發(fā)起人:eging  回復(fù)數(shù):0  瀏覽數(shù):4640  最后更新:2018/4/5 23:33:22 by eging

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2018/4/5 23:33:34

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):3730
Common Terms for Bird Flu
World Health Organization (WHO)聯(lián)合國世界衛(wèi)生組織
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)美國國家疾病控制與預(yù)防中心
Beijing municipal animal epidemic prevention centre 北京市動物流行病防治中心
bird flu / avian flu / avian influenza / fowl plague / 禽流感,又稱真性雞瘟、歐洲雞瘟

outbreak 爆發(fā)
suspected cases 疑似疫情
confirmed cases 診斷疫情
test positive 檢測為陽性
highly pathogenic suspected cases高致病性禽流感疫區(qū)

poultry farms 家禽農(nóng)場
disease-affected areas 疾病感染地區(qū)
disposal of animal wastes 動物糞便的處理
disinfection 消毒
inactive virus 非活性病毒

circulate 傳播,流傳
contagious 接觸傳染性的
outbreak 爆發(fā)
vaccinate 注射疫苗
influenza pandemic 流感流行

infection 傳染病
virulent 劇毒的;致命的
strain (身心的)緊張狀態(tài)
populous 人口眾多的,人口稠密的
trigger 觸發(fā),引起
respiratory symptom 呼吸道癥狀

human-to-human transmission 人與人之間的傳染
within-family transmission 家庭成員間的傳染
pathogen 病原體
mortality rate 死亡率
fever 感冒

cough 咳嗽
sore throat 喉嚨疼痛發(fā)炎
acute respiratory distress 急性的呼吸道疾病
viral pneumonia 病毒性肺炎


紫外線 ultraviolet radiation
消毒劑 disinfectants
防護(hù)服 protective clothing,masks of N95-type
撲殺(動物) cull,stamp out, destroy
獸體 carcasses

帶病毒的(動物)糞便 contaminated manure/droppings/faeces
機(jī)械性傳媒 mechanical vectors
自然宿主 natural reservoir (of bird flu viruses)
抗傳染 resistant to infection
流感流行 influenza pandemic

禽傳人 birds-to-human transmission
人傳人 human-to-human transmission, person-to-person transmission
人患禽流感 human cases of bird flu
世界衛(wèi)生組織全球流感監(jiān)測網(wǎng)絡(luò) WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network
網(wǎng)絡(luò)實驗室 network laboratories

H5N1類禽流感 H5N1 strain
預(yù)防措施 pre-emptive measures/preventative measures
有與其它流感病毒交換基因的傾向 to have the propensity to exchange genes with influenza viruses from ther species.
現(xiàn)有的疫苗 currently available vaccines, existing vaccines
注射疫苗 vaccinate

(病毒)分離 isolate
原型病毒 prototype virus
正粘病毒 Orthomyxo Virus
哺乳動物病毒mammalian virus
流感病毒屬Influenza Virus

原型疫苗 prototype vaccine
H5N1原型病毒 H5N1prototype virus
儲存疫苗 stockpiling vaccines
突然發(fā)病 sudden onset
引發(fā)流感流行 trigging an influenza pandemic
病毒突變 mutate,virus mutation

基因交換 gene swapping
基因重組 genetic recombination
基因易變 genetically labile
宿主的防御能力host defense
(基因)復(fù)制錯誤 replication errors

基因修復(fù) gene repair
抗原變體antigenic variant
抗原變異 antigenic variation
抗原飄移 antigenic drift
抗原位移 antigenic shift

從病毒中獲取遺傳物質(zhì) scrambling/acquiring genetic materials from human and avian viruses
“混合器” “mixing vessel”
流感的亞型 influenza subtype
自然免疫力 natural immunity

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