發(fā)起人:eging3  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):6415  最后更新:2022/9/28 5:30:55 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2017/6/7 15:04:38

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):1914
Hot work in progress 正在施工??No persons allowed beyond this point 任何人不許越過(guò)此處。 ?

?Safety footwear.穿安全靴 ?

?Safety helmets must be worn on this site 此工地必須戴安全帽。?

?Site entrance, dangerous 工地入口,危險(xiǎn) ? ?

Slow, site entrance 工地入口請(qǐng)慢行 ?

?This button has been moved for remedial work 該按鈕已卸下拿去修理。?

?This is just for construction personnel 僅供施工人員使用。? ?

This lift is only for construction personal 此電梯僅供施工人員使用。 ?

?This work will be completed by the end of this year. Thank you for ? ?your patience during the inevitable disruption 此工程于年底

完工,感謝你施工期間的寬容大度。? ?

We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this works 對(duì)施工期間引起的不便表示歉?意。?

?Working overhead 上面在施工 ?

?XI.Banks and Insurance 銀行保險(xiǎn)?

?24-hour credit card bookings 24小時(shí)信用卡預(yù)約?

?An attractive rate of interest on any money. 存款利率高?

?Automatic teller machine 自動(dòng)取款機(jī)?

?Bring proof of identity to open your account. 開(kāi)戶需帶證件? ?

Bureau de change/Currency exchange 兌換外匯 ?

?Call us with credit card details on … 打電話……詢問(wèn),需提供信用卡記錄詳情。?

?Fast, safe worldwide money transfers available here.我們能提供全球快捷安全的轉(zhuǎn)帳業(yè)務(wù)。?

?Foreign exchange (services) 外幣兌換 ?

?Look out our lowest rate loans on personal 提供個(gè)人低息貸款。?

?Making your money grow 讓你的錢(qián)增值。? ?

Our telephone banking service is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a ?year.我們的銀行開(kāi)通每年365天每天24小時(shí)的服務(wù)電話。?

?Repayments guaranteed to stay the same throughout the length of the loan. 償還的貸款保 ?證在還貸期間保持不變。?

?Sell to customer rate: 賣(mài)出價(jià):? ?

There is no cash left in this machine overnight 此機(jī)夜間無(wú)現(xiàn)金 ? ?

This till position is closed. 此取款機(jī)停止使用? ?

Travelers cheque commission 旅行支票收手續(xù)費(fèi) ? ?

We can supply all your foreign currency. 我們提供各國(guó)貨幣?

?We give you great rates and instant access 我們提供優(yōu)惠的價(jià)位快捷的服務(wù)。? ?

You open an account with at least £10 開(kāi)戶至少10鎊?

?Your insurance plan will protect your product against accidental damage.保險(xiǎn)將保護(hù)你的 ?產(chǎn)品免受意外損失。?

?XII.Post Office and Communications 郵局電信? ?Abroad 國(guó)外信件 ?

?All prices include postage and packing 全部?jī)r(jià)格包括郵資和包裝? ?

Calls charged at the national rate 電話按國(guó)內(nèi)長(zhǎng)途收費(fèi)? ?

Counter service 服務(wù)柜臺(tái) ?

?Country letters 國(guó)內(nèi)信件 ?

?Enquires 問(wèn)訊處 ?

?If your mobile breaks down more than twice because of a mechanical ? ? fault, we will replace it. 如果你的手機(jī)出現(xiàn)兩次以上的故


?If your mobile phone breaks down, we will carry out as many repairs as your product needs, free of charge. 如果你的手機(jī)出現(xiàn)故障,我們隨時(shí)提供免費(fèi)修理。?

?In most instances we will repair your mobile phone within five working days. 一般我們 ?在5個(gè)工作日修好你的手機(jī)。? ?

Internet e-mail with free fast access to useful sites 發(fā)電子郵件,免費(fèi)訪問(wèn)常用的網(wǎng)站。?

?Local calls 本地電話 ?

?Mobile phone center 移動(dòng)電話中心?

?National calls 國(guó)內(nèi)長(zhǎng)途電話 ?

?Nokia original accessories 諾基亞原裝配件 ? ?

Please join the main queue 請(qǐng)排成一隊(duì) ?

?Please post all your mail here,thank you 請(qǐng)?jiān)诖肃]寄,謝謝合作 ? ?

Pocket phone shop 手機(jī)商店 ?

?Post your comments here 請(qǐng)留下您的意見(jiàn) ? ?

Price paid including fees and vat.所付價(jià)格包括服務(wù)費(fèi)和增值稅 ? ?

Simply return your damaged or faulty phone to our store and it will be exchanged for a

?loan phone until your phone has been repaired.只要你把你損壞或有故障的手機(jī)拿回我們商店 ?,在你的手機(jī)修好前,我們會(huì)提供備用電話。? ?

Stamp vending machine 郵票銷(xiāo)售機(jī) ?

?We offer a special instant replacement service for pagers. 我們對(duì)BB機(jī)提供快捷換貨的特 ?別服務(wù)。 ?

?We will replace any accessories you bought from us for your original phone. 我們?yōu)槟銖?我們這買(mǎi)的原裝手機(jī)換配件。?? ?

XIII.Theatre and Cinema 劇院電影院? ?

24 hour ticket line … 24小時(shí)售票電話……?

?All prices quoted include any service charges applicable.票價(jià)包括一定的服務(wù)費(fèi)。?

?All sessions last for approximately 1 hour. 演出大約1小時(shí)

??Booking Office 售票處 ? ?

Bookable in advance at the box office only with ID 憑身份證可在售票處提前預(yù)定。?

?Booking by post, phone, fax or e-mail or in person. 可通過(guò)郵寄,打電話,發(fā)傳真或發(fā)電子郵件或親自定票。?

?Booking can be made through … on … 可打電話 ……通過(guò)……定票? ?

Concessions 優(yōu)惠?

?No booking fee 不收定票費(fèi)?

?Performance times 演出時(shí)間? ?

Previews 預(yù)演? ?

Regular price 普通票價(jià)?

?Special reductions are available to groups 12+ at all performances. 所有演出對(duì)12人以上 ?的團(tuán)體給予特別優(yōu)惠。? ?

The performance runs 2 hours 30 minutes including an interval 整個(gè)演出2小時(shí)30分,包括?中間休息? ?

The price shown on the ticket includes ticket price and service charges.票上的價(jià)格包括 ?票價(jià)和服務(wù)費(fèi)。 ? ?

This ticket will not be exchanged nor the purchase price refunded.票不可交換,也不能按購(gòu)買(mǎi)價(jià)退票。 ? ?

Tickets are subject to availability. 票在銷(xiāo)售,售完為止??

Tickets available from all accredited ticket agents. 可在所有的指定的代理商買(mǎi)到票? ?

XIV.Hotels and Hostels 旅店賓館?

?Be careful when using the bath.使用此浴室時(shí)小心。 ?

專(zhuān)業(yè)翻譯公司 http://www.shufeiwangluo.com

2022/9/28 5:30:56

角  色:普通會(huì)員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):10863
當(dāng)前查看此主題的會(huì)員: 1 人。其中注冊(cè)用戶 0 人,訪客 1 人。

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