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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2018/04/08 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):3255  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

H股 H Stock
備兌認(rèn)股證 Covered Warrants
備兌證 Equity Warrants
背馳 Divergence
波幅 Volatility
波浪理論 Wave Theory
財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表 Financial Statement
拆出利率 Offer Rate
產(chǎn)負(fù)債表 Balance Sheet
場(chǎng)外交易市場(chǎng) Over-the-Counter (OTC)
超買(mǎi) Over Bought
超賣(mài) Over Sold
成分股 Constituent Stock
成交量 Volume
程序買(mǎi)賣(mài) Programme Trading
出限價(jià)沽盤(pán) Sell Limit Order
除凈 Ex-all
除權(quán) Ex-right
除息 Ex-dividend
純利 Net Profit
大利市機(jī) Teletext
大手成交 Large Transaction
單日轉(zhuǎn)向 One-day Reversal
單位信托基金 Unit Trusts
島形轉(zhuǎn)向 Island Reversal
道氏理論 Dow Theory
低水 Discount
第二市場(chǎng) Secondary Market
第一市場(chǎng) Primary Market
第一市場(chǎng)直接批股 Direct Placement
碟形底 Saucer Bottom
碟形頂 Saucer Top
定息債券 Fixed Income Securities
對(duì)沖 Hedge
對(duì)沖比率 Hedge Ratio
對(duì)沖基金 Hedge Fund
兌換率 Conversion Ratio
分拆 Spin-off
風(fēng)險(xiǎn) Risk
風(fēng)險(xiǎn)溢價(jià) Risk Premium
負(fù)債比率 Debt Ratio
杠桿比率 Gearing Ratio
高水 Premium
供股 Right Issue
供股 Right Issue
供股權(quán) Rights
沽空 Short Sale
股東股本利益 Shareholer’s Equity
股份回購(gòu) Share Buyback/Repurchase
股票市場(chǎng) Stock Market
股票孖展 Share Margin
股市指數(shù) Stock Index
股息 Dividend
固定資產(chǎn) Fixed Asset
國(guó)民生產(chǎn)總值 Gross National Product (GNP)
國(guó)內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
國(guó)企股 H Stock
國(guó)企指數(shù) Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
行使價(jià) Exercise Price
合并 Merger
核數(shù)師意見(jiàn) Auditor Opinion
恒生五十中型股指數(shù) Hang Seng Midcap 50 Index
恒生一百指數(shù) Hang Seng 100 Index
恒生指數(shù) Hang Seng Index
恒生中國(guó)企業(yè)指數(shù) Hand Seng China-affiliated Corp Index (HSCCI)
恒生中資企業(yè)指數(shù) Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (HSCEI)
紅籌股 Red Chip
紅籌指數(shù) Hang Seng China-Affilated Corporation Index
紅股 Bonus Share
互惠基金 Mutual Funds
換馬 Switching
回報(bào) Return
貨幣發(fā)行局機(jī)制 Currency Board System
貨幣政策 Monetary Policy
基本利率 Base Rate
即日鮮 Day Trading
集資 Capital Raising
挾倉(cāng) Cornering the Market
價(jià)內(nèi) In the Money
價(jià)外 Out of the Money
交叉盤(pán) Cross Trade
結(jié)算價(jià) Final Settlement Price
金管局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority
可換股債券 Convertible Bonds
藍(lán)籌股 Blue Chip
老鼠倉(cāng) Rat Trading
利率 Interest Rate
聯(lián)交所 Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK)
聯(lián)系匯率 Linked Exchange Rate
裂口 Gap
流動(dòng)比率 Current Ratio
流動(dòng)負(fù)債 Current Liabilities
流動(dòng)資產(chǎn) Current Asset
倫敦港股 London Market for Hong Kong Stocks
每日波幅限額 Daily Fluctuation Limit
美國(guó)聯(lián)邦貼現(xiàn)率 Federal Discount Rate
名義利率 Nominal Interest Rate
內(nèi)幕交易 Insider Trading
牛市 Bull Market
拋空 Short Sale
批股 Share Placement
啤打系數(shù) Beta Coefficient
撇帳 Provisioning
平價(jià) At the Money

