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發(fā)表時間:2018/06/07 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):7669  
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Account 帳戶
Accounting system 會計系統(tǒng) 
American Accounting Association 美國會計協(xié)會 
American Institute of CPAs 美國注冊會計師協(xié)會 
Audit 審計 
Balance sheet 資產負債表 
Bookkeepking 簿記 
Cash flow prospects 現(xiàn)金流量預測 
Certificate in Internal Auditing 內部審計證書 
Certificate in Management Accounting 管理會計證書 
Certificate Public Accountant注冊會計師 
Cost accounting 成本會計 
External users 外部使用者 
Financial accounting 財務會計 
Financial Accounting Standards Board 財務會計準則委員會 
Financial forecast 財務預測 
Generally accepted accounting principles 公認會計原則 
General-purpose information 通用目的信息
Government Accounting office 政府會計辦公室 
Income statement 損益表 
Institute of Internal Auditors 內部審計師協(xié)會 
Institute of Management Accountants 管理會計師協(xié)會 
Integrity 整合性 
Internal auditing 內部審計 
Internal control structure 內部控制結構 
Internal Revenue Service 國內收入署 
Internal users 內部使用者 
Management accounting 管理會計 
Return of investment 投資回報 
Return on investment 投資報酬 
Securities and Exchange Commission 證券交易委員會 
Statement of cash flow 現(xiàn)金流量表 
Statement of financial position 財務狀況表 
Tax accounting 稅務會計 
Accounting equation 會計等式 
Articulation 勾稽關系 
Assets 資產 
Business entity 企業(yè)個體 
Capital stock 股本 
Corporation 公司 
Cost principle 成本原則 
Creditor 債權人 
Deflation 通貨緊縮 
Disclosure 批露 
Expenses 費用 
Financial statement 財務報表 
Financial activities 籌資活動 
Going-concern assumption 持續(xù)經營假設
Inflation 通貨膨漲 
Investing activities 投資活動 
Liabilities 負債 
Negative cash flow 負現(xiàn)金流量 
Operating activities 經營活動 
Owner's equity 所有者權益 
Partnership 合伙企業(yè) 
Positive cash flow 正現(xiàn)金流量 
Retained earning 留存利潤 
Revenue 收入 
Sole proprietorship 獨資企業(yè) 
Solvency 清償能力 
Stable-dollar assumption 穩(wěn)定貨幣假設 
Stockholders 股東 

Stockholders' equity 股東權益


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