發(fā)起人:eging3  回復(fù)數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):4851  最后更新:2022/9/28 3:35:10 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2017/6/15 15:26:50

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):1914
門柱: Door pillar

單門: Single door

雙開門: Ddouble door

子母門: Son-mother door

子門:Secondary door

母門: Primary door

門扇:Door leaf

門框:Door frame

螺栓: Bolt

側(cè)鎖點(diǎn):Side locking point

貓眼:Door viewer

主鎖:Main lock

密封條:Magnetic seal

鉸鏈/合頁(yè): Hinge

門鈴:Door bell




噴塑:Powder coating

熱轉(zhuǎn)印:Heat transfer printing

金屬漆:Metallic paint:

仿銅漆:Imitation copper paint


學(xué)校桌子School desk


學(xué)校公寓床Apartment bed

餐桌Dining table

實(shí)驗(yàn)室家具 Laboratory

黑板 Blackboard

圖書館家具 Library furniture

體育館排椅 Platoon chair

兒童桌 Child school desk

刨花板 Particle board/flake board/Chipboard

多層板/膠合板 Plywood

密度板 MDF

三聚氰胺 Melamine

防火板 Fireproofing board, high pressure laminate board (HPL Board)

封邊 Edge banding strip

紋理 Grain

甲醛釋放量 Formaldehyde Emission

模壓板 Moulded board

玻璃鋼 Fiber glass/fiber reinforced plastics

理化板 Chemical-Resistant Laminate

鋼筋 Round Steel/steel rod

鋼管 Steel circle tube

方管 square tube

矩形管 Rectangle tube

扁鐵 Flat steel bar

角鋼 Angle iron

噴塑 Surface electrostatic powder spraying/powder coatings

高質(zhì)量不褪色 A high degree of light-fastness

機(jī)械磨蝕 Abrasion

磨損硬度 Abrasion hardness

砂帶 Abrasive band

網(wǎng)兜 Basket shelf

鋼木室內(nèi)門 Interior steel-wood door

強(qiáng)化木門(三聚氰胺木門)Melamine wood door

實(shí)木復(fù)合油漆門/烤漆門 Solid wood compound door

PVC免漆室內(nèi)門 PVC door

模壓門 HDF molded door

塑鋼門 UPVC door

三聚氰胺層壓: melamine lamination

蜂窩紙: honeycomb material

實(shí)木框架: solid wood frame

門套板: Combined door formula big panel

門套線: Door formula line

門擋條: Door ward part

墻體:Wall thickness


Abram's rule 阿勃拉姆規(guī)則

Abrasion 磨耗

Accelerated strength testing 快速?gòu)?qiáng)度試驗(yàn)

Acid resistance 耐酸性

Adiabatic temperature rise 絕熱升溫

Admixture 外加劑

Aggregate 集料(混凝土)

Air entrainment 引氣(加氣)

Autoclave 高壓釜

Accelerated curing 快速養(yǎng)護(hù)

Absorbed water 吸附水

Added water 附加水

Aggregate bulk density 集料松散容重

Auti-corrosion Admixture 防銹劑

Anisotropic materials 各向異性材料

Air-entrained concrete 引氣混凝土

Air Entrain Admixture 引氣劑

Aggregate porosity 集料孔隙率

Artificial marble 人造大理石

Alite 阿利特

Alkali-aggregate reaction 堿-集料反應(yīng)

Alkalies in Portland cement 波特蘭水泥中的堿

Alkali-silica reaction 堿-二氧化硅反應(yīng)

Anhydrite 無(wú)水石膏(硬石膏)

Autoclave expansion test 高壓釜膨脹試驗(yàn)

Air-entrained concrete 加氣混凝土

Adhesion agent 粘著劑

Accelerating agent 速凝劑

All mesh ferrocement 無(wú)筋鋼絲網(wǎng)水泥

Allyl-Butadiene-Styrene 丙烯氰-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚樹脂(ABS)

Air pockets 鼓泡

Axial tensive property 軸心受拉性能

Axial compressive property 軸心受壓性能

Air impermeability 氣密性

Abnormal Polypropylene 無(wú)規(guī)聚丙烯(APP)

Asbestos fibres 石棉纖維

Asbestos insulation 石棉絕熱制品

Autoclave expansion test 壓蒸法

Artificial 人造石

Air entraining and water-reducing admixture 引氣減水劑

Active addition 活性混合材

Addition of cement 水泥混合材

Aluminoferic cement clinker 鐵鋁酸鹽水泥熟料

Age 齡期,時(shí)期

Aluminum silicate wool 硅酸鋁棉

Aluminum foil 鋁箔

Air space insulation 封閉空氣間層

Areal thermal resistance(specific thermal resistance) 比熱阻(熱導(dǎo)率的倒數(shù))

Absorptivity 吸收率

Air permeability(Air penetration coefficient) 空氣滲透率


Brick 絕熱磚 Bleeding 泌水

Bitumen-determination of penetration 瀝青針入度測(cè)定法

Battery-mold process 成組立模工藝

Bar spacing 加筋間距

Binder bonding agent 粘合劑

Barytes 重晶石

Batchhing 稱量(配料)

Biaxial behavior 雙軸向性質(zhì)

Blaine fineness 勃來(lái)恩,細(xì)度

Blast-furnace slag 高爐礦渣

Blast-furnace slag cements 高爐礦渣水泥

Blended portland cements 摻混合料的波特蘭水泥

Bogue equations 鮑格方程式

Bond 粘結(jié)

