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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2019/10/04 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):2254  
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氫氟酸 Hydrofluoric Acid - HF

特性 Characteristics

健康危害 Health hazards

急救步驟 First aid procedures

個(gè)人防護(hù)用品 Personal protective equipment

處理與儲(chǔ)運(yùn) Handling and transportation

醫(yī)務(wù)治理 Medical treatment

醫(yī)務(wù)治理預(yù)先安排的必要 Importance of pre-arrangement for medical treatment

急性接觸氫氟酸死亡 Fatality on acute HF exposure

衣服沒除去 Clothing not removed

沉浸于游泳池 immersed in swimming pool

40分后救護(hù)車 40min ambulance arrived

特別護(hù)理 intensive care

7天后右腿截去 7 days right leg amputated

15天各種器官失效-死 15 days multi-organ failure - die


清洗空罐 washing empty container

針孔手套 pin-hole gloves

第二天燒傷手指 second day burning finger

拔除指甲 remove finger nail

注射藥劑 medical injection

性質(zhì) Properties

無色/冒煙液體 Colorless/fuming liquid

澀味 acrid odor

酸堿度1.0 (0.1 摩爾 溶解) pH 1.0 (0.1M solution)

不相容的:氨,堿 ,硫酸,有機(jī)物,橡膠,皮革,玻璃等incompatible: NH3, NaOH, H2SO4, alkalis, organic, rubber, leather, water, glass…..

避免:濕氣 Avoid: moisture

健康危害 Health hazard

危害不立刻顯出Harmful not immediately apparent

吸入:嚴(yán)重腐蝕呼吸系統(tǒng) Inhalation: severely corrosive to respiratory system

皮膚接觸:腐蝕性,嚴(yán)重的皮膚燒傷不立刻顯出、疼痛, 延遲8小時(shí)或更長:很快滲透皮膚-內(nèi)膚與骨骼 skin contact: corrosive, serious skin burns not immediately apparent/painful, delay 8 hours or longer: F ion readily penetrate skin - deep tissue and bone

健康危害 Health hazard

眼睛接觸:腐蝕 Eye contact: corrosive

慢性暴露:>6 毫升/天- 氟蝕病,骨骼/關(guān)節(jié)傷害 chronic exposure: >6gm/day - fluorosis, bone/joint damage…

吞入:腐蝕消化系統(tǒng),腎功能失效 ingestion: corrosive digestive tract, kidney dysfunction

惡化現(xiàn)有情況 aggravation existing conditions

急救 First aid

工作前要有詳細(xì)計(jì)劃 Detailed planned before work

吸入:立刻尋求醫(yī)務(wù)治療 inhalation: immediate medical help

吞入: 立刻尋求醫(yī)務(wù)治療 ingestion: immediate medical help

皮膚:長時(shí)間清洗,除去衣服….. 立刻尋求醫(yī)務(wù)治療 skin: wash long time, remove clothing, …..medical help

眼睛: 長時(shí)間清洗 ….. 立刻尋求醫(yī)務(wù)治療 eye: wash long time …..medical help

預(yù)安排醫(yī)務(wù)治療 Pre-arrange medical help

通知/預(yù)先安排可能的事件 Inform/prearrange possible incident

備好藥物/設(shè)備 ready medicines/facilities

知識(shí)/物料安全資料表 information/MSDS

信件通知醫(yī)生 note to physician

處理和貯藏 Handling and storage

緊密閉PE容器 Tightly closed PE container

涼爽/乾燥地方足夠通風(fēng) cool/dry place adequate ventilation

避免損害 protect damage

圍堵/泄漏 containment/spill

特殊材料 /供應(yīng)商科技 special materials/technology from supplier

遵守/跟隨警告 observe/follow warning

使用安全防護(hù)用品 Use PPE

定點(diǎn)/全面通風(fēng)設(shè)備 Local preferred/general ventilation

消除熱、火源 remove ignition source

泄漏 - 疏散地區(qū) spill - evacuate area

處理- 干碳酸鎂,碳酸鈉,石灰 treat - dry MgSO4, soda ash/slaked lime

收集 - 廢物處理 collect - disposal

清理/中和 clean/neutralize

個(gè)人的保護(hù) Personal protection

防毒面具,正確類型 Respiratory, correct type

皮膚:防護(hù)衣服,長靴,安全鞋, PVC手套, 化學(xué)眼罩 /面罩,圍裙 skin: protective clothing, boots/safety shoes, PVC gloves, chemical

goggles/full face shield, coveralls….

眼睛:眼罩/面罩 Eye: goggles/full face shield


毒藥,危險(xiǎn)物,腐蝕劑 Poison, danger, corrosive

極端危險(xiǎn)的液體/氣體 extremely hazardous liquid/vapor

嚴(yán)重?zé)齻涣⒖掏纯?顯出 sever burn not immediate painful/visible

致命如吞下或吸進(jìn) fatal if swallowed or inhaled

燒傷皮膚,眼睛,呼吸系統(tǒng) burn skin, eyes, respiratory tract

造成骨骼傷害 cause bone damage

避免進(jìn)入眼睛,皮膚,衣服 Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing

不要吸入氣體 do not breath vapor

涼后才打開 cool before opening

足夠通風(fēng) adequate ventilation

徹底洗清手 wash hand thoroughly

貯藏在緊密關(guān)上容器 store in tightly close container


絕對(duì)遵守指示、警告 Strictly follow instruction/precaution

絕對(duì)使用個(gè)人防護(hù)用品 Always use PPE

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