普通股 Common Stock
期貨 Futures
期貨合約 Futures Contract
期交所 Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE)
期權(quán) Options
旗形 Flag
球 Million Share
熱錢(qián) Hot Money
認(rèn)購(gòu)期權(quán) Call Options
認(rèn)沽期權(quán) Put Options
認(rèn)股證 Warrants
入限價(jià)買(mǎi)盤(pán) Buy Limit Order
三底 Triple Bottoms
三頂 Triple Tops
三角形 Triangle
商人銀行 Merchant Banker
上升風(fēng)險(xiǎn) Upside Risk
上升軌 Upward Trendline
上升旗形 Rising Flag
上升楔形 Rising Wedge
神奇數(shù)字 Fibonacci Number
升水 Premium
生產(chǎn)物價(jià)指數(shù) Producer Price Index (PPI)
生產(chǎn)物價(jià)指數(shù) Producer Price Index, PPI
實(shí)質(zhì)利率 Real Interest Rate
市價(jià)盤(pán) Market Order
市盈率 Price-to-earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio)
收市價(jià) Closing Price
手 Lot Size
雙底 Double Bottoms
雙頂 Double Tops
隨機(jī)指數(shù) Stochastic
隨機(jī)走勢(shì)假設(shè) Random Walk Hypothesis
隨機(jī)走勢(shì)理論 Random Walk Theory
碎股 Odd Lot
損益表 Statement of Income
所有普通股指數(shù) All-Ordinaries Index
特別成交 Special Trade
特殊項(xiàng)目 Exceptional Items
貼現(xiàn)窗 Discount Window
貼現(xiàn)率 Discount Rate
停版 Limit
停牌 Suspension
頭肩底 Head and Shoulders Bottom
頭肩頂 Head and Shoulders Top
投資銀行 Investment Banker
投資組合理論 Portfolio Theory
未平倉(cāng)合約 Open Interest
未平倉(cāng)合約 Open Interest
息率 Dividend Yield
系統(tǒng)性風(fēng)險(xiǎn) Systematic Risk
下跌風(fēng)險(xiǎn) Downside Risk
下降軌 Downward Trendline
下降旗形 Falling Flag
下降楔形 Falling Wedge
現(xiàn)金戶(hù)口 Cash Account
限價(jià)盤(pán) Limit Order
線形圖 Line Chart
相反理論 Contrarian Theory
香港銀行同業(yè)拆息 Hong Kong Interbank Offer Rate (HIBOR)
箱形 Box
消費(fèi)物價(jià)指數(shù) Consumer Price Index (CPI)
效率市場(chǎng)假設(shè) Efficient Market Hypothesis
楔形 Wedge
信貸評(píng)級(jí)機(jī)構(gòu) Credit Rating Institution
熊市 Bear Market
循環(huán)理論 Cyclical Theory
亞當(dāng)理論 Adam’s Theory
衍生工具 Derivatives
一籃子備兌證 Basket Covered Warrants
移動(dòng)平均線 Moving Average
溢價(jià) Premium
陰陽(yáng)燭 Candlestick Chart
銀團(tuán)貸款 Syndicated Loans
引伸波幅 Implied Volatility
營(yíng)業(yè)額 Turnover
優(yōu)先股 Preferred Stock
圓形底 Rounding Bottom
圓形頂 Rounding Top
增長(zhǎng)股 Growth Stock
債券風(fēng)險(xiǎn)溢價(jià) Risk Premium for Bonds
斬倉(cāng) Stop Loss
長(zhǎng)倉(cāng) Long Position
長(zhǎng)方形 Rectangle
長(zhǎng)期負(fù)債 Long-term Liabilities
招股書(shū) Prospectus
證監(jiān)會(huì) Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)
支持線 Support Line
止蝕盤(pán) Stop Loss Order
止賺盤(pán) Stop Profit Order
指數(shù)備兌證 Index Covered Warrants
中央結(jié)算系統(tǒng) Central Clearing and Settlement System
注資 Asset Injection
柱狀圖 Bar Chart
轉(zhuǎn)勢(shì) Reversal
莊家 Market Maker
追擊手 Raider
孖展戶(hù)口 Margin Account
資本減值 Capital Loss
資本增值 Capital Gain
資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表 Balance Sheet
資產(chǎn)凈值 Net Asset value (NAV)
自動(dòng)對(duì)盤(pán) Automatching
綜合財(cái)政報(bào)表 Consolidated Financial Statement
阻力區(qū) Resistance Level
阻力線 Resistance Line
最優(yōu)惠利率 Prime Rate

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