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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2018/08/06 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):5017  
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腸套疊 intussusception
腸外瘺 enterocutaneous stula
腸外營(yíng)養(yǎng) parenteral nutrition
腸外置術(shù) intestinal exteriorization
腸吻合術(shù) intestinal anastomosis
腸紊亂 bowel disturbance
腸系膜動(dòng)脈閉塞 mesenteric arterial occlusion
腸系膜動(dòng)脈閉塞 mesenteric artery occlusion
腸系膜動(dòng)脈栓塞術(shù) mesenteric artery embolization
腸系膜動(dòng)脈血栓形成 mesenteric artery thrombosis
腸系膜靜脈血栓形成 mesenteric venous thrombosis
腸系膜囊腫 mesenteric cyst
腸系膜疝 mesenteric hernia
腸系膜上動(dòng)脈壓迫綜合征 superior mesenteric artery compression syndrome
腸系膜上動(dòng)脈綜合征 superior mesentery tery ndrome
腸系膜上動(dòng)脈綜合征 superior mesenteric artery syndrome
腸狹窄 intestinal stenosis
腸旋轉(zhuǎn)不良 malrotation of intestine
腸血管病 vascular disease of bowel
腸血管發(fā)育異常 angiodysplasia of bowel
腸血管異常 ascular abnormality of intestine
腸易激綜合征 irritable bowel syndrome
腸源性感染 enterogenic infection
腸造口術(shù) enterostomy
腸造口術(shù) ileostomy
腸脹氣 intestinal tympanites
腸直腸切除術(shù) coloproctectomy
腸重復(fù)畸形 duplication of intestine
腸子宮內(nèi)膜異位 endometriosis in bowel
超聲腹腔鏡 ultrasonic laparoscope
超聲內(nèi)鏡 ultrasonic endoscope
成形便 formed stool
沖洗法細(xì)胞學(xué)檢查術(shù) lavage cytologic examination
蟲蝕樣邊緣 eroded edge
出血性胃炎 hemorrhagic gastritis
出血性胰腺炎 hemorrhagic pancreatitis
穿孔 perforation
穿孔性闌尾炎 perforating appendicitis
穿透 penetration
穿透性潰瘍 penetrating ulcer
大腸梗阻 large bowel obstruction
大網(wǎng)膜及腸系膜囊腫 omental cyst and mesenteric cyst
單純性集群性憩室病 simple massed diverticulosis
單極電凝術(shù) monopolar electrocoagulation
膽[結(jié)]石 allstone
膽道閉鎖 biliary atresia
膽道測(cè)壓術(shù) manometry of biliary tract
膽道出血 hemobilia
膽道感染 infection of biliary tract
膽道梗阻 obstruction of biliary tract
膽道蛔蟲病 biliary ascariasis
膽道賈第蟲病 giardiasis of biliary tract
膽道減壓術(shù) decompressio of biliary tract
膽道閃爍顯像術(shù) cholescintigraphy
膽道運(yùn)動(dòng)障礙 biliary dyskinesia
膽固醇結(jié)石 cholesterol stone cholesterol
膽管癌 carcinoma of bile duct
膽管測(cè)壓造影術(shù) manometric cholangiography
膽管肝炎 cholangiohepatitis
膽管空腸吻合術(shù) cholangiojejunostomy
膽管擴(kuò)張 cholangiectasis
膽管內(nèi)置管擴(kuò)張術(shù) biliary stent dilatation
膽管腺瘤 cholangioadenoma
膽管炎 cholangitis angiocholitis
膽管造影術(shù) cholangiography
膽紅素尿 bilirubinuria
膽化 calcification of gallbladder
膽絞痛 biliary colic
膽瘺 biliary fistula
膽囊癌 carcinoma of gallbladder
膽囊腸瘺 cholecystoenteric fistula
膽囊超聲顯像術(shù) cholecystosonography
膽囊穿孔 perforation of gallbladder
膽囊鈣化 calcification o f gallbladder
膽囊積膿 empyema of gallbladder
膽囊積膿 empyema of gallbladder
膽囊積氣 pneumo-gallbladder
膽囊積水 hydrops of gallbladder
膽囊積水 hydrops of gallbladder
膽囊積血 hemocholecyst
膽囊鏡檢查 cholecystoscopy
膽囊空腸吻合術(shù) cholecystojejunostomy
膽囊扭轉(zhuǎn) torsion of gallbladder
膽囊切除術(shù) cholecystectomy
膽囊切除術(shù)后綜合征 postcholecystectomy syndrome
膽囊十二指腸吻合術(shù) cholecystoduodenostomy
膽囊收縮素 cholecystokinin
膽囊炎 postoperative cholecystitis
膽囊造口術(shù) cholecystostomy
膽囊造影術(shù) cholecystography
膽囊周圍膿腫 pericholecystic abscess
膽石性腸梗阻 gallstone ileus
膽石癥 cholelithiasis
膽小管炎 cholangiolitis
膽血癥 cholemia
膽胰管匯合異常 choledochopancreatic junction anomaly
膽汁反流性胃炎 bile reflux gastritis
