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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2018/08/29 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):8375  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

減輕,減少 abate
減輕 abatement
縮短的,省略的 abbreviated
腹部 abdomen
腹部的 abdominal
腹式呼吸 abdominal breathing
剖腹產(chǎn) cesarean section
經(jīng)腹子宮切除手術(shù) transabdominal hysterectomy
腹式呼吸 abdominal respiration
剖腹術(shù) laparotomy
腹痛 abdominalgia; abdominal pain
腹腔鏡檢查 laparoscopy
胸腹的 abdominothoracic; thoracoabdominal
腹式子宮切除術(shù) transabdominal hysterectomy
脫離,部分切除(術(shù)) ablation; dissection
感覺異常 paresthesia
反射消失 abolition of reflex; areflexia
意識缺失 aboulia; apsychia
禁食 abrosia; fasting
膿腫 abscess
呼吸音消失,無呼吸音呼吸 absent respiration ; absent breath sounds
絕對心律不齊 absolute arrhythmia
禁食,絕食 fasting
絕對溫度 absolute temperature
吸收器,過濾器,吸收管,減震器 absorber; filter;
活性碳,吸附器 absorbite; active carbon absorption
吸收 absorption
意識缺失 abulia
違反操作規(guī)程,濫用 abuse
棘突,棘 spinous process
增強(qiáng),亢進(jìn) accentuation; enhancement; hyperfunction
存取,進(jìn)口,入口 access
輔助呼吸肌 accessory respiratory muscle
意外性出血 accident hemorrhage
急診室 emergency department
意外性硬脊膜刺穿 accidental dural puncture
意外拔管 accidental extubation
調(diào)節(jié)器 accommodator; regulator
計(jì)算裝置 accountant; calculating apparatus
積蓄 accumulation
蓄電池,存儲器 accumulator; storage battery
準(zhǔn)確度,精度 accuracy
藥療學(xué) aceology
酮體 acetone bodies
乙酰膽堿 acetylcholine
乙酰膽堿酯酶 acetylcholine esterase
酸的,性的 acid
酸堿平衡 acid-base equilibrium
酸堿平衡 acid-base balance
酸堿平衡 acid-base equilibrium
酸中毒 acidosis
酸血癥 acidemia
酸中毒的 acidotic
酸中毒 acidosis
酸中毒的 acidotic
邊緣,緣 acies; edge; margin; border; fringe
腎小球 glomerulus
針刺感覺 acmesthesia
治療記錄 acography
治療學(xué) acology
小便失禁 aconuresis; urinary incontinence
獲得性免疫缺陷綜合癥,艾滋病 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS)
無力 acratia; weakness
排尿無力 acraturesis
分泌缺乏 acrinia
肢體感缺失 acro-agnosis
四肢麻木 acro-anesthesia;acragnosis
肢端缺氧 acro-asphyxia
感覺過敏,肢痛 acroaesthesia
指尖 acrocheir; fingertip
手足發(fā)紺 acrocyanosis
杵狀指 acropachy; clubbed finger
肢體癱瘓 acroparalysis
肢端感覺異常 acroparesthesia
肢端痛 acrostealgia
末梢的,周圍的 acroteric; peripheral
阻止作用 action of arrest; antagonism
動(dòng)作電位 action potential
動(dòng)作電流 action current
活化,激活,致活 activate
激活狀態(tài) activated state
實(shí)際的,現(xiàn)實(shí)的 actual
聽覺 audition
針刺 acupuncture
針刺麻醉 acupuncture anesthesia
針麻儀 acupuncture anesthesia apparatus
急性的 acute
急腹癥 acute abdomen
急性膿腫 acute abscess
急性貧血 acute anemia
持針器 acutenaculum
急性疼痛 acute pain
加,添 addition
相加作用 additive action; agonism
相加作用 additive effect; agonism
精神緊張,苦悶 ademonia; mental strain
乳腺切除術(shù) mastectomy
咽扁桃體炎 pharyngoamygdalitis
淋巴結(jié)腫 adenophyma; enlargement of lymph nodes
粘連的 adherent
