catti --考試真題
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2015/8/25 16:18:29

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catti --考試真題
catti --考試真題


1.喬布斯夫人的新聞報(bào)道 節(jié)選

Marlene Castro knew the tall blonde woman only asLaurene, her mentor. Th

ey met every few weeks in arough Silicon Valley neighborhood the year that

Ms.Castro was applying to college, and they emailedoften,

bonding over conversations about Ms.Castro’s difficult childhood

. Without Laurene’s help,Ms. Castro said, she might not have become the firs

t person in her family to graduate fromcollege.

It was only later, when she was a freshman at University of California, Berkel

ey, that Ms. Castroread a news article and realized that Laurene was Silicon V

alley royalty, the wife of Apple’s co-founder, Steven P. Jobs.

“I just became 10 times more appreciative of her humility and how humble

she was in workingwith us in East Palo Alto,” Ms. Castro said.

The story, friends and colleagues say, is classic Laurene Powell Jobs. Famous

because of herlast name and fortune, she has always been private and pub


Her philanthropicwork, especially on education causes like College Tra

ck, the college prep organization she helpedfound and through which she was

Ms. Castro’s mentor, has been her priority and focus.

Now, less than two years after Mr. Jobs’s death, Ms. Powell Jobs is becoming

somewhat lessprivate. She has tiptoed into the public sphere, pushing her ag

enda in education as well asglobal conservation, nutrition and immigratio

n policy.

“She’s been mourning for a year and was grieving for five years before that,”

said Larry Brilliant,who is an old friend of Mr. Jobs.

“Her life was about her family and Steve, but she is nowemerging as a pote

nt force on the world stage, and this is only the beginning.”

But she is doing it her way.

“It’s not about getting any public recognition for her giving, it’s to help touc

h and transformindividual lives,” said Laura Andreessen, a philanthropist a

nd lecturer on philanthropy atStanford who has been close friends with Ms

. Powell Jobs for two decades.

While some people said Ms. Powell Jobs should have started a foundation in

Mr. Jobs’s nameafter his death, she did not, nor has she increased her public


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