膽汁尿 choleuria choluria
膽汁濃縮綜合征 inspissated bile syndrome
膽汁性腹膜炎 biliary peritonitis choleperitoneum
膽汁性肝硬化 biliary cirrhosis
膽汁胸 cholothorax
膽汁引流 biliary drainage
膽汁粘稠綜合征 biliary hyperviscosity syndrome
膽總管對(duì)口吻合術(shù) choledochocholedochostomy
膽總管梗阻 obstruction of common bile duct
膽總管結(jié)石 calculus of common bile duct
膽總管結(jié)石病 choledocholithiasis
膽總管空腸魯氏"Y形吻合術(shù)" "choledochojejunostomy Roux-en-Y"
膽總管擴(kuò)張 choledochectasia
膽總管囊腫 choledochal cyst
膽總管囊腫切除術(shù) "choledochocystectomy"
膽總管切開術(shù) choledochotomy
膽總管十二指腸吻合術(shù) choledochoduodenostomy
膽總管探查術(shù) exploration of common bile duct
膽總管狹窄 stricture of common bile duct
膽總管炎 choledochitis
膽總管造口術(shù) choledochostomy
彈性假黃色瘤 pseudoxanthoma elasticum
蛋白丟失性腸病 protein-losing enteropathy
肥厚性胃炎 hypertrophic gastritis
肥厚性幽門狹窄 hypertrophic pylorostenosis
肥結(jié)腸炎 soap colitis
糞便嵌塞 fecal impaction
糞瘺 fecal fistula
蜂窩織炎性闌尾炎 phlegmonous gastritis
縫線肉芽腫 suture granuloma
弗納-莫里森綜合征 Verner-Morrison syndrome
輔助性肝移植 auxiliary liver transplantation
腐蝕性食管狹窄 caustic stricture of esophagus
腐蝕性胃炎 corrosive gastritis
復(fù)發(fā)性膽總管結(jié)石病 recurrent choledocholithiasis
復(fù)發(fā)性潰瘍 recurrent ulcer
復(fù)發(fā)性闌尾炎 recurrent appendicitis
復(fù)合性胃和十二指腸潰瘍 combined gastric and duodenal ulcers
腹部結(jié)核 abdominal tuberculosis
腹鳴 borborygmus
腹膜刺激征 peritoneal irritation sign
腹膜炎 peritonitis
腹膜粘連 peritoneal adhesion
腹腔穿刺術(shù) paracentesis
腹腔動(dòng)脈壓迫綜合征 celiac artery compression syndrome
腹腔灌洗 peritoneal lavage
腹腔積血 hemoperitoneum
腹腔鏡膽囊切除術(shù) laparoscopic cholecystectomy
腹腔鏡檢查術(shù) laparoscopy
腹腔鏡治療術(shù) therapeutic laparoscopy
腹腔內(nèi)引流式胰腺移植 "free-drainage intraperiltoneal pancrcas transplantation"
腹腔膿腫 peritoneal abscess
腹水 ascites
腹主動(dòng)脈瘤 abdominal aortic aneurysm
改良的黑勒賁門肌切開術(shù) modified Heller operation
鈣乳膽汁 milk of calcium bile
干嘔 retch
肝性昏迷前期 hepatic precoma
肝昏迷 hepatic coma
肝被膜下出血 subcapsular hemorrhage of liver
肝病性口臭 fetor hepaticus
肝腸聯(lián)合移植 combined liver and intestine transplantation
肝大 hepatomegaly
肝淀粉樣變性 amyloidosis of liver
肝動(dòng)脈造影術(shù) hepatic arteriography
肝梗死 infarction of liver
肝結(jié)核 tuberculosis of liver
肝靜脈梗阻 hepatic venous obstruction
肝慢性阻性充血 chronic passive congestion of liver
肝毛細(xì)線蟲病 fascioliasis hepatica
肝門腸吻合術(shù) portoenterostomy Kasai procedure
肝內(nèi)膽管結(jié)石 calculus of intrahepatic duct
肝內(nèi)膽管結(jié)石病 hepatolithiasis
肝內(nèi)膽汁淤積 intrahepatic cholestasis
肝膿腫 liver abscess
肝脾大 hepatosplenomegaly
肝腎綜合征 hepatorenal syndrome
肝素輔因子 heparin co-factor
肝素化 heparinization
肝素化逆轉(zhuǎn) heparinization reversal
肝細(xì)胞移植 hepatocyte transplantation
肝下垂 hepatoptosis
肝纖維化 hepatic fibrosis
心聯(lián)合移植 combined liver and heart transplantation
肝性昏迷 hepatic coma
肝性腦病 hepatic encephalopathy
肝炎后肝硬化 posthepatitic cirrhosis
肝胰聯(lián)合移植 combined liver and pancreas transplantation
肝硬化 cirrhosis of liver
肝周炎 perihepatitis
感染性腹瀉 infectious diarrhea
感染性胃炎 infectious gastritis
肛管癌 cancer of anal canal
肛裂 anal fissure fissure in ano
肛門閉鎖會(huì)陰瘺 anal atresia with perineal fistula
肛門閉鎖尿道瘺 anal atresia with urethral fistula
肛門閉鎖前庭瘺 anal atresia with vestibular fistula
肛門鏡 anoscope
肛門鏡檢查術(shù) anoscopy
肛門潰瘍 anal ulcer
肛門瘙癢癥 pruritus ani
肛門狹窄 anal stenosis
肛門直腸瘺 anorectal fistula
肛門直腸膿腫 anorectal abscess
肛乳頭炎 anal papillitis