粘連切除術(shù) adhesiectomy
貼附電極 adhesive electrode
絕熱的 adiabatic
血液循環(huán)停止 adiaemorrhysis
肥胖的,脂肪的 adipose
肥胖癥 adiposis; obesity
全身肥胖癥 adiposis universalis
肥胖(癥) adiposity; obesity
聲門下口 aditus glottidis inferior
聲門上口 aditus glottidis superior
附加作用 adjection
附加(藥物) adjunction
可調(diào)氧濃度面罩 adjustable oxygen density face mask
可控同步呼吸機(jī) adjustable synchronous respirator
給予,投與,管理 administration
腎上腺切除術(shù) adrenalectomy
吸附劑 adsorbent
吸附作用 adsorption
成人型呼吸窘迫綜合癥 adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
后期復(fù)蘇 advanced life support (ALS)
不良反應(yīng) adverse reaction
氣栓,氣泡栓塞 air embolism; aeremia
肺氣腫 emphysema
氣腹 pneumoperitoneum
氣胸 pneumothorax
霧化療法 aerosol therapy
霧化給藥 aerosolization
感覺 aesthema; sensation
感覺 aesthesia; sensation
感覺 aesthesis; sensation
物質(zhì),藥物,作用因子 agent
老化,老齡化 aging; ageing
紅細(xì)胞減少 aglobulia
紅細(xì)胞減少 aglobuliosis
原因不明的 agnogenic; cryptogenic
無牙,缺牙,牙動(dòng) agomphiasis; anodontia
無牙的,缺牙的 agomphious
無牙,缺牙,牙動(dòng) agomphosis; anodontia
終末頻死呼吸 agonal breathing
興奮劑,激動(dòng)劑 agonist
通氣道 air duct; air passage
空氣栓塞 air embolism
空氣壓力表 air manometer; air pressure gauge
氣囊 air bag; air sac
噴霧器 sprayer
氣道,呼吸器 airway
氣道保持通暢,氣道控制 airway control
氣道阻塞 airway obstruction
氣道壓 airway pressure
氣道阻力 airway resistance
氣道狹窄 airway stenosis
肢端巨大癥 acromegaly
鼻翼 ala nasi
視網(wǎng)膜水腫 albedo retinae
白蛋白 albumin; albumine
白蛋白 albumin; albumine
痛覺 algaesthesis; algesthesia
痛覺缺失 alganesthesia
痛覺 algesia
疼痛的 algesic
疼痛產(chǎn)生 algogenesia
疼痛產(chǎn)生 algogenesis
痛性痙攣 algospasm
堿血癥 alkalemia
堿儲備,堿儲量 alkaline reserve
堿中毒 alkalosis
堿中毒 alkalosis
堿中毒的 alkalotic
變應(yīng)性,過敏性,變應(yīng)反應(yīng) allergia; anaphylactic
過敏體質(zhì),變態(tài)性體質(zhì) allergic constitution
變態(tài)反應(yīng),過敏反應(yīng) allergic reaction
言語障礙 allolalia; disturbance of speech
記憶障礙 allomnesia
語無倫次 allophasis
語無倫次 allophemy
發(fā)育異常 alloplasia; dysplasia
肺泡的 alveolar
肺泡氣 alveolar air
肺泡氣 alveolar gas
肺泡氣體交換 alveolar gas exchange
肺泡通氣不足 alveolar hypoventilation
肺泡性缺氧 alveolar hypoxia
肺泡通氣 alveolar ventilation
急救車 ambulance
門診所,診所 ambulatorium; outpatient clinic
氨茶堿 aminophylline
氨茶堿 aminophylline
記憶缺失,遺忘(癥) amnesia
遺忘的,引起 amnestic
羊水栓塞(癥) amnionic fluid embolism
羊水栓塞 amniotic embolism
肌無力 myasthenia
肌無力的 myasthenic
貧血 anaemia
止痛 analgesia
鎮(zhèn)痛的,止痛藥 analgesics
鎮(zhèn)痛作用 analgesic action
麻醉醫(yī)師 anesthesiologist; anesthetist
鎮(zhèn)痛藥,止痛的 analgetic
催眠 anapausis; hypnosis
血管擴(kuò)張 anapetia; vasodilation
過敏性休克 anaphylactic shock
過敏反應(yīng) anaphylaxis
整形術(shù) anaplasty; plastic surgery
窒息解除 anapnea
窒息解除 anapnoea
吻合術(shù) anastomosis
解剖死腔 anatomical dead space
解剖(學(xué)) anatomy
感覺與運(yùn)動(dòng)能力缺失 anesthekinesia
麻醉 anesthesia
冷凍麻醉 crymoanesthesia
麻醉記錄(用紙) anesthesia chart
麻醉機(jī) anesthesia machine
