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發(fā)表時間:2018/05/05 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):3505  
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濕式中拉機        medium wet drawing machine
中拉機        medium wire drawing machine
中拉        intermediate drawing
中拉機        intermediate wire drawing machine
中拉機、大拉機        coarse wire drawing machine
粗-細線拉線機、中拉機        coarse-fine wire drawing machine
多根拉線-退火-束線機組        multi-wire drawing-annealing-bunching line
四節(jié)距束線機        four twist bunching machine
雙節(jié)距束線機        double twist buncher
雙節(jié)距束線機        double-twist bunch strander
雙節(jié)距[雙倍]束線機        double-twist bunching machine
雙節(jié)距高速束線機        double-twist laying-up machine
復(fù)合束線、復(fù)[混[合束線        compound bunch
磨光機、束線機        buffing machine v
束線、束絞 束線        bunch v
束線、束絞        bunch-strand
束絞銅束線        bunch-stranded copper conductor
束線、絞合線        bunched wire
束線機        bunching machine
單束束絞線        single-bunch bunch conductor
束絞導(dǎo)線        bunch-stranded conductor
束絞銅束線        bunch-stranded copper conductor
灌注        potting
立式雙層鼓輪        vertical double draft bull block
泡沫實心雙層絕緣、泡沫絕緣        dual expanded plastic insulation
泡沫皮絕緣、泡沫實心雙層絕緣        foam skin insulation
雙層編包風(fēng)雨線        weatherproof double braid
雙層編織的        double-braid
雙層編織機        double tier type braiding machine
雙層編織式外導(dǎo)體同軸電纜        double-braid type coaxial cable
雙層的        double-layer
雙層的        twin-layer
雙層鋼帶鎧裝        d.s.t.a.(double layer of steel-tape armour)
雙層鋼絲鎧裝        double wire armour
雙層鋼絲鎧裝電纜        double wire-armoured cable
雙層鼓輪        double block
雙層鼓輪        double-deck bull block
雙層鼓輪拉線機        double block drawing machine
雙層鼓輪拉線機        double-capstan wire drawing machine
雙層鼓輪拉線機        twin capstan drawing machine
雙層滾筒六頭拉線機        double-deck 6 head type machine
雙層護套、焊接的皺紋金屬管護套        duplex sheath
雙層護套、焊接的皺紋金屬管護套        duplex sheath
雙層護套電纜的內(nèi)護套直徑        DOIJ
雙層環(huán)氧漆包圓銅電磁線        double epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
雙層環(huán)氧漆包圓銅電磁線        heavy epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
雙層擠出(機)頭        double(extruder)head
雙層擠出(機)頭        double-layer extrusion head
雙層擠出(機)頭        dual (extruder) head
雙層擠出(機)頭        twin (extruder) head
雙層擠出(機)頭        double-layer extrusion head
雙層擠出機        dual extruder
雙層絕緣導(dǎo)線        double insulated condutor
雙層絕緣的        double-insulated
雙層鎧裝        double armo(u)ring
雙層拉線鼓輪        double deck drawing capstan
雙層拉線鼓輪        double-deck drawing block
雙層繞包頭        dual lapping head
雙層繞包頭        duplicate lapping head
雙層一次擠出(法)        double-layer coating co-extrusion
雙層直角擠出機頭        double layer crosshead
雙層紙        double-ply paper
雙面雙層十六頭紗包機16-        "head double-side douoble-rosette
cotton covering machine)"
雙絲包的、雙層絲絕緣        double-silk covered
雙頭擠出、雙層擠出        twin-head extrusion
橡皮絕緣雙層編包線        rubber-covered double braided
雙面雙層十六頭紗包機16-        head double-side douoble-rosette cotton covering machine)
立式雙層鼓輪        vertical double draft bull block
雙層編包風(fēng)雨線        weatherproof double braid
雙層擠出(機)頭        twin (extruder) head
雙層鼓輪拉線機        twin capstan drawing machine
雙頭擠出、雙層擠出        twin-head extrusion
雙層的        twin-layer
橡皮絕緣雙層編包線        rubber-covered double braided
雙層環(huán)氧漆包圓銅電磁線        heavy epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
泡沫皮絕緣、泡沫/實心雙層絕緣        foam skin insulation
雙層編織機        double tier type braiding machine
雙層鋼絲鎧裝        double wire armour
雙層鋼絲鎧裝電纜        double wire-armoured cable
雙層擠出(機)頭        double(extruder)head
雙層編織的        double-braid
雙層編織式外導(dǎo)體同軸電纜        double-braid type coaxial cable
雙層鼓輪拉線機        double-capstan wire drawing machine
雙層滾筒六頭拉線機        double-deck 6 head type machine
雙層鼓輪        double-deck bull block
雙層拉線鼓輪        double-deck drawing block
雙層絕緣的        double-insulated
雙層的        double-layer
雙層一次擠出(法)        double-layer coating co-extrusion
雙層擠出(機)頭        double-layer extrusion head
雙層紙        double-ply paper
雙絲包的、雙層絲絕緣        double-silk covered
雙層擠出(機)頭        dual(extruder) head
泡沫/實心雙層絕緣、泡沫絕緣        dual expanded plastic insulation
雙層擠出機        dual extruder
雙層繞包頭        dual lapping head
雙層的        duplex
雙層紙        duplex paper
雙層護套、焊接的皺紋金屬管護套        duplex sheath
雙層繞包頭        duplicate lapping head
雙層鎧裝        double armo(u)ring
雙層鼓輪        double block
雙層鼓輪拉線機        double block drawing machine
雙層拉線鼓輪        double deck drawing capstan
雙層環(huán)氧漆包圓銅電磁線        double epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
雙層絕緣導(dǎo)線        double insulated condutor
雙層直角擠出機頭        double layer crosshead
雙層鋼帶鎧裝        d.s.t.a.(double layer of steel-tape armour)
雙層護套電纜的內(nèi)護套直徑        D O I J
單層紙        simplex paper
單層紙        single-ply paper
單層紙        single-wire paper
單層滾筒七頭拉線機        single deck 7 heads type machine
單層環(huán)氧漆包圓銅電磁線        single epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
單層金屬編織機        single tier type wire braiding machine
單層的        single-layer
單層電纜        single-layer cable
單層絞線        single-layer strand
單層紙包圓銅電磁線        single-paper-covered round copper magnet wire
單層        monolayer
單層甲板大帆船        galley
管式絞線機、管絞機        tube strander
管式絞線機、管絞機        tubular closer
管絞機        tubular strander
管式絞線機、管絞機        tubular stranding machine
管絞機筒體        stranding rotor
高速管絞機        high speed tubular stranding machine
光纖拉絲        optical fibre drawing
拉絲乳劑        drawing compounds
拉絲潤滑劑        drawing lubricants
拉絲用皂        drawing soaps8
模濕式拉絲機、八模濕拉機        wet drawing machine with 8 dies
拉線、拉絲        wire drawing
拉線模、拉絲模        wire drawing die
拉絲潤滑劑        wire drawing lubricant
拉線機、拉絲機        wire drawing millv
拉絲、拔絲        wire-draw
拉絲機、拉絲工        wire-drawer
拉絲架[機]        wire-drawing bench
拉絲設(shè)備[車間]        wire-drawing plant
拉絲、拔絲        wireddrawing
拉絲模(板)        wortle


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