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發(fā)表時間:2019/08/07 00:00:00  瀏覽次數:2092  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

Basic Personal Information

Marital Status Education Ancestral Native Place
Military Service Status Religion Residential District
Industry Engaged in Category of Occupation  Detailed Address
Telephone Occupation Employer
Ancestral Native Country Country of Birth City/County of Birth
Detailed Place of Birth ID No. of Father Name of Father
ID No. of Mother Name of Mother ID No. of Spouse
Name of Spouse ID No. of Guardian  Relation to Guardian 
Guardian  ID No. of Guardian  Relation to Guardian 
Guardian  Category of Migration Date of Migration
Country Migrated to City/County Migrated to  Detailed Address Migrated to
Reason of Immigration Date of Immigration Country Immigraed from
City/County Immigrated from Detailed Address Immigrated from Category of Death
Date of Death
Father:  , born on   ID No.  
Mother:  , born on  , ID No.  

(SEALED: Sealed by XX Branch Of XX Public Security Bureau, used Exclusively for Household Register)

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