麻醉記錄 anesthesia record
麻醉器械包 anesthesia set
麻醉學(xué)家 anesthesiologist
麻醉(科)學(xué) anesthesiology
有麻醉作用的 anesthesiophore
麻醉作用 anesthetic action
麻醉藥 anesthetic agent
麻醉機(jī) anesthesia apparatus
麻醉藥 anesthetics
麻醉裝置漏氣 anesthetic equipment leakage
麻醉機(jī) anesthetic machine
麻醉藥污染 anesthetic pollution
麻醉效能 anesthetic potency
麻醉藥毒性 anesthetic toxicity
會厭炎 angina epiglottidea; epiglottitis
喉炎 angina laryngea; laryngitis
心絞痛 angina pectoris
血管(神經(jīng))性水腫 angio-edema
心血管造影術(shù) angiography
海綿狀血管瘤 angiocavernoma
血管硬化 angiosclerosis
血管痙攣 angiospasm
血管痙攣性貧血 angiospastic anemia
環(huán)狀軟骨 anonymous cartilage
拮抗 antagonism
拮抗藥,對抗肌 antagonist
止吐藥,止吐的 antanacathartic
止喘的,止喘藥 antasthmatic
順行性健忘(癥) antegrade amnesia
止吐的,止吐劑 antemetic
抗干擾 anti-disturbance
抗焦慮藥 antianxiety drugs
抗體 antibody
解毒藥 antidote
止吐劑 antiemetic
止吐藥 antiemetic drug
抗組胺藥 antihistamine drug
降壓藥,抗高血壓藥物 antihypertensive agent
降壓藥 antihypertensive drug
麻醉拮抗藥 antinarcotic
止惡心藥,抗惡心的 antinauseant
解痙藥 antispasmodic
解痙藥 antispastic
不安,苦悶 anxiety
焦慮狀態(tài) anxiety state
抗不安藥,抗不安的 anxiolytic
抗不安藥,抗焦慮藥 anxiolytic agent
抗焦慮藥 anxiolytics
腹主動(dòng)脈 aorta abdominalis
呼吸暫停,窒息 apnoea
裝置,器具,器械 apparatus
鑒定 appreciation
蛛網(wǎng)膜(的) arachnoid
硬膜下腔 arachnoid cavity
心搏徐緩 araiocardia
心律不齊,心律失常,無節(jié)律 arrhythmia
呼吸性心律不齊 arrhythmia respiratoria
喚醒反應(yīng) arousal reaction
停止 arrest
心律不齊 arrhythmia
動(dòng)脈 arteria
腋動(dòng)脈 arteria axillaris
肱動(dòng)脈 arteria brachialis
頸總動(dòng)脈 arteria carotis communis
頸外動(dòng)脈 arteria carotis externa
頸內(nèi)動(dòng)脈 arteria carotis interna
足背動(dòng)脈 arteria dorsalis pedis
股動(dòng)脈 arteria femoralis
橈動(dòng)脈 arteria radialis
鎖骨下動(dòng)脈 arteria subclavia
尺動(dòng)脈 arteria ulnaris
椎動(dòng)脈 arteria vertebralis
動(dòng)脈內(nèi)置(插)管 arterial catheter
動(dòng)脈栓塞(癥) arterial embolism
動(dòng)脈壓換能器 arterial pressure transducer
動(dòng)脈輸血(法) arterial transfusion
動(dòng)脈穿刺 arteriopuncture
動(dòng)脈硬化 arteriosclerosis
動(dòng)脈痙攣 arteriospasm
人工的 artificial
人工流產(chǎn) artificial abortion
人造血管 artificial blood vessel
人工呼吸 artificial breathing
人工循環(huán) artificial circulation
人工呼吸 artificial respiration
假牙,義齒 artificial teeth
人工通氣 artificial ventilation
吸引,誤吸 aspiration
吸入性肺炎 aspiration pneumonia
吸入性局灶性肺炎 aspiration pneumonitis
吸引器,吸引裝置 aspirator
輔助/控制通氣 assist/control-mode ventilation (A/CMV)
支氣管過敏,哮喘 asthma
哮喘發(fā)作 asthmatic attack
哮喘危象 asthmatic crisis
哮喘樣喘鳴 asthmatoid wheeze
哮喘性端坐呼吸 asthmatorthopnea
心房顫動(dòng) atrial fibrillation
心房撲動(dòng) atrial flutter
竇房結(jié) atrionector
房室傳導(dǎo)阻滯 atrioventricular heart-block
發(fā)作 attack
心房纖顫 auricular fibrillation
心房撲動(dòng) auricular flutter
自體輸血 autohemotransfusion
自身輸血 autotransfusion
喚醒試驗(yàn) awaken test
活化部分凝血酶原時(shí)間 activated partial thromboplastin time(APTT)
