluo.com

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