發(fā)起人:eging3  回復數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):4934  最后更新:2022/9/28 3:36:49 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2017/6/9 11:20:12

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):1914
人均國內生產總值 per capita GDP

人均收入 per capita income

人民幣升值壓力 upward pressure on the Renminbi (exchange rate)

認繳資本 subscribed capital

軟貸款 soft loans

軟預算約束 soft budget constraint

軟著陸 soft landing

三角債 chain debts; inter-enterprise arrears

善政廉政 good governance

商業(yè)貸款 commercial loans

上市公司 (publicly) listed corporations

設備利用 capacity utilization

社會保障 social safety net; social security (insurance)

深層次矛盾 deep-rooted structural imbalance

審批金融機構 to license financial institutions

審慎監(jiān)管 prudential supervision

生產能力閑置 unutilized capacity

生息資產 interest-bearing assets

實際利用外資 disbursement of foreign capital;

actual inflow of foreign investment

實際有效匯率 real effective exchange rate

實時 real time

實收資本 paid-in capital

實現(xiàn)利潤 realized profit

市場分割 market segmentation

市場經濟 market economy

市場占有率(市場份額) market share

市場準入 market access (指商品和勞務的進入);

market entry (指機構的審批)

市價總值 market capitalization

適度從緊 appropriately tight

適時調節(jié) timely adjustment

收回對金融機構貸款 to recall central bank loans (to financial institutions)

稅后還貸 amortization (repayment of loans) after tax

稅收流失 tax erosion

稅源不足 weak tax base

私營經濟(私人經濟) the private sector

私有制 private ownership

所有者權益 owner's equity

逃稅(請見“避稅”) tax evasion

套匯 (1)指合法:currency swap; arbitrage

(2)指非法:illegal purchase of foreign exchange

剔除季節(jié)性因素 seasonally adjusted

調節(jié)流動性 to influence liquidity level

貼現(xiàn)窗口 discount window

同比 on year-on-year basis;

over the same period of the previous year

同業(yè)拆借(放) inter-bank borrowing (lending)

同業(yè)拆借市場利率(中國) CHIBOR (China inter-bank offered rate)

同業(yè)融通票據 inter-bank financing bills

同業(yè)往來 inter-bank transactions

透支 overdraft

退稅 tax refund (rebate)

頭寸 position

吞吐基礎貨幣 adjustment of monetary base

脫媒現(xiàn)象 disintermediation

外部審計 external audit

外國直接投資 foreign direct investment (FDI)

外匯儲備 foreign exchange reserves

外匯調劑 foreign exchange swap

外匯占款 the RMB counterpart of foreign exchange reserves;

the RMB equivalent of offcial foreign exchange hold-ings

外向型經濟 export-oriented economy

外債 external debt

外資企業(yè) foreign-funded enterprises

完善現(xiàn)代企業(yè)制度 to improve the modern enterprise system

完稅憑證 tax payment documentation

違法經營 illegal business

委托存款 entrusted deposits

穩(wěn)步增長 steady growth

穩(wěn)健的銀行系統(tǒng) a sound banking system

穩(wěn)中求進 to make progress while ensuring stability

無紙交易 book-entry (or paperless/scriptless) transaction

物價監(jiān)測 price monitoring

吸納流動性 to absorb liquidity

稀缺經濟 scarcity economy

洗錢 money laundering

系統(tǒng)內調度 fund allocation within a bank

系統(tǒng)性金融危機 systemic financial crisis

下崗工人 laid-off employees

下游企業(yè) down-stream enterprises

現(xiàn)場稽核 on-site examination

現(xiàn)金滯留(居民手中) cash held outside the banking system

鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)企業(yè) township and village enterprises (TVEs)

消費物價指數(shù) consumer price index (CPI)

消費稅 excise (consumption) tax

消滅財政赤字 to balance the budget; to eliminate fiscal deficit

銷貨款回籠 reflow of corporate sales income to the banking sys-tem

銷售平淡 lackluster sales

協(xié)議外資金額 committed amount of foreign investment

新經濟增長點 new sources of economic growth

新開工項目 new projects; newly started projects

新增貸款 incremental credit; loan increment; credit growth;
專業(yè)翻譯公司 http://www.shufeiwangluo.com

[eging3 于 2017-6-9 11:21:00 編輯過] 格式出現(xiàn)問題 
2022/9/28 3:36:51

角  色:普通會員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):10863
當前查看此主題的會員: 1 人。其中注冊用戶 0 人,訪客 1 人。

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