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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2021/07/21 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):1747  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

X 京 房權(quán)證 朝 字號(hào):1203587

X Beijing House Property Right Certificate Chao Zi 1203587 
Property ownership certificate 房產(chǎn)證
 權(quán)屬人 property owner
身份證號(hào)碼identity card no.
房屋所有權(quán)來源source of housing ownership
 **年×月購(gòu)買 purchased in**,****
房屋用途usage of the house
占有房屋份額share of the house ×棟×××號(hào)全套,××平米 full owner of
 suite***,building no.** area:***square meters
房屋所有權(quán)性質(zhì) property of housing ownership
土地使用權(quán)來源source of land-use right 出讓assignment
土地使用權(quán)性質(zhì)property of land-use right 國(guó)有state-owned
房地坐落site of the house
房屋情況state of the house
建筑結(jié)構(gòu)architecture 鋼精混凝土結(jié)構(gòu) armoured concrete
竣工日期date of completion
建基面積area of the building base
建筑面積building area
其中住宅建筑面積domestic building area
其中套內(nèi)建筑面積room building area
四墻歸屬ownership of four walls 東。西。南。北:自墻
土地情況state of land
地號(hào)land no.
圖號(hào)chart no.
土地等級(jí)land grade
使用權(quán)類型type of tenure
中止日期expiration date
使用權(quán)面積area of tenure
自用面積area of own use
共用面積area of public use
使用權(quán)證號(hào)license number of tenure
填證機(jī)關(guān)department of filling certificate
房地產(chǎn)共有情況state of mutual ownership(use) of resl estate
共有(用)人person of mutual owmership(use)
占有房屋份額share of the house
共有(有)權(quán)證號(hào)certificate number of mutual ownership(use)
納稅情況state of taxation 契價(jià)agreed price稅率tax rate種類 type納稅tax 

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