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In accordance with the PRC Company Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Law") and other relevant laws and regulations, these articles of association are hereby formulated.

第一章   公司名稱和住所

CHAPTER 1 The Name and Domicile of the Company

第一條  公司名稱:

Article 1

The name of the Company is 

第二條  公司住所:

 Article 2

The domicile of the Company is


第二章   公司經(jīng)營范圍

CHAPTER 2 Business Scope of the Company

第三條 公司經(jīng)營范圍:

Article 3

The business scope of the Company is (subject to approval in business license and the Administration for Industry and Commerce ) --------


第三章   公司注冊資本

CHAPTER 3 The Registered Capital of the Company

第四條  公司注冊資本:人民幣---萬元。公司增加、減少及轉(zhuǎn)讓注冊資本,由股東做出決定。公司減少注冊資本,還應(yīng)當(dāng)自做出決定之日起十日內(nèi)通知債權(quán)人,并于三十日內(nèi)在報紙上至少公告一次,減資后的注冊資本不得低于法律規(guī)定的最低限額。公司變更注冊資本應(yīng)依法向登記機關(guān)辦理變更登記手續(xù)。

Article 4

The registered capital of the Company is------ RMB. Resolutions on the increase, reduction or transfer of the Company's registered capital shall be made by the shareholers. The Company may reduce its registered capital according to the regulations set in these Articles of Association. Where such reduction of capital occurs, the Company shall inform its creditors of the reduction of registered capital within ten (10) days following the date on which the reduction resolution is adopted, and make at least one announcement regarding the reduction in a newspaper within thirty (30) days. After the reduction, the registered capital of the Company shall not be less than the statutory minimum limit. It shall apply to the registration authority for a change in its registered capital.

第四章   股東的名稱、出資方式、出資額

CHAPTER 4 The Personal (or Corporate) Names of the Shareholders, Actually Paid Capital Contribution Amount, and the Types of Such Contribution

第五條  股東的姓名、出資方式及出資額如下:

Article 5

The personal (or corporate) names of the shareholders, actually paid capital contribution amount, and the types of such contribution are as follows:


The personal (or corporate) name of the shareholders:

出資方式 現(xiàn)金

The type of capital contribution: cash.


Capital contribution amount:------RMB.

第六條  公司成立后,應(yīng)向股東簽發(fā)出資證明書。

Article 6

When the Company is formed, the investment certification should be issued to each shareholder.

第五章   股東的權(quán)利和義務(wù)

CHAPTER 5 The Rights and Obligations of the Shareholders


The shareholders of the Company shall enjoy the following rights:


(1) to decide on the business policies and investment plans of the Company;


(2) to appoint the director and the supervisor, and to decide on matters concerning the remuneration of the director and the supervisor;


(3) to review and approve reports of the board of directors;


(4) to review and approve reports of the supervisor;


(5) to review and approve the Company's proposed annual financial budgets and final accounts;


(6) to review and approve the Company's profit distribution plans and plans for making up losses;


(7) to pass resolutions on the increase or reduction of the Company's registered capital;


(8) to pass resolutions on the issuance of corporate bonds;


(9) to pass resolutions on matters such as the merger, division, dissolution, liquidation or change of the corporate form of the Company;


(10) to amend the Articles of Association of the Company; 


(11) other rights entrusted to them by these Articles of Association of the Company.


The above resolutions made by the shareholders should be issued in writing and signed by the shareholders and served as a record in the Company.

第七條  股東承擔(dān)以下義務(wù):

Article 7

The Shareholders shall perform the following obligations:


(1) to obey the Articles of Association;


(2) to render equity according to the shares they subscribed


(3) to collect operating funds and give necessary guarantee;


(4) to assume debts according to the shares they subscribed;


(5) not to retire shares after registered in the Company.


第六章   公司的機構(gòu)及其產(chǎn)生辦法、職權(quán)、議事規(guī)則

CHAPTER 6 The Company's Organizational Structure, its Establishment and Power, and Procedures

第八條  公司設(shè)立董事會,董事會---人組成,設(shè)董事長--人,副董事長----人。董事會任期每屆3年,任期屆滿,可連任。公司法定代表人由董事長擔(dān)任。

Article 8

The Company shall have a board of directors. The Board of Directors of the Company shall consist of -----directors, including---Chairman and------Vice Chairman. The tenure of the chairman of the Board is three years. A chairman may serve consecutive terms upon expiration of his term if re-appointed. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is the legal representative of the Company. 

