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Steel door 鋼質(zhì)門

Crack paint series 裂紋油漆門

Embossing door 浮雕板門

Electrolysis board 電解板門

Imitate copper door仿銅門

Solid wood compound door 實木復合門

High class craft door 工藝木門

PVC free coating door PVC 免漆門

High polymer free coating door 高分子免漆門

Interior steel- wooden door室內(nèi)鋼木門

HDF molded door 模壓門

Stainless door 不銹鋼門

Aluminum alloy door 鋁合金門

Plastic steel door 塑鋼門 Bolt 螺栓

Reinforced side locking point 加固側(cè)端鎖點

Door viewer 貓眼

Thickened door leaf 加厚門扇

Main lock 主鎖

Door leaf 門扇

Magnetic seal 門吸

Doorframe 門框

new-style reinforced hinge 新款加固合頁

Luminous stealth doorbell 夜光隱藏門鈴

Gas-bag magnetic seal 磁性密封條

Surface processing effect 表面處理效果

Stainless steel doorsill 不銹鋼門擋 Bolt 螺栓

super-thick door leaf triple anti- theft bolt 超厚門扇三重防盜螺栓

Machine lock 機械鎖

Pull 拉手

Door sill 門擋

Single color 單色

Width 寬


long 長

thickness 厚度

Door formula line 門套線

Combined door formula big panel 門框

Door ward bar 門檔條

Wooden screw 木質(zhì)螺絲

Sheet iron 鐵板

Batten 板條

Natural stuffing 自然填充物

Steel plate 鐵板

Powder coated 噴塑

Phosphate 磷化

Anti-ultraviolet 防紫外線

Rock wool 石棉


UPVC windows UPVC窗戶

Aluminum window 鋁合金窗戶

Window blinds 百葉窗

Steel window 鐵窗

Parapet wall 護欄

Top hung fanlight 頂懸氣窗

Moulding 裝飾線條

Top rail 上橫檔

Locking handle 把手

Friction hinge 摩擦教練

Jamb 側(cè)柱

Transom 橫梁

Cill 窗臺

Mullion 樹框

Stay 支撐桿

Bottom rail 下橫檔

Vertical sliding 垂直滑動

Triple track 三軌道


School desk 學校桌子

Fitting 配件

Apartment bed 學校公寓床

Dining table 餐桌

Laboratory 實驗室家具

Blackboard 黑板

Library furniture 圖書館家具

Platoon chair 體育館排椅

Child school desk 兒童桌子

Particle board/flake board/Chipboard 刨花板

Plywood 多層板/膠合板 MDF 密度板

Melamine 三聚氰胺

Fireproofing board, high pressure laminate board (HPL Board) 防火板

Edge banding strip 封邊

Grain 紋理

Formaldehyde Emission 甲醛釋放量

Moulded board 模壓板

Fiber glass/fiber reinforced plastics 玻璃鋼

Chemical-Resistant Laminate 理化板

Round Steel/steel rod 鋼筋

Steel circle tube 鋼管

square tube 方管

Rectangle tube 矩形管

Flat steel bar 扁鐵

Angle iron 角鋼

節(jié)省空間,經(jīng)濟、適用:Save space, economic, and practical

適合家庭、辦公隔斷、酒店等場所:Suitable coatings 噴塑

辦公家具: Boss table 班臺

Book counter 文件柜

Computer table 電腦桌

Sofa 沙發(fā)


Bedroom furniture 臥室家具

Studio furniture 書房家具

Child combination 兒童組合

Closet 衣柜

Television cabinet 電視柜

Shoes cabinet 鞋柜

Kitchen furniture 廚房家具

Leisure furniture 戶外家具

Trash can 垃圾桶

Healthy boby equipment 健身器材

Goods frame 貨架

Ladder 梯子




金屬窗 metal windows

鋼窗 steel windows

鋁窗 aluminum windows

不銹鋼窗 stainless steel windows

木窗 wood windows

塑料窗 vinyl windows

特種窗 special windows

室外上卷式百葉窗 exterior roll-up windows shutters


屋頂窗 roof windows


窗五金 window hardware & specialties

門窗配件 door and window accessories

玻璃及相關(guān)制品 GLAZING

玻璃 glass

推拉窗:Sliding Window for home, office partitions, hotels and other establishments Save space

適合家庭、賓館、酒店等場所:Suitable for families, hotels, places such as hotels

圓弧窗:Arc Window

弧形設(shè)計,滿足了不同建筑的結(jié)構(gòu):Arc Design,To meet different building structures

適合住宅、公寓、別墅等:Suitable for residential, apartment, villa, etc

平開上懸窗 top-hung window

壓條:glazing bead

窗框:all kinds of frames

推拉扇:push pull door leaf

鋁合金窗:aluminum alloy window

鋁合金窗紗:aluminum alloy wire netting

鋁合金窗軌:al-alloy curtain rod

鋁合金窗扇:aluminum alloy sash

鋁門窗料:aluminum window door and sections

鋁門窗鎖:lock for aluminum door and window

輔助配件:Auxiliary accessories

堅固、高檔、美觀:Rugged, high-grade and beautiful

且具有隔熱、保濕功能:And has heat insulation, heat preservation function

適合家庭、單位、酒店等場所:Suitable for families, units, places such as hotels

內(nèi)倒內(nèi)開,雙重功能,節(jié)省空間:Within the open within the inverted, double feature,


鋼質(zhì)門: Steel door

仿銅門: Imitate copper door

冷軋鋼板: Cold-rolled steel sheet

蜂窩紙: Honeycomb material

防火棉: Fireproof mountain cork

防火石膏: Fireproof gypsum

氣窗: Transom

門頭: Door header

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2022/9/28 3:35:02

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