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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2016/06/02 00:00:00  來源:www.shufeiwangluo.com  作者:www.shufeiwangluo.com  瀏覽次數(shù):2514  
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The execution, delivery, performance and completion of this agreement and the Investor Rights Agreement by each of the Warrantors (as applicable) do not and will not violate in any respect any provision of (i) any law or regulation or any order or decree of any governmental authority, agency or court of any jurisdiction which is applicable to the Warrantor, any Group Company or any Associated Company; (ii) the laws and documents incorporating and constituting the Warrantor, any Group Company or any Associated Company prevailing as at the date of this agreement and as at Completion; or (iii) any mortgage, contract or other undertaking or instrument to which the Warrantor, any Group Company or any Associated Company is a party or which is binding upon it or any of its assets, and does not and will not result in the creation or imposition of any encumbrance on any of its assets pursuant to the provisions of any such mortgage, contract or other undertaking or instrument.各擔(dān)保人(根據(jù)實(shí)際情況)簽署、送達(dá)、履行與完成本協(xié)議及《投資者權(quán)利協(xié)議》等活動(dòng)目前及將來均不違犯(一)任何政府部門、政府機(jī)構(gòu)或任何對(duì)擔(dān)保人有司法管轄權(quán)的法院與擔(dān)保人有關(guān)的任何法律、法規(guī)、命令或指令,(二)本協(xié)議簽署之日及履行完畢之日有效的擔(dān)保人及其集團(tuán)公司或關(guān)聯(lián)公司成立所依據(jù)的法律與政府文件的規(guī)定,(三)擔(dān)保人及其集團(tuán)公司或關(guān)聯(lián)公司簽署的或?qū)?dān)保人或其任何資產(chǎn)有約束效力的任何抵押、合同或其他承諾書或貸款文件的有關(guān)條款;上述活動(dòng)到目前為止未造成且將來也不會(huì)因?yàn)槿魏未祟惖盅?、合同或其他承諾書或貸款文件而導(dǎo)致針對(duì)其資產(chǎn)的債權(quán)。

No consent, licence, approval or authorisation of or filing or registration with or other requirement of any governmental authority or agency in any jurisdiction which is applicable to the Warrantor, any Group Company or any Associated Company is required by the Warrantor, any Group Company or any Associated Company (as the case may be) in relation to the valid execution, delivery or performance of this agreement and/or the Investor Rights Agreement (or to ensure the validity or enforceability thereof).擔(dān)保人及其集團(tuán)公司或關(guān)聯(lián)公司均無須(根據(jù)實(shí)際情況)為保證簽署、送達(dá)或履行本協(xié)議及/或《投資者權(quán)利協(xié)議》的效力(或上述協(xié)議的有效性或可執(zhí)行性)向任何政府部門、政府機(jī)構(gòu)或任何對(duì)擔(dān)保人有司法管轄權(quán)的法院申請(qǐng)獲取同意意見、許可、批文或授權(quán)或向其備案或登記。


自本協(xié)議書簽訂之日起7個(gè)工作日內(nèi),采取一切必要措施,撤銷并終止所有針對(duì)邁特發(fā)公司和(或)丙方提出的未決仲裁、訴訟及其他法律程序和行動(dòng),包括但不限于甲方法定代表人及乙方因以往供職于邁特發(fā)公司而提出的仲裁、訴訟、執(zhí)行或其他法律程序。To take all necessary measures to cancel and terminate all pending arbitrations, lawsuits and other legal procedures and actions, including but not limited to the same arising from Maitefa’s previous employment of Party C and the legal representative of Party A, against Maitefa Co., Ltd. or Party C.丙方與邁特發(fā)公司簽訂的《和解協(xié)議》附后,作為本協(xié)議書附件(1)并與本協(xié)議書具有相同的法律效力。The Settlement Agreement between Party C and Maitefa Co., Ltd. is attached hereto as Attachment 1, of the same legal force as this Agreement.


自本協(xié)議書簽訂之日起,放棄以邁特發(fā)公司投資者、董事、管理者或勞動(dòng)者身份向丙方和(或)邁特發(fā)公司提出的任何訴訟、仲裁以及其他法律程序和行動(dòng),包括但不限于甲方法定代表人及乙方因以往供職于邁特發(fā)公司而提出的仲裁、訴訟或其他法律程序。To waive any and all lawsuits, arbitrations and other legal procedures and actions, including but not limited to the same arising from previous Maitefa’s employment of Party C and the legal representative of Party A, against Maitefa Co., Ltd. or Party C.

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