肛周膿腫 perianal abscess
高膽紅素血癥 hyperbilirubinemia
高淀粉酶血癥 hyperamylasemia
高峰酸排出量 peak acid output
格雷·特納征 Grey Turner sign
膈膨升 eventration of diaphragm
膈疝 diaphragmatic hernia
膈下膿腫 subphrenic abscess
梗阻性闌尾炎 obstructive appendicitis
孤立性非特異性潰瘍 isolated nonspecific ulcer
骨盆直腸窩膿腫 pelvirectal abscess
管肌層環(huán)切延長(zhǎng)術(shù) Livaditis procedure
管裂孔疝修補(bǔ)術(shù) hiatal hernia repair
管曲張靜脈破裂 rupture of esophageal varices
管食管瘺 tracheo-esophageal fistula
管填塞式胰腺移植 duct obstruction pancreas transplantation
管周圍炎 pericholangitis
光動(dòng)力學(xué)治療術(shù) photodynamic therapy
光凝固術(shù) photocoagulation
果糖不耐受癥 fructose intolerance
黑糞 melena
黑勒賁門肌切開術(shù) Heller operation Heller cardiomyotomy
橫結(jié)腸造口術(shù) transverse colostomy
膽紅素腦病 bilirubin encephalopathy
呼氣試驗(yàn) breath test
糊狀便 mushy stool
滑動(dòng)性食管裂孔疝 sliding hiatal hernia
滑管 sliding tube
化內(nèi)鏡[學(xué)] digestive endoscopy
化膿性腹膜炎 purulent peritonitis
化膿性闌尾炎 suppurative appendicitis
化膿性胰腺炎 purulent pancreatitis
化生性息肉 metaplastic polyp
化學(xué)性腹膜炎 biliary peritonitis choleperitoneum chemical peritonitis
壞疽性膽囊炎 gangrenous cholecystitis
壞疽性闌尾炎 gangrenous appendicitis
壞死后肝硬化 postnecrotic cirrhosis
壞死性胰腺炎 necrotizing pancreatitis
環(huán)狀胰腺 annular pancreas
黃疸 jaundice,icterus
黃色肉芽腫性膽囊炎 xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis
磺溴酞鈉試驗(yàn) bromsulphalein test
回腸膀胱擴(kuò)大 ileum augmentation cystoplasty
回腸膀胱尿流改道術(shù) ileal conduit diversion
回腸膀胱術(shù) ileal conduit,Bricker operation
回腸肛管吻合術(shù) ileoanal anastomosis
回腸橫結(jié)腸吻合術(shù) ileotransversostomy
回腸憩室 ileal diverticulum
回盲部結(jié)核 ileocecal tuberculosis
惠普爾病 Whipple disease
混合性結(jié)石 mixed stone,mixed calculus
混合性毛細(xì)血管-海綿狀血管瘤 mixed capillary-cavernous hemangioma
活體部分肝移植 partial living liver transplantation
獲得性巨結(jié)腸 acquired megacolon
機(jī)械性腸梗阻 mechanical intestinal obstruction
基礎(chǔ)酸排出量 basal acid output
基利安憩室 Killian diverticulum
激光治療術(shù) laser therapy
急腹癥 acute abdomen
急性腸系膜淋巴結(jié)炎 acute mesenteric lymphadenitis
急性出血性胰腺炎 acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis
急性腐蝕性食管炎 acute corrosive esophagitis
急性肝功能衰竭 acute hepatic failure
急性梗阻性化膿性膽管炎 acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis
急性壞死性胰腺炎 acute necrotic pancreatitis
急性卡他性闌尾炎 acute catarrhal appendicitis
急性彌漫性腹膜炎 acute diffuse peritonitis
急性水腫性胰腺炎 acute edematous pancreatitis
急性胃擴(kuò)張 acute dilatation of stomach
急性應(yīng)激性潰瘍 acute stress ulcer
急診肝移植 emergency liver transplantation
繼發(fā)性巨結(jié)腸 secondary megacolon
寄生蟲性腹瀉 parasitic diarrhea
加德納綜合征 Gardner syndrome
家族性腸息肉病 familial intestinal polyposis
家族性結(jié)腸息肉病 familial polyposis coli
甲胎蛋白測(cè)定 alpha-fetoprotein detemination
甲型病毒性肝炎 viral hepatitis type A
假膜性結(jié)腸炎 pseudomembranous colitis
假膜性小腸結(jié)腸炎 pseudomembranous enterocolitis
假憩室 pseudodiverticulum
假息肉 pseudopolyp
假性感染性直腸炎 pseudoinfectious proctitis
假性結(jié)腸梗阻 false colonic obstruction
減體積肝移植 reduced-size liver transplantation
堿性反流性胃炎 alkaline reflux gastritis
漿液性腹膜炎 serous peritonitis
膠原性結(jié)腸炎 collagenous colitis
絞窄性腸梗阻 strangulated intestinal obstruction
節(jié)段小腸移植 segmental small intestine transplantation
節(jié)段性腸擴(kuò)張 segmental dilatation of intestine
節(jié)段胰腺移植 segmental pancreas transplantation
結(jié)腸癌 cancer of olon
結(jié)腸癌杜克斯分類法 Dukes classification for colon cancer
