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發(fā)表時間:2017/08/16 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):9621  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

姓名:趙XX 性別:女 
出生日期:1974年11月06日 婚姻狀況:未婚 
國籍/籍貫:中國/北京 健康狀況:良好 
聯(lián)系電話:139106XXXXX 電子郵件:zhaod@bXXter.com 
1992 – 1995 北方工業(yè)大學 大學(外事秘書專業(yè)) 

1996.3 – 1996.10 對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學成教部 中級英語口語 

1997.3 - 1997.5 北京三育語言學校 英語口語(公司培訓) 

1998.9 百特公司cc-mail 培訓 一周 

2000.12 于新加坡進行法律培訓 一周 

2001.2 百特公司Lotus Notes 培訓 三天 

2003. 10 百特大學Leadership 培訓 一天 

2003.11 百特公司JDE 系統(tǒng)培訓 一周 


1995.6 – 1995.9 國貿(mào)大廈展覽部 

1995.9 – 1997.4 北京吉百利食品有限公司 




1997.4 – 1998.5 美商三菱汽車總會 


1998.5 – 今 百特(中國)投資有限公司 

 生物工程部市場/銷售助理(1998.5 – 2000.2) 

 提升為法律部助理、財務部助理、人事部助理(2000.2 – 2001.10) 
負責百特日常經(jīng)營中的管理文件, 如董事會決議、會議記錄等; 
 協(xié)助財務總監(jiān)制作每月財務報表; 協(xié)助公司中國/香港區(qū)人事部內(nèi)部會議 
提升為辦公室經(jīng)理,會務部主管,采購負責人 (2001.10~今) 
 2001.10 中國/香港區(qū)執(zhí)行管理層年度會議 
2001.11 全球百特律師年度會議 
 2001.12 百特(中國)投資有限公司新年晚會 
2002.03 中國/香港區(qū)銷售年會 
2002.04 百特全球CEO-HARRY KRAEMERT先生隨美國總統(tǒng)商務團訪華 
2002.05 百特(中國)投資有限公司春游 
2002.06 組織公司員工參加健身 
 2002.12 百特(中國)投資有限公司高級管理層新年晚會 
 2003.03 組織公司員工參加2003北京春季長跑活動抵抗非典 
 2003.08 百特(中國)投資有限公司出游 
2003.09 任命為百特(中國)投資有限公司采購負責人;負責公司內(nèi)部及外部采購,為全球百特JDE 系統(tǒng)在北京使用編寫采購標準操作程序以及對員工的相關培訓等 
2003.10 組織公司員工參加2003年三星北京國際馬拉松賽(見后附證書) 
2003.12 百特北方區(qū)(含東北、西北、華北及京津地區(qū))新年晚會 


技能與愛好: 中英文打字,熟悉Word, Excel, Powerpoint、PPS 等,良好的英語聽、說、讀、寫技能,良好的溝通技巧等;喜受動物;喜好運動如分健身、登山、游泳、羽毛球,并參加2002年度及2003年度舉辦的三星北 京國際馬拉松賽,均在50分鐘內(nèi)完成十公里的賽段等。


Name: xxxxxxx Zhao Gender: Female 
Date of Birth:xx.06, 1974 Status: Single 
Nationality/Hukou: Chinese/Beijing Health: Excellent 
Mobile Phone: 13910xxxxxx E-mail: zhaxx@baxter.com zhaoxxxxxe@hotmail.com 
2003.11 Training of JDE System (one week) 

2003.10 Training of Leadership (one day) 

2001.2 Training of Lotus Notes (three days) 

2000.12 Legal Training in Singapore (one week) 

1998.9 Training of cc-mail in Baxter (one week) 

1997.3 – 1997.5 Senior Spoken English at Beijing San Yu International Language School (Training) 

1996.3 – 1996.10 Medium Level spoken English at Post Graduation Education School of University of International Business of Economics 

1992.9 – 1995.6 North China University of Technology Majoring in Foreign trade secretarial skills 

Work Experience 
1998.5 – Present Baxter (China) Investment Co. Ltd. 

