新詞、熱詞 [翻譯詞匯]
發(fā)起人:eging2  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):4219  最后更新:2022/9/28 4:55:34 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2015/10/3 14:52:31

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):1468
新詞、熱詞 [翻譯詞匯]

世博園 expo garden

At the 5.28-sq-km expo garden, upwards of 800,000 visitors are expected to punch their tickets at the gate every day - equivalent to dropping a different European city into the middle of Shanghai seven days a week.

世 博園面積達(dá)5.28平方公里,屆時(shí)每天將接待游客超過80萬人次,這相當(dāng)于每周將一個(gè)歐洲城市的人口輸送至上海市中心。

漂移農(nóng)場(chǎng) floating farm

China’s shipbuilding ability has represented its power throughout history and the China Shipping Pavilion at this year’s Shanghai Expo is showcasing some major improvements in the country’s shipbuilding industry along with a new concept for the future – a floating farm ship. 中國已經(jīng)在歷史上展示了自己的造船能力。本屆上海世博會(huì)中國船舶館中,科學(xué)家向人們展示了中國造船業(yè)的主要成就,以及未來新概念:漂移農(nóng)場(chǎng)船。)

少林功夫 Shaolin Kung Fu.

Shaolin Kung Fu will be featured in a cultural event held by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris in May, the China News Service reported Monday.據(jù)中新社16日?qǐng)?bào)道,今年5月,聯(lián)合國教科文組織將在總部巴黎舉辦"文化多樣性活動(dòng)周",中國少林功夫應(yīng)邀參加。

剩女 3S lady

This tag refers to ladies who are old enough for marriage but who have yet to tie the knot. 3S is short for Single, Seventies and Stuck. A 3S lady has a relatively good education, as well as a high income. They have a common characteristic: They are independent.) (來源:21世紀(jì)英文報(bào)第753期中山大學(xué)陳萌整理)

情侶裝 his-and -hers clothes

圈友 Internet social networking, exclusive circle member

桑拿天 sauna weather

The heatwave that has already lasted three days is expected to ease and temperatures should fall to around 30 degrees Celsius after rainfall on Wednesday. However, the rain could continue until Saturday, leading to "sauna weather" during the second half of the week. 據(jù)估計(jì),本周三(北京)將迎來降雨,持續(xù)三天的熱浪將得到緩解。但這場(chǎng)降雨將持續(xù)至周六,在本周后幾天將京城徹底拖入“桑拿天”。

萬人迷 Mack Daddy

David Beckham is a Mack Daddy!My sister stares at the television screen every time he appears. 大衛(wèi).貝克漢姆是個(gè)萬人迷。每次他出現(xiàn)在電視上,我妹妹都盯著屏幕不放。

整理后,在每個(gè)詞條的中文和英文之間插入了 “||”分隔符,可以很方便地導(dǎo)入到其他的翻譯軟件中使用。摘錄如下:

綜合治理||comprehensive treatment

綜合指數(shù)||composite index


總經(jīng)理負(fù)責(zé) 制||general- manager responsibility system(

各州推選組成的)總統(tǒng)選舉團(tuán)||electoral college

綜藝節(jié)目||variety show

走過場(chǎng)||go through the motions

走后門||get in by the back door

走俏||sell well

走上良性發(fā)展的軌道||going on the track of sound progress

走新型工業(yè)化道路||Take a new road to industrialization

走 形式||go through the motions

走穴 ||(actors, singers, etc.) perform for outside salary income without approval by the unit they belong to

阻礙 司法||obstruction of justice

祖?zhèn)鱸|handed down from one’s ancestors

最低 工資保障制度||minimum-wage guarantee system

最低生活保證制度||system for ensuring a minimum standard of living

組閣||organize the cabinet

祖國和平統(tǒng)一大 業(yè)||peaceful reunification of the motherland

租賃企業(yè)||leased enterprise

足 球流氓||football hooligan

組委會(huì)||organizing committee

足浴||Foot massage

組 織關(guān)系||membership credentials

鉆空子||avail oneself of a loophole

鉆空 子||exploit an advantage

鉆空子||take the advantage of the loopholes of

最 不發(fā)達(dá)國家||Least-developed countries (LDCs)

最初談判權(quán)(初談權(quán))||INRs (Initial Negotiating Rights)

最后的投票||make the final vote

最惠國待遇||Most- favored-nation Treatment

最有價(jià)值球員||MVP(Most Valuable Player)

最終用 戶||end user

(電影、電視獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng))最佳新人獎(jiǎng)||Best new performer

最賣座的藝人||top-selling artist

遵紀(jì)守法、廉潔奉公||observe the relevant code of conduct and the law and honestly perform one’s official duties

做好資源型城市經(jīng)濟(jì)轉(zhuǎn)型||transform the resource-based economies of certain cities

做假帳||salt a false account

左 傾||pinko

坐視不管||sit back and look unconcerned

坐視不管||sit by and do nothing


作秀||make a show

左右為難||between the devil and the deep blue sea

左右為難||between the rock and the hard place

坐 牢||behind bars


作秀||publicity stunt 

AA制|| Dutch treatment

AA制|| go Dutch

A股市場(chǎng)|| A share market

《阿Q正傳》|| The True Story of Ah Q

B超|| type-B ultrasonic

SOHO一族(小型辦公室和家庭辦公室)||SO (Small Office) HO (HomeOffice)

ST股;特別處理股 ||Special Treatment

PT股;特 別轉(zhuǎn)讓股|| Particular Transfer

U(優(yōu))盤 ||USB drive

BP 機(jī) ||beeper, pager

B to B (B2B) ||business to business

2008夏季奧運(yùn)會(huì) ||2008 summer Olympics

甲 A足球隊(duì)|| Division A soccer team

360度環(huán)幕電影|| Circamara

申辦2008年奧運(yùn)會(huì)|| bid for 2008 Olympics

主辦2008年奧運(yùn)會(huì) ||host the 2008 Olympic Games 
2022/9/28 4:55:36

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