結(jié)腸膀胱瘺 colovesical fistula
結(jié)腸穿孔 colonic perforation
結(jié)腸次全切除術(shù) subtotal colectomy
結(jié)腸非特異性潰瘍 nonspecific ulcer of colon
結(jié)腸孤立性潰瘍 colonic solitary ulcer
結(jié)腸黑色素沉著病 melanosis coli
結(jié)腸后胃空腸吻合術(shù) retrocolic gastrojejunostomy
結(jié)腸回腸側(cè)吻合術(shù) Martin procedure
結(jié)腸結(jié)核 tuberculosis of colon
結(jié)腸鏡檢查術(shù) colonoscopy
結(jié)腸憩室病 diverticular disease of colon
結(jié)腸前胃空腸吻合術(shù) antecolic gastrojejunostomy
結(jié)腸切除術(shù) colectomy
結(jié)腸切開術(shù) colotomy
結(jié)腸缺血 colonic ischemia
結(jié)腸息肉 polyp of colon
結(jié)腸息肉病 polyposis of colon
結(jié)腸腺瘤 adnoma of colon
結(jié)腸造口術(shù) colostomy
結(jié)核性腹膜炎 tuberculous peritonitis
結(jié)石性胰腺炎 calcareus pancreatitis
近側(cè)胃迷走神經(jīng)切斷術(shù) proximal gastric vagotomy
經(jīng)腹骶直腸切除術(shù) abdominosacral resection
經(jīng)頸靜脈膽管造影術(shù) transjugular cholangiography
經(jīng)口膽管鏡檢查術(shù) peroral cholangioscopy
經(jīng)皮經(jīng)肝膽管鏡檢查術(shù) percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopy
經(jīng)皮經(jīng)肝膽管造影術(shù) percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
經(jīng)皮經(jīng)肝膽囊鏡檢查術(shù) percutaneous transhepatic cholecystoscopy
經(jīng)皮經(jīng)肝栓塞 percutaneous transhepatic embolization
經(jīng)皮內(nèi)鏡胃造瘺 percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
經(jīng)直腸活檢 transrectal biopsy
精神性便秘 psychogenic constipation
頸部食管胃吻合術(shù) cervical esophagogastrostomy
痙攣性腸梗阻 spastic intestinal obstruction
痙攣性肛部痛 proctalgia fugax
痙攣性結(jié)腸憩室病 spastic colon diverticulosis
靜脈閉塞性病 veno-occlusive disease
靜脈膽管造影術(shù) intravenous cholangiography
靜脈膽囊造影 intravenous cholecystography
靜脈切開術(shù) venesection phlebotomy
靜脈曲張 varicosis varix
靜脈曲張性潰瘍 varicose ulcer
靜脈造影 phlebography
鏡檢查 esophagoscopy
鏡逆行胰膽管造影術(shù) endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
酒精性肝炎 alcoholic hepatitis
酒精性肝硬化 alcoholic cirrhosis
酒精性胰腺炎 alcoholic pancreatitis
局限性腸炎 regional enteritis Crohn disease
局限性腹膜炎 localized peritonitis
巨大肥厚性胃炎 giant hypertrophy gastritis
巨大皺襞 giant folds giant ruga
巨結(jié)腸 megacolon
巨十二指腸 megaduodenum
菌群失調(diào)性腸炎 flora imbalance enteritis
卡倫征 Cullen sign
卡納達(dá)-克朗凱特綜合征 Canada-Cronkhite syndrome
可控性回腸膀胱術(shù) continent ileal reservoir
克里格勒-納賈爾綜合征 Crigler-Najjar syndrome
克呂韋耶-鮑姆加滕綜合征 Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome
克羅恩病 Crohn disease
空腸回腸旁路術(shù) jejunoileal bypass
空腸間置代膽道術(shù) choledochoplasty by jejunal interposition
空腸移植 jejunum ansplantation
空腸造口術(shù) jejunostomy
口服膽囊造影 oral cholecystography
庫(kù)瓦西耶征 Courvoisier sign
潰瘍性結(jié)腸炎 ulcerative colitis
闌尾殘端 appendiceal stump
闌尾糞石 appendiceal fecalith
闌尾切除術(shù) appendectomy
闌尾炎 appendicitis
闌尾粘液囊腫 appendiceal mucocele
闌尾周圍膿腫 periappendiceal abscess
類癌 carcinoid
類癌綜合征 carcinoid syndrome
里急后重 tenesmus
肝腎聯(lián)合移植 combined liver and kidney transplantation
隆起性病變 protrusion lesion
羅托綜合征 Rotor syndrome
落法細(xì)胞學(xué)檢查 exfoliative cytologic examination
麻痹性腸梗阻 paralytic ileus
馬洛里-魏斯綜合征 Mallory-Weiss syndrome
慢性非化濃性破壞性 chronic nonsuppurative destructive
膽管炎 cholangitis
慢性重型肝炎 chronic severe hepatitis
盲部結(jié)核 Dileocecal tuberculosis
盲腸膀胱擴(kuò)大術(shù) cecum augmentation cystoplasty
盲腸后位闌尾 retrocecal appendix
盲腸炎 typhlitis cecitis
盲腸造口術(shù) cecostomy
盲袢綜合征 blind loop syndrome
毛石 trichobezoar