Brucite 氫氧鎂石(水鎂石)

Bulking of sand 砂的濕脹

Bull-float 刮尺

Board(block)insulation 絕熱板

Bitumastic paint 瀝青涂料

Bituminous road materials 瀝青筑路材料

Blowing agent 發(fā)泡劑

Bar between mesh 加筋

Ball impact test (******強(qiáng)度)落球試驗(yàn)法

Basic constituent 堿性組分基本成分

Basicity 堿度,堿性

Batch mixture 配合料

Bend stress 彎曲應(yīng)力

Bituminous paint 瀝青涂料

Bituminous concrete 瀝青混凝土

Block brick 大型砌塊

Blunger 攪拌器,打漿機(jī)

Brick setting 磚砌體 (brickwork)

Brittle point of asphalt 瀝青冷脆點(diǎn)

Broken stone 碎石

Bubbing potential 發(fā)泡能力

Building brick 建筑紅磚

Building system 建筑體系,建筑系統(tǒng)

Brittle material 脆性材料


Calcium aluminate cement 鋁酸鈣水泥

Calcium aluminates 鋁酸鈣

Calcium chloride 氯化鈣

Calcium ferroaluminates 鐵鉛酸鈣

Calcium hydroxide 氫氧化鈣

Calcium oxide 氧化鈣

Calcium silicate hydrate 水化硅酸鈣

Calcium silicate 硅酸鈣

Calcium sulfates 硫酸鈣

Calcium sulfoaluminate 硫鉛酸鈣

Calcium sulfoaluminate hydrates 水化硫鋁酸鈣

Capillary voids(pores)in cement 水泥中的毛細(xì)管

Capillary water 毛細(xì)管水

Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

Cavitation 混凝土中的大孔洞,空蝕作用

Cement fineness 水泥細(xì)度

Cement paste 水泥漿

Cement soundness 水泥安定性

Cement specifications 水泥規(guī)范

Cement strength 水泥強(qiáng)度

Cement types 水泥品種

Ceramsite 陶粒

Chalcedony 玉髓

Chemically combined water 化學(xué)結(jié)合水

Chert 燧石(黑硅石)

Chloride 氯化物

Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡膠(CR)

Chord modulus 弦彈性模量

Clinker 熟料

Coarse aggregate 粗集料

Cold-weather concreting 冷天澆筑混凝土

Compacting factor test 搗實(shí)系數(shù)試驗(yàn)

Compaction(consolidation) 搗實(shí)(搗固)

Compressive strength 抗壓強(qiáng)度

Computer control system 計(jì)算機(jī)控制系統(tǒng)

Concrete batching plant 混凝土攪拌站

Concrete composition 混凝土配合比

Concrete products 混凝土制品

Concrete pump 混凝土輸送泵

Coefficient of permeability of concrete 混凝土滲透系數(shù)

Carbonated lime sand brick 碳化灰砂磚

Carbonating 碳化處理

Cement resistance to chemical


Cube size 立方體試件尺寸

Characteristic strength 特征強(qiáng)度

Coarse aggregate ratio to fine粗集料玉細(xì)集料之比

Carbonated shrinkage 碳化收縮

Calcium silicate insulation 硅酸鈣絕熱制品

Cellular(foamed)glass 泡沫玻璃(多孔玻璃)

Composite insulation 復(fù)合絕熱層

Cold rolled steel 冷軋鋼

Cellular concrete 多孔混凝土

Complex accelerator based on triethanolamine 三乙醇胺復(fù)合早強(qiáng)劑

Component 組分,成分,構(gòu)件

Compliance 柔度

Composite 復(fù)合,合成,復(fù)合材料

Composite insulation 復(fù)合絕熱層

Composite portland cement 復(fù)合硅酸鹽水泥

Concrete 混凝土

Condensed silica fume 濃縮(凝聚)的二氧化硅煙霧(硅粉)

Consistency 綢度 Core tests 鉆芯試驗(yàn)

Corrosion of steel in concrete 混凝土中鋼筋的腐蝕

Cost of concrete 混凝土成本

Cracking 開裂

Creep 徐變

Critical aggregate size 臨界集料尺寸 C-S-H 水化硅酸鈣

Coefficient of thermal expansion 熱膨脹系數(shù)

Conductivity 導(dǎo)熱性

Coefficient of shrinkage 收縮系數(shù)

Coefficient of permeability of concrete 混凝土收縮系數(shù)

Cement mortar 水泥膠砂

Crescent ribbed bars 月牙肋鋼筋

Concrete block 混凝土砌塊

Cold-drawn reinforcement bar 冷拉鋼筋

Cold rolled steel 冷軋鋼

Condensation polymerization 縮聚反應(yīng)

Critical degree of saturation 臨界飽和度

Critical stress 臨界壓力

Cryogenic behavior 低溫性質(zhì)

Crystallization pressure of salts鹽的結(jié)晶壓力

Crystal structure and reactivity結(jié)晶結(jié)構(gòu)和活性

Curing 養(yǎng)護(hù)

Civil Engineering 土木工程

Cement 水泥

Crack 裂縫

Calcium silicate insulation 硅酸鈣絕熱制品

Cement mortar 水泥砂漿

Cork 軟木

Cork insulation 軟木絕熱制品
專業(yè)翻譯公司 http://www.shufeiwangluo.com

[eging3 于 2017-6-15 15:28:05 編輯過(guò)] 排版出現(xiàn)問(wèn)題 
2022/9/28 3:35:12

角  色:普通會(huì)員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):10863
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