第九條 董事會對股東負責(zé),行使下列職權(quán):

Article 9

The Board of Directors shall be responsible to the shareholders, and shall exercise the following functions and powers:


(1) to be responsible for convening shareholders' meetings and presenting reports to the shareholders' meeting;


(2) to implement resolutions issued by the shareholders' meeting;


(3) to consider and determine the Company's business plans and investment plans;


(4) to prepare annual financial budget plans and final accounting plans in relation to the Company;


(5) to prepare profit distribution plans for the Company and plans for making up any losses suffered by the Company;


(6) to prepare plans for increasing or reducing the Company's registered capital and for issuance of corporate bonds;


(7) to formulate plans for mergers, divisions, changes of corporate form or dissolution in relation to the Company;


(8) to determine the Company's internal management structure;


(9) to determine the appointment or removal of the Company's general manager as well as the remuneration of the general manager, and upon the general manager's recommendation, determine the appointment or removal of deputy general manager(s), the officer in charge of finance of the Company and their remuneration;


(10) to formulate the Company's basic management systems;


(11) to review major contracts concerning the Company, or shareholders; and


(12) other rights entrusted to them by these Articles of Association of the Company.

第十條  公司設(shè)總經(jīng)理----人、副總經(jīng)理-----人。

Article 10

The company shall have ---general manager, and ----deputy general managers.

第十一條  公司總經(jīng)理、副總經(jīng)理由董事會聘任或解聘,總經(jīng)理及副總經(jīng)理每屆任期3年,任期屆滿可連聘連任。

Article 11

The general manager and deputy general manager shall be appointed and removed by the Board of Directors. The tenure of the general manager and deputy general manager is three years. The general manager and deputy general manager may serve consecutive terms upon expiration of his term if re-appointed.

第十二條  總經(jīng)理對董事會負責(zé),行使下列職權(quán):

Article 12

The general manager shall be responsible to the Board of Directors, and shall exercise the following functions and powers:


(1) to be in charge of the management of the Company's operational activities, and organize the implementation of the board’s resolutions;


(2) to prepare the plan for the Company's management structure;


(3) to prepare the basic management system and formulate specific rules and regulations for the Company;


(4) to propose the appointment of the deputy general manager(s) and the officer in charge of finance of the Company, and appoint personnel of middle level and below;


(5) to organize the implementation of annual business plans and investment plans in relation to the Company;


(6) to prepare annual financial budget plans and final accounting plans in relation to the Company;


(7) to prepare profit distribution plans for the Company and plans for making up any losses suffered by the Company;


(8) to prepare and organize the implementation of salary management system of the Company; and


(9) other rights entrusted to him by these Articles of Association and the shareholders of the Company

第十三條  公司暫不設(shè)監(jiān)事會,設(shè)監(jiān)事1人,由股東推薦產(chǎn)生;監(jiān)事任期每屆3年,任期屆滿,可連任。

Article 13

The Company shall not have supervision committee, but have one supervisor. The supervisor shall be recommended by the shareholders. The tenure of supervisor is three years. The supervisor may serve consecutive terms upon expiration of his term if re-appointed.

第十四條  監(jiān)事對股東負責(zé),監(jiān)事行使下列職權(quán):

Article 14

The supervisor shall be responsible to the shareholders, and shall exercise the following functions and powers:


(1) to examine the Company's financial affairs;


(2) to monitor the acts of the directors and senior management personnel when carrying out their duties in relation to the Company, and make proposals to remove from their positions the directors or senior management personnel who violate laws and regulations, the Articles of Association of the Company;


(3) to require the directors or senior management personnel to rectify their conducts when any of their actions damage the interests of the Company;


(4) to propose the extraordinary shareholders' meetings when something concerning the Company emerges ; and


(5) other rights entrusted to him by these Articles of Association and the shareholders of the Company.


第七章   財務(wù)、會計、利潤分配及勞動用工制度

CHAPTER 7 Financial Affairs, Accounting, Profit Distribution, and Labor Management Systems

第十五條  公司應(yīng)當(dāng)依照法律、行政法規(guī)和國務(wù)院財政主管部門的規(guī)定建立本公司的財務(wù)、會計制度。公司除法定的會計賬冊外,不得另立會計賬冊。對公司資產(chǎn),不得以任何個人名義開立賬戶存儲。

Article 15

The Company shall establish a financial and accounting system in accordance with the law, administrative rules and regulations, and the stipulations of the department in charge of financial affairs under the State Council. No accounting books shall be kept, except for those legally regulated. It is prohibited to open individual account for depositing the assets of the Company.

第十六條 公司在每一會計年度終了時制作財務(wù)會計報告,并依法審計驗證。公司上一年度經(jīng)審計驗證的財務(wù)會計報告應(yīng)在上年度終了后三十天內(nèi)報送股東。

Article 16

The Company shall prepare financial and accounting report at the end of every fiscal year. The annual financial report shall be submitted to the shareholders in thirty(30) days following the end of the fiscal year.