毛植物石 trichophytobezoar
梅克爾憩室 Meckel diverticulum
梅內(nèi)特里耶病 Menetrier disease
門閉鎖陰道瘺 anal atresia with vaginal fistula
門靜脈高壓 portal hypertension
門靜脈膿血癥 portal pyemia
門靜脈血栓形成 thrombosis of portal vein
門靜脈炎 pylephlebitis
門脈性肝硬化 portal cirrhosis
門脈性肝硬化 portal cirrhosis
門體腦病 portosystemic encephalopathy
彌漫性腹膜炎 diffuse peritonitis
彌漫性食管痙攣 diffuse spasm of esophagus
迷走神經(jīng)干切斷術(shù) truncal vagotomy
迷走神經(jīng)切斷術(shù) vagotomy
糜爛性胃炎 rosive stritis
糜爛性胃炎 erosive gastritis
米庫(kù)利茲結(jié)腸造口術(shù) Mikulicz colostomy
面團(tuán)感 doughy sensation
膜炎 peritonitis
墨菲征 Murphy sign
內(nèi)鏡 endoscope
內(nèi)鏡超聲檢查 endoscopic ultrasonography
內(nèi)鏡膽管引流 endoscopic biliary drainage
內(nèi)鏡復(fù)位 endoscopic reduction
內(nèi)鏡檢查術(shù) endoscopy
內(nèi)鏡逆行胰膽管造影術(shù) endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
內(nèi)鏡取石 endoscopic stone extraction technique
內(nèi)鏡碎石 endoscopic lithotripsy
內(nèi)鏡胰管引流 endoscopic drainage of pancreatic duct
內(nèi)鏡粘膜下腫瘤切除 endoscopic enucleation of submucosal tumor therapeutic
內(nèi)鏡治療 endoscopy
內(nèi)鏡置管 endoprosthesis
內(nèi)鏡注射治療 endoscopic injection therapy
囊炎 cholecystitis
逆蠕動(dòng)吻合 antiperistaltic anastomosis
凝結(jié)物 concretion
諾沃克組病毒性胃腸炎 Norwalk agents gastroenteritis
嘔血 hematemesis
袢式結(jié)腸造口術(shù) loop colostomy
噴射性嘔吐 projectile vomiting
盆腔內(nèi)吻合巨結(jié)腸根治術(shù) Rehbein procedure
劈裂式肝移植 split liver transplantation
皮革樣胃 linitis plastica
脾大 splenomegaly
脾功能亢進(jìn) hypersplenism
脾門靜脈造影術(shù) splenoportography
脾曲綜合征 splenic flexure syndrome
片吸蟲病 fascioliasis
胼胝性潰瘍 callous ulcer,indolent ulcer
平坦性病變 flat lesion
普盧默-文森綜合征 Plummer-Vinson syndrome
臍腸瘺 omphalo-enteric fistula
氣腹 pneumoperitoneum
氣囊擴(kuò)張器 balloon dilator
氣囊填塞 balloon tamponade
氣體擴(kuò)張器 pneumatic dilator
氣脹 flatulence,gaseous distention
氣腫性膽囊炎 emphysematous cholecystitis
憩室 diverticulum
憩室病 diverticulosis
憩室前期 prediverticular stage
憩室切除術(shù) diverticulectomy
憩室炎 diverticulitis
遷延性肝炎 persistent hepatitis
前視內(nèi)鏡 forward-viewing endoscope
鉗夾活檢 forceps biopsy
淺表性胃炎 superficial gastritis
腔靜脈造影 venacavography
橋形皺襞 bridging fold
傾倒綜合征 dumping syndrome
球后十二指腸潰瘍 postbulbar duodenal ulcer
曲張靜脈切除術(shù) varicectomy
圈套器 snare
圈套燒灼術(shù) snaring cautery
全部吸收不良 panmalabsorption
全結(jié)腸切除術(shù) total colectomy
全結(jié)腸炎 pancolitis
全上消化道內(nèi)鏡檢查 panendoscopy
全小腸移植 whole small intestine transplantation
全胰十二指腸切除術(shù) total pancreaticoduodenectomy
全胰腺移植 whole pancreas transplantation
缺血性結(jié)腸炎 ischemic colitis
熱活檢 hot biopsy
熱探頭凝固 heater probe coagulation
日爾貝綜合征 Gillbert syndrome
肉芽腫性胃炎 granulomatous gastritis
乳糜性腹膜炎 chyle peritonitis
乳糖不耐受癥 lactose intolerance
乳糖酶缺乏 lactase deficiency
乳頭括約肌切開 sphincterotomy papillotomy
乳頭切開刀 papillotome
乳頭上部切開 suprapapillary incision
三次肝移植 tertiary liver transplantation
色素內(nèi)鏡檢查術(shù) dye endoscopy chromoendoscopy
色素性結(jié)石 pigmented stone pigmented calculus
森斯塔肯-布菜克莫爾管 Sengstaken-Blakemore tube
上腔靜脈梗阻 obstruction of superior vena cava
上腔靜脈綜合癥 superior vena cava syndrome
失弛緩癥 achalasia
十二指腸閉鎖 duodenal atresia
十二指腸殘端漏 duodenal stump leakage
十二指腸鉤蟲病 capillariasis hepatica
十二指腸假憩室 pseudodiverticulum of duodenum
十二指腸鏡檢查術(shù) uodenoscopy
十二指腸空腸襻不全旋轉(zhuǎn) incomplete rotation of duodenojejunal loop
十二指腸潰瘍 duodenal ulcer
十二指腸旁疝 paraduodenal hernia
十二指腸蹼 duodenal web