丙氨氨基轉(zhuǎn)移酶 alanine aminotransferase(ALT)
天門冬酸氨基轉(zhuǎn)移酶 aspartate aminotransferase(AST)
堿性磷酸酶 alkaline phosphatase(AKP)
白蛋白 albumin
心房肥大 atrial hypertrophy
房性早博 atrial premature beat
心房撲動(dòng) atrial flutter
心房顫動(dòng) atrial fibrillation
貧血 anemia
房室傳導(dǎo)阻滯 auriculo-ventrivular block
肺不張 atelectasis
心絞痛 angina
成人呼吸窘迫綜合征 adult respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS)
脊柱骨折脫位椎管側(cè)前方減壓術(shù) anterior-lateral decompression of spinal canal for vertebral fracture and dislocation
前臂截肢術(shù) amputation of forearm
拇指腕掌關(guān)節(jié)融合術(shù) arthrodesis of metacarpal joint of thumb
掌指關(guān)節(jié)成形術(shù) arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal joint
大腿截肢術(shù) amputation through thigh
小腿截肢術(shù) amputation through leg
人工踝關(guān)節(jié)置換 ankle athroplasty
踝關(guān)節(jié)融合術(shù) arthrodesis of ankle
顳下頜關(guān)節(jié)強(qiáng)直 ankylosis of temporomandibular joint
顳下頜關(guān)節(jié)成形術(shù) arthroplasty of temporomandibular joint
腺淋巴瘤 adenolymphoma
腺樣囊性癌 adenoid cystic carcinoma
造釉細(xì)胞瘤 ameloblastoma
動(dòng)脈瘤 aneurysm
后天性動(dòng)靜脈瘺 acquired arteriovenous fistula
副耳 accessory auricle
鼻翼萎縮征 alar collapse
急腹癥 acute abdomen
闌尾炎 appendicitis
肛瘺 anal fistula
肛裂 anal fissure
急性胰腺炎 acute pancreatitis
粘連性腸梗阻 adhesive intestinal obstruction
闌尾切除術(shù) appendicectomy
直腸、肛管經(jīng)腹會陰聯(lián)合切除術(shù) abdominoperineal resection of anus and rectum(Mile's operation)
動(dòng)脈血栓 arterial embolism
動(dòng)脈硬化性血管病 arteriosclerotic vascular disease
大動(dòng)脈炎 aorta-arteritis
腹主動(dòng)脈-髂動(dòng)脈架橋術(shù)及-股動(dòng)脈架橋術(shù) aortoiliac and aortofenoral bypass
腹主動(dòng)脈及髂內(nèi)動(dòng)脈內(nèi)膜剝脫數(shù) aortoiliac endarterectomy
反向性心力衰竭 backward heart-failure
平衡麻醉 balanced anesthesia
基礎(chǔ)麻醉 basal anesthesia
基礎(chǔ)代謝率 basal metabolic rate
基礎(chǔ)麻醉 basal narcosis
初期復(fù)蘇,基本生命支持 basic life support (BLS)
基礎(chǔ)麻醉 basis anesthesia
深呼吸 bathypnea
二聯(lián)律 bigemina
二聯(lián)律 bigeminy
出血傾向 bleeding tendency
眼瞼水腫 blepharedema
眼瞼水腫 blepharoedema
眼瞼下垂 blepharoptosis
盲探插管 blind intubation
經(jīng)鼻盲探插管術(shù) blind nasotracheal intubation
阻滯,阻斷 block
阻滯麻醉 block anesthesia
阻滯,阻塞,阻斷 blockage
阻斷 blocking
阻斷劑,阻滯劑,阻抑劑 blocking agent
供血 blood donation
供血者 blood donor
血脂 blood fat
血?dú)?/span> blood gas
血?dú)夥治鰞x blood gas analyzer
血型 blood group
血液制劑 blood preparation
受血者 blood recipient
血樣 blood sample
血糖 blood sugar
血液供給 blood supply
輸血 blood transfusion
輸血器 blood transfusion apparatus
輸血反應(yīng) blood transfusion reaction
血腦屏障 blood-brain barrier
血-腦屏障 blood-cerebrospinal barrier
血尿 bloody urine
血容量 blood volume
體,身 body
體液 body fluid
身高 body height
體位 body position
體位 body posture
體表面積 body surface aren
體重 body weight
單次劑量 bolus dose