第十七條 公司財務(wù)會計報告應(yīng)當(dāng)包括下列財務(wù)會計報表及附屬明細表:

Article 17

The annual financial statements will include the following statements (including footnotes):


(1) balance sheet;


(2) profit and loss statement;


(3) cash flow statement;


(4) statement of changes in financial position; and


(5) statement of changes in owner’s equity.

第十八條 公司利潤分配按照《公司法》及有關(guān)法律、法規(guī),國務(wù)院財政主管部門的規(guī)定執(zhí)行。公司分配當(dāng)年稅后利潤時,應(yīng)按規(guī)定提取10%法定公積金。法定公積金累計額為公司注冊資本的50%以上時,可不再提取。

Article 18

Profits shall be distributed in accordance with the PRC Company Law, relevant laws, administrative rules and regulations, and the stipulations of the department in charge of financial affairs under the State Council. The after-tax profits of the Company shall be distributed and allocated ten percent (10%) to the statutory common reserve fund. Where the accumulated amount of the statutory common reserve fund has exceeded fifty percent (50%) of the registered capital of the Company, then no further allocation may be made.


The Company shall not allocate profit to shareholders before making up losses and making allocations to the statutory common reserve fund


After allocating to the statutory common reserve fund, the shareholders' general meeting shall decide whether to allocate to the discretionary common reserve fund.


After making up losses, allocating statutory common reserve fund, and paying  off the loan, all remaining profits of the Company shall be available for distribution to the shareholders.

第十九條 公司的法定公積金用于彌補公司的虧損,擴大公司生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營或者轉(zhuǎn)為增加公司注冊資本。

Article 19

The Company may convert its statutory common reserve fund to make up its losses, expand its operations or into registered capital.

第二十條  公司勞動用工制度按國家法律、法規(guī)及國務(wù)院勞動部門的有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行。

Article 20

The Company shall develop systems for labor/personnel management according to the relevant laws, administrative rules and regulations, the stipulations promulgated by the department in charge of labor under the State Council.


第八章   公司的解散與清算

CHAPTER 8 Dissolution and Liquidation

第二十一條  公司的營業(yè)期限為---年,從《企業(yè)法人營業(yè)執(zhí)照》獲得之日起計算。

Article 21

The term of operation of the Company is---- years, counting from the issuance date of Business License for an enterprise as a Legal Person.

第二十二條  公司有下列情形之一的,可以解散:

Article 22

The Company shall be dissolved and liquidated according to law in each of the following cases:


 (1) The term of operation of the Company expires, or other reasons stipulated herein emerges;


(2) A resolution of dissolution is adopted by the shareholders' general meeting;


(3) The Company shall be emerged, or divided;


(4) Business License is revoked, ordered to close down or be cancelled’


(5) The people’s court dissolves thr Company in accordance with the P.R.C. Company Law.

第二十三條  公司解散時,應(yīng)依《公司法》的規(guī)定成立清算組對公司進行清算。清算結(jié)束后,清算組應(yīng)當(dāng)制作清算報告,報股東或者有關(guān)主管機關(guān)確認,并報送公司登記機關(guān),申請注銷公司登記,公告公司終止。

Article 23

Where the Company is dissolved, then a liquidation committee shall be formed in accordance with the P.R.C. Company Law. After the completion liquidation,  liquidation committee shall formulate a liquidation report , submit it to the shareholders or relevant authority for confirmation, report it to company registration authority in order to cancel the registration of the Company. It shall then publicly announce the termination of the Company.


第九章   其他事項



Article 24


The Company shall amend/modify these Articles of Association according to the reality. These amended/modified Articles of Association shall not contradict the relevant laws and regulations. The amendment of these Articles of Association shall be approved by the shareholders. Items of change of the Articles of Association shall then be reported to company registration authority. Where such change concerns the registration of the Company, then the Company shall conduct the registration of change at company registration authority.

第二十五條  公司章程的解釋權(quán)屬于股東。

Article 25

The interpretation of these Articles of Association shall be the responsibility of the shareholders of the Company.

第二十六條  公司登記事項以公司登記機關(guān)核定的為準。

Article 26

The Company registration matters shall be verified and approved by the company registration authority.

第二十七條  公司章程條款如與國家法律、法規(guī)相抵觸的,以國家法律法規(guī)為準。

Article 27

The relevant laws and regulations shall prevail in case there is any conflict between them and these Articles of Association of the Company

第二十八條  本章程由股東訂立,自公司依法登記設(shè)立之日起生效。

Article 28

These Articles of Association of the Company are formulated by all shareholders, and shall go into effect as of the date of registration approved by company registration authority.


These Articles of Association shall be in triplicate, one for each shareholder, one for the Company, and one for the company registration authority.


The Signature and Seal of Each Shareholder:


Legal Representative


or Authorized Representative

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