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電子標(biāo)簽揀選系統(tǒng) Digital picking system RF

揀選叉車揀選系統(tǒng) OPTRF

物流集裝單元器具 Palletized Unit Implement

塔式推送揀選系統(tǒng) Wireless Digital picking

通道式分揀系統(tǒng) 無線臺車揀選系統(tǒng) RF Cart

登高式手推臺車 Ascerding Dispath Trolley

條碼質(zhì)量檢測儀 Barcode Quality Tester

交叉帶分揀系統(tǒng) Carbel Sorting

電動托盤堆垛車 Electric Pallet Stacks

電動托盤搬運(yùn)車 Electric Pallet Trucks

固定平臺搬運(yùn)車 Fixed Platform Trucks

接近、限位開關(guān) Limit Switch

斜導(dǎo)輪式分揀機(jī) Line shaft Diverter

手推液壓堆高車 Manual Hydraulic Stacker

手動托盤搬運(yùn)車 Manual Pallet Trucks

軌道臺車分揀機(jī) Pallet Rack System

可編程序控制器 PL C

吊貨架儲存系統(tǒng) Rack Storage System

手動升降平臺車 Scissor Lift Table

升縮高空作業(yè)車 Self-propelled Articulated Booms

自行剪式升降臺 Self-propelled LT

折臂高空作業(yè)車 Self-propelled Telescopic Booms

搖臂式分揀系統(tǒng) Swing Arm Diverter

升縮柱式升降臺 Telescopic Mast LT

堆塊式分揀系統(tǒng) Uni Sorting

垂直式分揀系統(tǒng) Vertical Picking System

剪叉式升降臺 Aerial Work LT

自動分揀系統(tǒng) Auto-Sorting System

立體自動倉庫 Automated StorageRetrievel System

自動識別系統(tǒng) Automatic Identificatien system

自動貨柜系統(tǒng) Automation Counter System

條形碼打印機(jī) Barcode printer

電瓶·充電機(jī) Battery & Charger

車載式升降臺 Car-carrying LT

物流輸送機(jī)械 Conveyors System

數(shù)據(jù)采集終端 Data collectien terminal

貫通貨架系統(tǒng) Drive-in Rack System

環(huán)鏈電動葫蘆 Electric Chain Blocks

鋼繩電動葫蘆 Electric Wire Rope Hoists

自動化元器件 Element of automatic control

滾道傳動元件 Element of Rolls
杠桿式手推車 Hand Truck

人力搬運(yùn)車輛 Hand Truck

工業(yè)搬運(yùn)車輛 Industrial Handling Trucks

圖書貨架系統(tǒng) Library Shelf System

重力貨架系統(tǒng) Live Pallet Rack System

移動貨架系統(tǒng) Mobile Rack System

入出庫輸送機(jī) O/R Conveying Systems

低位揀選叉車 Order Picking Trucks

托盤貨架系統(tǒng) Pallet Rack System

物流周邊設(shè)備 Peripheral Equipment

高架叉車倉庫 Rack Fork Stocker

閣樓貨架系統(tǒng) Rack Mezzanine

超市貨架系統(tǒng) Shop Tool Rack System

移動供電裝置 Sliding Power Devices

物流整理設(shè)施 Storage Solutions

套缸式升降臺 Telescopic Cylindrical LT

物流運(yùn)輸包裝 Transport packages

物流運(yùn)輸車輛 Transport truck

單元—揀選式 Unit-Pick Stocker AS/RS

巷道堆垛式 Aisle-Stack

自動搬運(yùn)車 Automatic Guided Vehicle

梁式起重機(jī) Beam Cranes

帶式輸送機(jī) Belt Conveyors

懸臂起重機(jī) Cantilever Cranes

鏈?zhǔn)捷斔蜋C(jī) Chain Conveyors

物流配套件 Components

集裝箱叉車 Container FLT

站臺登車橋 Dock Levelers

鏈傳動元件 Element of Chain

垂直輸送機(jī) Elevator Conveyors

內(nèi)燃式叉車 Engine Fork Lift Trucks

箱盒單元式 Fine Stocker AS/RS

門式起重機(jī) Gantry Cranes

升降橫移式 Lift-Sliding

條形碼用材 Material of label

地面登車橋 Mobile Yard Ramps

各類調(diào)速器 Modulation speed regulator

電機(jī)減速機(jī) Motors

懸掛輸送機(jī) Overhead Chain Conveyors

單軌輸送機(jī) Overhead onorail Conveyors

橋式起重機(jī) Overhead Travlling Cranes

托盤單元式 Pallet Unit AS/RS

立體停車庫 Parking systems

高層揀選式 Pick Stocker AS/RS

生產(chǎn)輸送機(jī) Production Line

無軌堆垛機(jī) Rack Fork

前移式叉車 Reach Fork Lift Trucks

射頻識別器 RF Reader

碼垛機(jī)器人 Robot Palletizer

滾道輸送機(jī) Roller Conveyors

各類傳感器 Sensors

滑動式貨架 Slide Rack

分揀輸送機(jī) Sorting & Picking System

有軌堆垛機(jī) Stacker Crane

托盤裹膜機(jī) Stretchwrapper

垂直循環(huán)式 Vertical Circulating

滾柱輸送機(jī) Wheel Conveyors

箱式托盤 Box Pallets

網(wǎng)箱托盤 Grille Box Pallets

柱式托盤 Post Pallets

物流臺車 Roll Pallets

叉車屬具 Attachments of FT

懸臂貨架 Cantilever Racking

手拉葫蘆 Chain Blocks

環(huán)保車輛 Cleaning Equipment

電瓶叉車 Electric Fork Lift Trucks

現(xiàn)場總線 Field bus

高層貨架 High Level Rack

起重機(jī)械 Hoisting Machinery

工業(yè)用門 Industrial Door

手扳葫蘆 Lever Blocks

升降尾板 Lifting tail gate

輕型貨架 Light Duty Rack

稱量裝置 Load Weighing Devices

包裝材料 Packages Material

揀選系統(tǒng) Picking System

手推臺車 Platform Truck

揀選系統(tǒng) Radio Frequency

遙控裝置 Remote Control

射頻標(biāo)簽 RF tag

側(cè)面叉車 Side Fork Lift Trucks
廂式貨車 Station transport wagon

敞式貨車 Truck

周轉(zhuǎn)箱 Container

整理架 Hanger Rack

工具柜 Tool Cabinet

工具車 Tool Wagon

工作臺 Work Bench

零件盒 Working Accessories

制動器 Brake

吊索具 Current Collector Sleave

升降臺 Lift Table

纏繞機(jī) Stetch Wrapping Machine

捆札機(jī) Strapping Machine

觸摸屏 teuchscreen

線棒 Online

QZQ(KBK)系統(tǒng) QZQ(KBK) System

集裝箱 Containers

平托盤 Flat Pallets

集裝袋 Flexible Freight Bags

牽引車 Tow Tractor

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