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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2015/12/09 00:00:00  來(lái)源:譯境翻譯  作者:www.shufeiwangluo.com  瀏覽次數(shù):4487  
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譯稿:My grandfather is a structural engineer who participated in the construction of the Great Hall of the People when the P.R.C. was established. Deeply influenced by my grandfather, I was very interested in designing and construction when I was a child. It is so impressive to see that those all kinds of lines under my grandfather’s pencil and those different kinds of models assembled by him can actually become spectacular buildings. From then on I developed a strong interest in architectural design.

譯文:In 2003 I began my study at CFAF (Central Academy of Fine Arts) and majored in Interior Design in the field of Environment Design. As the top-notch fine art institute in China, CFAF provided me a wealth of resources in my professional learning. What’s more, during my four-year study, I had the honor to become a student of Professor Zhan Qiman, the prestigeous environment designer in China. Under Professor Zhang’s instruction, I took the courses like Environment and Architecture Planning and Design, Garden Design, Space Composition Theory and so on.

譯文:In the first half semester of my senior year, in order to conduct my graduation project “Adobe Environment Art Design”, I embarked on a field trip to northwest China. By talking to the local residents, I came to understand the issues of resources, environment, ecology among others brough by urbanization. Therefore, I modified the design of Earth Building - Cave House in a modernized and ecological way, and also incorporated concept of “Experience Economy”, which I hope can foster local tourism and illustrate to local residents the ideal future of traditional residence, so as to reserve the Chinese way of Earth Building. My project won the second prize of Outstanding Graduation Design Works in 2007 and also rank the second among 120 schoolmates’ projects, which got me one of the Annual Outstanding Graduates.

譯文:In the winter vocation of my senior year, I got an internship at IKEA Beijing Brach as a Designer Assistant. During this time, I took part in the design of IKEA Beijing East Forth Ring Branch, and managed to design a city restaurant unit layout all by myself. In order to do it successfully, I did a research on the daily habits of typical Chinese urban families and inventory erery conceivable kinds of tableware. In the end, my design was endorsed by Chief Designer because of the vibrant details and the insight about life.

譯文:Upon graduation in 2007, I stood out from 350 candidates and became Engineer Assistant at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse after passing five interviews. The Diaoyutai State Guesthouse is the superior hotel where the Chinese state leaders receive other countries’ heads of state or important guests. In 2008, as Engineer Assistant, I took part in the first Diaoyutai SPA pilot project of which the total area is 316 square meters. I also set the concept of that SPA pilot project and proposed useful suggestions. I introduced Chinese traditional philosophy Wuxing into my design, which aimed at achieving a complete relax through five sensory functions, namely auditory sense (relax achieved through music therapy), gustatory sense (relax achieved through herbal tea and healthy diet), tactile sense (relax achieved through massage and outer environment), olfactory sense (relax achieved through natural aromatic oil) and visual sense (relax achieved through natural landscape or nature-imitated landscape and cultural environment). This concept was adopted in my design and was represented from the theme, the decoration, the combining aromatherapy and the background music to the dietarrangement. This design won many state heads’ approval.

譯文:Besides, I successfully finished the apply for the construction of Diaoyutai Reception Building No.3 and Tennis Stadium project which occupies 12,000 square meters and the total investment is about 100 million. Through this experience I widened my imagination of space design and strengthened my communication and coordination ability as well as the ability to macro-control projects.

譯文:Considering the leadership of the States in Interior Design as well as the quality teaching environment, I decided on pursuing further study there, in order to learn the know-how of Interior Design, to hone my skill set, and to keep abreast with the updates in the business.

譯文:My short-term goal is to apply what I can learn in the States into the project of Diaoyutai State Guesthouse Renovation in 2015. By re-planning the landscape and re-constructing the buildings there, this project aims at subtly transforming the Chinese architectural aesthetics, a style adopted in 1958 since its inception, hoping to enable people to appreciate the beauty in its own right rather than a mere representation of power and politics. In addition, my long-term goal is to build up the stock of knowledge before I could be a lecturer in the universities back in China and make contribution to improving the academic strength in this field.


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