十二指腸胃反流 duodenogastric reflux
十二指腸狹窄 duodenal stenosis
十二指腸炎 duodenitis
食管癌 esophageal carcinoma
食管閉鎖 esophageal atresia
食管穿孔 perforation of esophagus
食管惡性黑色素瘤 malignant melanoma of esophagus
食管腐蝕性灼傷 corrosive rn ophagus
食管環(huán) esophageal ring
食管結(jié)核 tuberculosis of esophagus
食管靜脈曲張 esophageal varices
食管靜脈曲張內(nèi)鏡 endoscopic rubber banding for
結(jié)扎術(shù) esophageal varices
食管靜脈曲張硬化 sclerotherapy for esophageal
治療術(shù) varices
食管空腸吻合術(shù) esophagojejunostomy
食管擴(kuò)張?zhí)綏l bougie for esophageal dilatation
食管裂孔疝 hiatal hernia
食管內(nèi)壓力測(cè)定 intraesophageal manometry
食管囊腫 esophageal cyst
食管旁疝 paraesophageal hernia
食管旁食管裂孔疝 paraesophageal hiatus hernia
食管平滑肌瘤摘出術(shù) enucleation of esophageal leiomyoma
食管蹼 esophageal web
食管憩室 diverticulum of esophagus
食管切除術(shù) esophagectomy
食管神經(jīng)性功能紊亂 neurogenic dysfunction of esophagus
食管十二指腸吻合術(shù) esophagoduodenostomy
食管酸灌注試驗(yàn) esophageal acid perfusion test
食管探條 esophageal bougie
食管胃底吻合術(shù) esophagofundostomy
食管胃切除術(shù) esophagogastrectomy
食管胃切除術(shù)與結(jié)腸間置術(shù) esophagogastrectomy with colon interposition
食管胃吻合術(shù) esophagogastrostomy
食管消化性潰瘍 pepticulcer of esophagus
食管炎 esophagitis
食管異位軟骨 ectopic cartilage of esophagus
食管運(yùn)動(dòng)功能失調(diào) esophageal motility dysfunction
食管粘膜撕裂癥 Mallory-Weiss syndrome
食管粘膜息肉 polypus of esophageal mucosa
食管重復(fù)畸形 duplication of esophagus
食管自發(fā)性破裂 spontaneous rupture of esophagus
食欲缺乏 anorexia
比爾羅特"I式吻合[術(shù)]" Billroth I anastomosis
柿石 diospyrobezoar
嗜酸細(xì)胞性胃腸炎 eosinophilic gastritis
輸入袢綜合征 afferent loop syndrome
術(shù)后胰腺炎 postoperative pancreatitis
術(shù)中膽管造影[術(shù)] intraoperative cholangiography
術(shù)中內(nèi)鏡檢查術(shù) intraoperative endoscopy
雙管結(jié)腸造口術(shù) double barrel colostomy
雙極電凝術(shù) bipolar electrocoagulation
霜斑樣病變 shimofuri,lesion
水充盈法 water-filling method
水囊法 water-filled balloon method
水壓擴(kuò)張器 hydrostatic dilator
水樣便 watery stool
胎糞性腸梗阻 meconium ileus
胎糞性腹膜炎 meconium peritonitis
探條擴(kuò)張術(shù) bougienage
特發(fā)性彌漫性潰瘍 idiopathic diffuse ulcer
特科特綜合征 Turcot syndrome
體外肝灌注 extra-corporeal liver perfusion
天性食管閉鎖 congenital esophageal atresia
同期胰腎聯(lián)合移植 simultaneous pancreas and renal transplantation
吞氣癥 aerophagia air swallowing
吞線試驗(yàn) string test
拖出術(shù) pull-through operation
脫氣水 de-aerated water
外傷性胰腺炎 traumatic pancreatitis
威策爾胃造口術(shù) Witzel gastrostomy Witzel operation
微波凝固術(shù) microwave coagulation
維姆-西爾弗曼針活 Vim-Silverman
組織檢查 needle biopsy
萎縮性胃炎 atrophic gastritis
畏食 sitophobia sitiophobia
胃腸石 bezoar
胃癌 gastric cancer
胃半切除術(shù) hemigastrectomy
胃部分切除術(shù) partial gastrectomy
胃腸出血 gastrointestinal bleeding
胃腸道外全面營(yíng)養(yǎng) total parenteral nutrition
胃腸吻合術(shù) gastroenterostomy
胃出口梗阻 gastric outlet obstruction
胃次全切除術(shù) subtotal gastrectomy
胃底折疊術(shù) fundoplication
胃竇切除術(shù) antrectomy
胃固定術(shù) gastropexy
胃結(jié)核 tuberculosis of stomach
胃鏡檢查術(shù) gastroscopy
胃空腸結(jié)腸瘺 "gastrojejunocolic fistula"
胃空腸吻合術(shù) "gastrojejunostomy"
胃潰瘍 gastric ulcer
胃泌素瘤 gastrinoma
胃扭轉(zhuǎn) volvulus of stomach
胃旁路術(shù) gastric bypass
胃氣脹 bloating
胃憩室 gastric diverticulum
胃切除術(shù) "gastrectomy"
胃切開術(shù) gastrotomy
胃全切除術(shù) total gastrectomy
胃十二指腸吻合術(shù) gastroduodenostomy
胃食管反流 gastroesophageal reflux
胃外瘺 "gastroutanusfistula"
胃下垂 gastroptosis
