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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2016/03/28 00:00:00  來(lái)源:www.shufeiwangluo.com  作者:www.shufeiwangluo.com  瀏覽次數(shù):2469  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】
Residence Type Non Agricultural Residence Name of House Owner  
Residence Number Address  
Certified Seal of
Certified Seal of Guangdong Province     Household Registration Office
Public Security Bureau                                      
For Hukou certificate only           Baomin Local Police Station
Shenzhen Public Security Bureau
Undertaker’s Stamped signature :           Issue Date: 01 July 2000
 Permanent resident population's register
Name               Householder r or Relation with TheHouseholder Householder
Former Name Sex Male
Place of Birth Nationality  
  Date of Birth  
Other Dwelling Place in the City/Town Religious Belief  
Citizen ID Number Height Blood Group  
Highest Academic Marital Status Military Service  
Place of Work Occupation  
Previous Dwelling Place Before Moving into the City/Town and Date of Moving  
Previous Dwelling Place in the City/Town and Date of Moving into Present Dwelling Place  
Seal of Registrar:     Issued Dart:
 Permanent resident population's register
Name               Householder r or Relation with TheHouseholder  
Former Name Sex  
Place of Birth Nationality  
  Date of Birth  
Other Dwelling Place in the City/Town Religious Belief  
Citizen ID Number Height     Blood Group  
Highest Academic Marital Status Military Service  
Place of Work Occupation  
Previous Dwelling Place Before Moving into the City/Town and Date of Moving  
Previous Dwelling Place in the City/Town and Date of Moving into Present Dwelling Place  
Seal of Registrar:             Issued Dart:
 Permanent resident population's register
Name               Householder r or Relation with xxxx
Former Name Sex  
Place of Birth Nationality  
  Date of Birth  
Other Dwelling Place in the City/Town Religious Belief  
Citizen ID Number Height Blood Group  
Highest Academic Marital Status Military Service  
Place of Work Occupation  
Previous Dwelling Place Before Moving into the City/Town and Date of Moving  
Previous Dwelling Place in the City/Town and Date of Moving into Present Dwelling Place  

Seal of Registrar: Issued Dart:

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