2015年5月CATTI一口真題詳解 英譯漢2
發(fā)起人:eging  回復數:1  瀏覽數:5825  最后更新:2022/9/28 6:40:55 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2015/10/1 13:02:20

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數:3730
2015年5月CATTI一口真題詳解 英譯漢2
講演人為荷蘭農業(yè)部長Sharon Dijksma,與上一篇相比,語言比較樸實,句式簡單,技巧上內容很少。只是作為一句非英語講演人,稿件有些用詞和邏輯不是特別準確,翻譯時要更多考慮語篇的內容,保證理解正確。

For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century one is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it. Do we dare to grow smarter today? Do we dare to fish smarter today? Are we really willing to stop the moral outcry that still almost one-billion people go to bed hungry every day? Are we really willing to stop the overexploitation of our natural resources, especially ocean fish stocks? You, we, as global leaders, ocean practitioners, businesses, scientists, NGOs, civil society and international organizations, have to find answers to these questions. We are meeting here to discuss protecting the world’s oceans, and made climate changes and overfishing.  This summit is about sharing experiences, but more over demonstrating how combined action in partnerships for healthier and productive oceans can drive sustainable growth and shared prosperity while preserving our natural resources for future generations.


Let’s face the facts. 80% of all life on the planet is found in the ocean. The ocean provides a global life support system that helps regulate climate and supplies half of the planet’s oxygen needed for one in every two breaths that we take. Of course food security cannot be sustained without sustainable fisheries. Fish contributes 17 percent of the animal protein consumed by the world’s population with demand expected to double in the next twenty years. Currently 3 billion people depend on fish for twenty percent of their average per capita intake of animal protein.So healthy seas and oceans are key to rising to our challenge. But three key threats to ocean health – overfishing, habitat change and pollution. Actions to solve these threats have often been unsuccessful. Moreover, they have contributed to the tensions between growth and conservation, and between private sector interests and equitable benefits for communities.


So healthy seas and oceans are key to rising to our challenge.這句話的英語表達很奇怪,只能大致進行判斷。

Fisheries and aquaculture generate considerable social and economic benefits for hundreds of millions of people around the world. These activities have the potential to increase their contribution to human well-being and growth. But these activities have also inevitable impact on biodiversity and the environment. The health of our planet itself, our health and food security depend on how we treat the blue world. We cannot keep using marine and aquatic resources as if they were endless. And we cannot keep using our oceans as a waste pool. In 1992 in Rio and in 2002 in Johannesburg we agreed on many goals for sustainable fisheries by 2015. We are not even close today. The good news is we are making progress, bad news is if we don’t step up our efforts there will be no fish left by 2030. The only way forward is bringing together stakeholders from across the public-private-civil society spheres to co-design solutions that can achieve healthy oceans at the speed and scale necessary to meet the challenges we face.


How do we turn the tide? First of all we should go back to the basics. We should learn from concrete success stories where competing interests can be reconciled in partnerships that can scale up activities that ultimately result in shared prosperity. For sustainable growth in fisheries, we need to reduce the current rate of natural habitat loss and habitat degradation, increase marine protected areas, conserve and restore natural coastal habitats to increase resilience for climate change impacts.With these approaches, we also need more selective fishery methods and restrictive measures that are workable and implementable for our fishermen. Fish has no boundaries. To address the threats facing our oceans, global cooperation is needed. Concrete joint actions should be more important than identifying these threats and developing a strategic roadmap for our goal.This is very well said,“If you realize you are only a violin, you can open yourself up to the world by playing your role in the concert.” With this, I invite you all to join me to save the blue ocean for the world.


“If you realize you are only a violin, you can open yourself up to the world by playing your role in the concert.”這句話來自盧梭,注意翻譯時要把內容關系翻清楚。

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