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發(fā)表時間:2015/12/11 00:00:00  來源:譯境翻譯  作者: www.shufeiwangluo.com  瀏覽次數(shù):3301  
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譯稿:The MISM program of UW has always enjoyed a good reputation in the industry and my teachers and upperclassmen all recommend the program to me. While looking for suitable program, I have read the courses of various programs carefully, because the MSIM programs provided by various universities are different.


原文:首先我對這個項目課程中的data science and analytics和information architecture對這兩部分非常感興趣。我覺得現(xiàn)在想要設計一個好的產(chǎn)品,或者是研發(fā)一個好的項目最重要的第一步就是要先做好數(shù)據(jù)分析。絕大多數(shù)用戶不愿輕易改變自己的使用習慣,想要產(chǎn)品能受人歡迎就得能滿足客戶的需求,而他們的需求在大量的過住系統(tǒng)使用相關數(shù)據(jù)中能得到明顯的線索。所以做好數(shù)據(jù)的挖掘和分析是系統(tǒng)設計的必備技能。另外就是information architecture。

譯稿:First of all, I’m very interested in the Data Science and Analytics and Information Architecture offered in the courses of the program. I think the most important first step to design a good product or develop a good program is to analyze the data well. The majority of users are not willing to change their habit in using and products need to meet customer demand in order to be popular, while there are obvious clues for customer demand in a lot of system service data in the past. Therefore, data mining and analysis are the necessary skills in system design. The other one is Information Architecture.



譯稿:In my internship, I become increasingly aware of the importance of the courses of the two directions to future development. However, there were no correlated courses for us during university. Currently, the course offering of my major focuses more on programming, which is the same for the postgraduate programs in some other universities in China. Besides, the programs in some American universities are also not attaching sufficient importance to this part of courses. I believe that good programming technology alone cannot make me a leader and the analysis and understanding of data are the real determining factors of future direction.



譯稿:Most of my projects are completed together with my classmates and teachers. I have more tacit understanding when working on tasks with my classmates, because I know everyone’s advantages, as well as who are the lazy or efficient ones. We can work together and determine the difficulty of content according to the time schedule of the project.



譯稿:Once I developed the portal site for WeShare, an overseas education consulting corporation, with some of my classmates. In the project, I was elected as the group leader due to my good communication ability, because the group leader was responsible for not only the communication among group members, but also the content and progress feedback to the responsible person of the company and receiving the opinion from the company for corresponding adjustment.



譯稿: I was familiar with teamwork because I often worked with other students while doing projects in the school; therefore, the part of arranging time to negotiate with group members to confirm demand every week and completing module design is relatively easier for me. I knew all the group members well and therefore there was no objection to the division of labor I arranged and everyone was very clear about and capable of their duties. Meanwhile, I was also responsible for writing the front end code of the homepage.



譯稿:The hard part of the project was that I had to guarantee my progress while communicating with group members frequently to guarantee that the ones in charge of front end, back end and setting up database can complete their parts in time. Everyone had a progress and in order to coordinate and help the ones having difficulty in keeping up with the pace of development, I had to spend a lot of energy to make adjustment, or adjust corresponding content in the communication of demand with the company, or help them to find ancillary resources to reduce the difficulty of their work.



譯稿:So I believe in the MSIM program of UW, I can obtain the academic support I want and lay a solid foundation for my future career development and for my dream to come true.


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