胃炎 gastritis
胃液分析 gastric analysis
胃造口術(shù) gastrostomy
胃粘膜脫垂 prolapse of gastric mucosa
胃重復(fù)畸形 reduplication of stomach
胃潴留 gastric retention
胃灼熱 heartburn pyrosis
吻合術(shù) anastomosis
吻合口 anastomotic stoma
吻合口潰瘍 stomal ulcer
無(wú)肝期 anhepatic phase
無(wú)結(jié)石膽囊炎 acalculous cholecystitis
無(wú)菌性腹膜炎 aseptic peritonitis
戊型病毒性肝炎 viral hepatitis type E
吸收不良 malabsorption
吸引活檢術(shù) suction biopsy
希爾施普龍病 Hirschsprung disease
希爾食管裂孔疝修補(bǔ)術(shù) Hill hiatal hernia repair
息肉 polyp
息肉病 polyposis
息肉分塊切除術(shù) piecemeal polypectomy
息肉切除術(shù) polypectomy
洗胃 gastric lavage
細(xì)菌性腹瀉 bacterial diarrhea
細(xì)菌性肝膿腫 bacterial liver abscess
細(xì)菌性痢疾 bacillary dysentery shigellosis
先天性膽總管擴(kuò)張 congenital choledochus dilatation
先天性膽總管囊腫 congenitalcholedochus cyst
先天性短食管 congenital short esophagus
先天性肥大性幽門狹窄 congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
先天性肝內(nèi)膽管擴(kuò)張 congenital intrahepatic biliary dilatation
先天性肝囊腫 congenital cyst of liver
先天性肝硬化 congenital cirrhosis
先天性肛門閉鎖 congenital anal atresia
先天性肛門狹 congenital anal stenosis
先天性肛門直腸畸形 congenital ano-rectal malformation
先天性家族性非溶血性黃疸 nonhemolytic jaundice
先天性巨結(jié)腸 congenital megacolon
先天性食管狹窄 congenital stenosis of esophagus
先天性胃扭轉(zhuǎn) congenital gastric volvulus
先天性吸收不良 congenital malabsorption
先天性直腸閉鎖 congenital rectal atresia
先天性直腸狹窄 congenital stenosis of rectum
纖維內(nèi)鏡 fiberendoscope
腺瘤性息肉 adenomatous polyp
相對(duì)面潰瘍 kissing ulcer
消化不良 dyspepsia indigestion
消化系統(tǒng)結(jié)核 tuberculosis of digestive system
消化性潰瘍 peptic ulcer
小腸惡性淋巴瘤 small intestinal malignant lymphoma
小腸梗阻 small intestine obstruction
小腸鏡檢查術(shù) small intestinal endoscopy
小腸潰瘍 small intestinal ulcer
小腸瘺 small bowel fistula
小腸排列術(shù) plication of small intestine
小腸炎 enteritis
小腸移植 small intestine transplantation
小腸淤滯綜合征 small intestinal stasis syndrome
小兒肝移植 pediatric liver transplantation
小兒內(nèi)鏡檢查術(shù) pediatric endoscopy
小兒小腸移植 pediatric small intestine transplantation
斜視內(nèi)鏡 oblique-viewing endoscope
瀉藥性結(jié)腸 cathartic colon
心源性肝硬化 cardiac cirrhosis
新生兒肝炎綜合征 neonatal hepatitis syndrome
新生兒壞死性 necrotizing enterocolitis
小腸結(jié)腸炎 of newborn
食管空腸吻合術(shù) "esophagojejunostomy"
膽總管空腸魯氏"Y形吻合術(shù)" choledochojejunostomy Roux-en-Y
慢性潰瘍性結(jié)腸炎 chronic ulcerative colitis
急性重型肝炎 acute severe hepatitis
胸腹膜裂孔疝 Bochdalek hernia
選擇性肝移植 selective-term liver transplantation
選擇性迷走神經(jīng)切斷術(shù) selective vagotomy
血便 bloody stool
血管顯露 exposed vessel
亞急性闌尾炎 subacute appendicitis
亞急性重型肝炎 subacute severe hepatitis
咽憩室 pharyngeal diverticulum
咽食管憩室 "pharyngo-esophageal diverticulum"
咽下部憩室 Zenker diverticulum
炎性腸病 inflammatory bowel disease
炎性腸疾病 inflammatory bowel diseases
炎性息肉 inflammatory polyp
一期小腸移植 one-stage small intestine transplantation
胰膽管匯合異常 malfusion of pancreatobiliary ducts
胰島素瘤 "insulinoma"
胰島細(xì)胞瘤 islet cell tumor
胰功能不全 pancreatic insufficiency
胰管梗阻 pancreatemphraxis
胰管結(jié)扎式胰腺移植 duct-ligation pancreas transplantation
胰管鏡檢查術(shù) pancreatoscopy
胰管未匯合 non-fusion of pancreatic ducts
胰結(jié)核 tuberculosis of pancreas
胰空腸吻合術(shù) pancreaticojejunostomy
胰瘺 ancreatic fistula
胰腎聯(lián)合移植 combined pancreas and renal transplantation
胰十二指腸切除術(shù) pancreaticoduodenectomy
胰十二指腸移植 pancreas-duodenal transplantation
胰石 pancreatolith pancreatic calculus
