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留學(xué)申請(qǐng)之Personal Statement翻譯服務(wù)|移民資料翻譯價(jià)格

發(fā)表時(shí)間:2016/01/05 00:00:00  來(lái)源:www.shufeiwangluo.com  作者:www.shufeiwangluo.com  瀏覽次數(shù):3423  
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原稿:我對(duì)藝術(shù)的興趣開始于我的高中,高二的時(shí)候,通過(guò)一次偶然的機(jī)會(huì),我參加了學(xué)校的繪畫課程,接觸了素描以及水彩。隨著技巧的提升,繪畫對(duì)象由靜物,石膏,逐漸變成了室外的花草樹木與自然風(fēng)光,我開始領(lǐng)略到自然的魅力。然而,真正影響我的決定的是我的女朋友,Lisa. 她告訴我她非常的喜歡植物,并且她的夢(mèng)想是以后能有一個(gè)漂亮的后花園。我很喜歡她,所以我決定幫她實(shí)現(xiàn)這個(gè)夢(mèng)想,哪怕目前只能畫在紙上。然而當(dāng)時(shí)我只是單純的認(rèn)為,在花園中加入大量的花草植物,就是美,所以在本科選擇專業(yè)的時(shí)候,我選擇了園藝專業(yè),想要在自己家中種許許多多的花草美化生活。但是在學(xué)習(xí)的過(guò)程中我逐漸發(fā)現(xiàn),僅僅是種下許多的花草并不意味著美,一個(gè)花園想要美麗,必須要有其內(nèi)在的邏輯,人與環(huán)境的關(guān)系,植物與植物的關(guān)系,我缺乏對(duì)這些方面的了解。我開始覺得我的所學(xué)與我的初衷有所不符,我希望成為一名設(shè)計(jì)師,而不是花匠,于是我嘗試著接觸了景觀設(shè)計(jì)。
譯稿:My interests in art started in my senior high school. In the second year of my senior high school, I participated in the painting course by a chance and came into contact with pencil sketch and watercolor. With the improvement of my skills, the objects in my painting had gradually changed from inanimate objects like gypsum to plants and trees and natural sceneries and I started to enjoy the charm of nature. However, the one who truly influenced my decision was my girlfriend Lisa, who told me that she liked plants very much and dreamt of having a beautiful backyard garden. I decided to help fulfill her dream because of my deep love for her, even if I could only draw it on paper. At that time, however, I thought that beauty was adding a large number of flowers and plants, hence I chose gardening as my undergraduate major, hoping to grow many flowers and plants at home to embellish our life. But I gradually found out in the learning process that beauty cannot be achieved simply by that. In order for a garden to be beautiful, it must have its inherent logic, namely the relationship between human and environment and the relationship among plants, which I were not very clear about. I started to feel that what I have learnt did not agree with my original intention. I wanted to become a designer, not a gardener. As a consequence, I tried to reach out to landscape design.

譯稿:During my undergraduate years, I took up some foundation courses in design major, such as Design Basis and CAD Drafter. These courses were not much interesting, but very useful. The course work of Plane Composition helped me understand how to seek inspiration from life and obtain my own design language and taught me how to think in a designer’s logic thinking. Later, I also took up some courses that require design work, such as Plant Landscaping and Ornamental Horticulture. Take Plant Landscaping for example, we chose a belt-shaped park next to a housing estate and transformed it. I started to realize that it was not so easy to become a designer. First of all, you need to make field visit to the site and learn about surrounding environment. Through field visit, I noticed that most of the residents nearby were workers of a theatre and most of them were retired elderly people. However, there were not much activity areas for them in the park and the existing green belt next to the commercial street was blocking the sight and traffic. Through all aspects of research and analysis, I got to know that there were many contradictions in the site. Based on these contradictions, we worked out the functional requirements of the site and then gave out our scheme. Before this, these contradictions were all the problems I had never thought of. After learning these courses, I felt that I was closer to my dream.

原稿:在畢業(yè)后這一年的時(shí)間,我并沒有閑著,除了準(zhǔn)備托??荚囃猓抑劳ㄟ^(guò)那些輔修課程我僅僅了解了景觀設(shè)計(jì)的皮毛,還不足以成為一名設(shè)計(jì)師。于是我在北京服裝學(xué)院的景觀專業(yè)進(jìn)行旁聽,學(xué)習(xí)了景觀史,建筑史等一些課程,并且得到了一位老師的幫助。在他的引導(dǎo)下, 我開始思考一些問(wèn)題。眾所周知,現(xiàn)在在設(shè)計(jì)方面,西方國(guó)家毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)是領(lǐng)先于中國(guó)的,但是我曾經(jīng)在一些設(shè)計(jì)網(wǎng)站上看到有不少很先進(jìn)的西式設(shè)計(jì)項(xiàng)目在中國(guó)被實(shí)施,那些項(xiàng)目的想法非常精妙,建設(shè)也非常到位,但是偏偏在中國(guó)出現(xiàn)了低使用率與無(wú)人維護(hù)導(dǎo)致的損壞問(wèn)題,于是某個(gè)我個(gè)人非常喜歡的設(shè)計(jì)僅僅在上海的街頭存在了一兩年后就被重新改造了。我很好奇,我一直以為通過(guò)先進(jìn)的西方設(shè)計(jì)來(lái)改變中國(guó)的鋼筋叢林的現(xiàn)狀是正確的道路,但是就此看來(lái),僅僅生搬硬套西方的設(shè)計(jì)模式在中國(guó)是行不通的,我需要更深層次的了解設(shè)計(jì)的意義與設(shè)計(jì)的技術(shù),再結(jié)合中國(guó)的現(xiàn)狀,作出合適的設(shè)計(jì)。
譯稿:In the year after graduation, I was not idle. Apart from preparing for TOEFL, I knew that the subsidiary courses only offered me a little bit of landscape design, which was not enough for me to become a designer. Therefore, I sit in on the landscape major of Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology. I studied Landscape History, History of Architecture and some other courses and got some help from a teacher. Under his guidance, I started to think about some questions. As we all know, western countries are undoubtedly ahead of China in terms of design. I had seen on some websites concerning design that many advanced western design projects were applied in China. The ideas of those projects were very delicate and the constructions were also in place, but there happened to be problems concerning low utilization rate and damages caused by the lack of maintenance. As a consequence, one of the design I liked very much was transformed only after sitting in the street of Shanghai for a year or two. I was very curious because I had always believed it was the right way to improve current situation of concrete jungle in China with advanced western designs. However, as it turned out, it was not working. We need to further understand the significance and technology of design and combine with current status of China in order to make appropriate design.

譯稿:However, I know that the knowledge I’ve learnt is far less than enough and can only make me an undergraduate. With such knowledge, I can only make an ordinary garden, but not a satisfactory work. Consequently, I choose to study abroad for further knowledge of landscape. As far as I know, the landscape design major in your university is one of the best in Australia, so I hope to have the opportunity to study and conduct research here in order to gradually improve my level. This is not only for the purpose of building a garden and realizing her dream in those days, but also to make the design that can survive in China today. Therefore, I sincerely hope your school can help me a bit on my way towards my dream.

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