2001.10–Present Prompted to the Office Manager, Supervisor of Meeting Dept and Buyer of Baxter (China) Investment Company. Response for Office Administration, Meeting and Purchase for Baxter China Holding Company, such as: 

 2003.12 2004 New Year Party of North China of Baxter (About 220people) 
2003.10 To organize staff to attend 2003 Beijing Samsung International Marathon (about 15people, please see the attached Certification) 
2003.09 Response for internal and external purchase, to prepare the Standard Operation Procedures for coming JDE System of Baxter Globe 
 2003.08 Family outing of Baxter Holding Company 
2003.03 To organize staff to attend 2003 Beijing Spring Marathon (about 30people) to against SARS 
2003.02 The 1st Meeting of the Representatives from the Medicare Branch of the Chinese Security Association and the Forum of Social Security 
 During this meeting, Chinese Government recognized Baxter’s outstanding supports and Baxter also improved the relationship with the Chinese Security Association, as well the Chinese Security Association sent an appreciation letter to Baxter and gave the special thanks to the people who supported this meeting (including me, please see the attached appreciation letter) 
2003.01 2003 New Year Party of Baxter Holding Company 
 2002.12 2003 New Year Party of Baxter China Senior Management Team 
 2002.05 Spring out of Baxter Holding Company 
2002.04 CEO - Mr. Harry Kramer of Global Baxter visited Beijing with Business Group of U.S.A President 
2002.03 Annual Sales Meeting of Baxter China/HK in Malaysia (about 350people)
2001.12 2002 New Year Party of Baxter Holding Company 
2001.11 Annual Corporate Council Meeting of Baxter Globe in Shanghai 
2001.10 Annual Executive Management Team Meeting of Baxter China/HK in Tingdao 
Above mentioned meeting and activities, I have fully involved from beginning to end, and got Baxter’s acknowledge. 
2000.1 – 2001.10 Prompted to the assistant to Corporate Counsel, HR Director, Fin. Director. 
(Itinerary of Directors arrangements, administrative work, process Company Approval Certification and Business License, etc.) 
 To prepare the documents for Baxter JV and Handle the relevant proceeding; 
To scrutinize the contracts of the JV, trading Co., and Holding Co., including the sales contract, Distribution Agreement, Consultant Agreement, Tender Documents, etc. 
To prepare the legal documents for the corporate management (such as: board resolutions, minutes, etc.) 
To support Finance Director to make Finance Report each month 
To coordinate internal meeting of the HR Department each month 
To translate the Baxter Business Practice Manual into Chinese 

1998.5–2000.1 Marketing/Sales Assistant to Biotech Dept. Response for Dept. Administration, such as: Collecting Customer’s information, Making Market Strategy, Organizing the Meeting for Customers. Tickets Booking, Hotel Reservation, Meeting arrangements (such as customer meeting and Plasma Forum), documents filing, etc. 

1997.5–1998.5 MITSUBISHI AUTO CLUB Sales and Marketing Assistant and Admi. Manager 
 To fully prepare the Opening Ceremony of sub-company in Dalian 

1995.9–1997.4 Cadbury (Beijing) Food Co.Ltd 
Receptionist (1995.9-1996.5) at Cadbury Beijing and various secretarial responsibilities as well. Learned to perform my job in an efficient and skillful way, with conscientious and thorough latitudes. Good Performance acknowledged by the Australian general manager, all local and the head office in Australia. 

To work out the plan on Cadbury Manufactory’s opening ceremony 
To be required as key receptionist when Australian Premier – Mr. John Howard visited Manufactory. 

 Promoted to the Human Resource Dept. as HR assistant (1996.5-1997.4). Developed rule and procedures for front desk, improved the HR accounting system for internal chocolate sales, and improved the personnel file management system. 
1995.6-1995.9 Responsible for etiquette and public relations in a seniors of exhibitions at China World Center. 

 To coordinate and support the meeting- 1995 China International Garments Forum 

Good Chinese & English typing skills, skillful at Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. Good command English. Good communication and negotiation skills. Hobbies: to go to fitness center, climbing mountain, swimming, badminton, ect. Attended Y2002 and Y2003 Beijing Samsung International Marathon and finished 10km in 45 minutes.

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