胰石病 pancreatolithiasis
胰腺創(chuàng)傷 pancreatic trauma
胰腺分裂 pancreas divisum
胰腺鈣化 calcification of pancreas
胰腺假囊腫 pancreatic pseudocyst
胰腺囊腫 pancreatic cyst
胰腺膿腫 abscess of pancreas
胰腺膿腫 pancreatic abscess
胰腺外瘺 external fistula of pancreas
胰腺炎 pancreatitis
胰腺移植 pancreas transplantation
胰腺異位 heterotopic pancreas
胰腺周圍膿腫 peripancreatic abscess
胰源性腹水 pancreatic ascites
移植 liver transplantation
移植胰假性囊腫 graft pancreatic pseudocyst
移植胰胰瘺 graft pancreatic fistula
移植胰胰腺炎 graft pancreatitis
乙型病毒性肝炎 viral hepatitis type B
乙狀結(jié)腸膀胱 sigmoid conduit
乙狀結(jié)腸膀胱擴(kuò)大術(shù) sigmoid augmentation cystoplasty
乙狀結(jié)腸結(jié)核 tuberculosis of sigmoid colon
乙狀結(jié)腸鏡檢查術(shù) sigmoidoscopy
異位肝移植 heterotopic liver transplantation
異位小腸移植 heterotopic small intestine transplantation
異位胰腺移植 heterotopic pancreas tranoplantation
飲食過(guò)多 hyperphagia
隱肛 covered anus
隱窩炎 cryptitis
隱源性肝硬化 cryptogenic cirrhosis
印片法細(xì)胞學(xué)檢查術(shù) imprint cytologic examination
應(yīng)激性潰瘍 stress ulcer
硬化性膽管炎 sclerosing cholangitis
硬式內(nèi)鏡 rigid endoscope
永久性結(jié)腸造口術(shù) permanent colostomy
幽門閉鎖 pyloric atresia
幽門成形術(shù) pyloroplasty
幽門梗阻 pyloric obstruction
幽門管 ulcer of pyloric canal
幽門管潰瘍 pyloric canal ulcer
幽門環(huán)變形 deformity of pyloric ring
幽門肌切開術(shù) pyloromyotomy
幽門蹼 pyloric web
幽門前瓣膜 prepyloric diaphragm
幽門狹窄 pyloric stenosis
游動(dòng)膽囊 wandering gallbladder
右半結(jié)腸切除術(shù) rihgt hemicolectomy
幼年性息肉 juvenile polyp
淤膽型肝炎 cholestatic hepatitis
預(yù)備性切開 precutting
原發(fā)性胃食管反流 primary gastro-esophageal reflux
原發(fā)性移植肝無(wú)功能 primary liver graft nonfunction
原位肝移植 orthotopic liver transplantation
原位旁肝移植 paratopic liver transplantation
原位旁胰腺移植 paratopic pancreas transplantation
原位小腸移植 orthotopic small intestine transplantation
再次肝移植 "liver retransplantation"
暫時(shí)性結(jié)腸造口術(shù) temporary colostomy
增生性膽囊炎 hyperplastic cholecystitis
增生性胃病 hyperplastic gastropathy
增生性息肉 hyperplastic polyp
粘連性腹膜炎 adhesive peritonitis
粘膜不平 uneven mucosa
粘膜橋 mucosal bridge
粘膜切除術(shù) mucosectomy
粘膜缺乏光澤 lack of mucosal luster
粘膜皺襞杵狀肥大 clubbing of mucosal fold
粘膜皺襞前端變細(xì) tapering of mucosal fold
粘膜皺襞中斷 abrupt ending of mucosal fold
粘液樣便 mucoid stool
脂肪肝 fatty liver
蜘蛛痣 spider angioma
直腸膀胱一結(jié)腸腹壁造口術(shù) rectal bladder and abdominal colostomy
直腸固定術(shù) rectopexy
直腸后膿腫 retrorectal abscess
直腸后拖也吻合巨結(jié)腸根治術(shù) Duhamel procedure
直腸環(huán)鉗吻合術(shù) ring clamp anastomosis of rectum
直腸肌鞘拖出吻合巨結(jié)腸根治術(shù) Soave procedure
直腸肌鞘拖出吻合巨結(jié)腸根治術(shù) proctoscopy
直腸瘺 rectal fistula
直腸膨出 rectocele
直腸切除術(shù) proctectomy
直腸燒灼 rectal burning
直腸損傷 rectal injury
直腸脫垂 rectal prolapse
直腸狹窄 stricture of rectum
直腸炎 proctitis
直腸乙狀結(jié)腸鏡檢查術(shù) proctosigmoidoscopy
直腸陰道瘺 rectovaginal fistula
直腸指檢 digital rectal examination
直腸周圍膿腫 perirectal abscess
直視下活檢術(shù) direct vision biopsy
植物石 phytobezoar
中腸扭轉(zhuǎn) midgut volvulus
中毒性肝硬化 toxic cirrhosis
舟狀腹 scaphoid abdomen
皺襞集中 converging folds
自發(fā)性腹膜炎 spontaneous peritonitis
自發(fā)性胃穿孔 spontaneous perforation of stomach
自體小腸移植 autologous small intestine transplantation
最大酸排出量 maximal acid output
左半結(jié)腸切除術(shù) left hemicolectomy
佐林格-埃利森綜合征 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
坐骨直腸窩膿腫 ischiorectal abscess

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