臂叢阻滯 brachial plexus block
腋窩法臂叢神經(jīng)阻滯 brachial plexus block by axillary route
斜角肌間法臂叢神經(jīng)阻滯 brachial plexus block by interscalene route
經(jīng)鎖骨下路臂叢神經(jīng)阻滯 brachial plexus block by subclavicular route
鎖骨上法臂叢神經(jīng)阻滯 brachial plexus block by supraclavicular route
臂叢神經(jīng)麻痹 brachial plexus paralysis
臂叢 brachiplex
心動(dòng)過緩 brachycardia
胸骨 breast bone
心絞痛 breast-pang
呼吸氣體分析儀 breath analyzer
吸氣屏氣 breathing-holding
屏氣試驗(yàn) breath holding test (Sebarese’s test)
呼吸環(huán)路系統(tǒng) breathing circle system
雙腔支氣管導(dǎo)管 bronchial catheter with double tubes
支氣管痙攣 bronchial spasm
支氣管痙攣 bronchiospasm
支氣管擴(kuò)張藥 bronchodilator
纖維支氣管鏡 bronchofiberscope
嗆咳 bucking
束支傳導(dǎo)阻滯 bundle branch block
燒傷 burn
血小板計(jì)數(shù) blood platelets count(BPC)
血清尿素氮 blood uria nitrogen(BUN)
血糖 blood sugar
束支傳導(dǎo)阻滯 bundle branch block
支氣管炎 bronchitis
支氣管擴(kuò)張 bronchiectasis
支氣管哮喘 bronchial asthma
屏氣試驗(yàn) breath holding test
截肢術(shù) Boyd’samputation Boyd
良性腫瘤 benign tumor
鰓裂囊腫 branchial cleft cyst
細(xì)菌性肝膿腫 bacterial liver abscess
膽管腫瘤 bile duct tumor
腸梗阻捷徑手術(shù) bypass operation for intestinal obstruction
膽腸內(nèi)引流術(shù) biliary enterostomy
血栓閉塞性脈管炎 Buerger discase
自體大隱靜脈導(dǎo)致轉(zhuǎn)流術(shù) bypass with reversed autogenous long saphenous vein
毛細(xì)血管的 capillary
毛細(xì)血管床 capillary bed
毛細(xì)血管出血 capillary bleeding
毛細(xì)血管脆性 capillary fragility
二氧化碳結(jié)合力 carbon dioxide combining power
二氧化碳蓄積 carbon dioxide retention
心臟停搏 cardiac arrest
心臟猝死 cardiac death
心代償失調(diào) cardiac decompensation
心臟除顫器 cardiac defibrillator
心臟抑制劑 cardiac depressant
心臟抑制 cardiac depression
心原性呼吸困難 cardiac dyspnea
心原性水腫 cardiac edema
心臟指數(shù) cardiac index (CI)
心功能不全 cardiac insufficiency
心臟按摩(壓) cardiac massage
心排出量 cardiac output (CO)
心臟儲備力 cardiac reserve
心肺腦復(fù)蘇 cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation (CPCR)
心肺復(fù)蘇 cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
隆突 carina
軟骨 cartilage
勺狀軟骨 cartilago arytaenoidea
環(huán)狀軟骨 cartilago cricoidea
勺狀軟骨 cartilago gutturalis
甲狀軟骨 cartilago peltata
馬尾綜合癥 cauda equina syndrome
骶管麻醉 caudal anesthesia
骶管阻滯 caudal block
硬膜外腔 cavum epidurale
蛛網(wǎng)膜下腔 cavum subarachnoidale
硬膜下腔 cavum subdurale
胸腔 cavum thoracis
中心靜脈壓 central venous pressure (CVP)
腦水腫 cerebral edema
腦脊液 cerebrospinal fluid(CSF)
腦復(fù)蘇 cerebral resuscitation
腦血管意外 cerebrovascular accident
頸神經(jīng)叢阻滯 cervical plexus block
頸椎 cervical vertebra
頸臂痛 cervicobrachial pain
球結(jié)膜水腫 chemosis
寒戰(zhàn),受寒 chill
黃疸 choloplania
軟骨痛 chondralgia
嗜鉻細(xì)胞 chromaffin cells
慢性疼痛 chronic pain
分類 classification
鎖骨 clavicle
鎖骨的 clavicular
腭裂 cleftpalate
臨床分析 clinical analysis
臨床記錄 clinography
緊閉裝置 close system
胸外心臟按壓 closed chest cardiac compression
二氧化碳吸收劑 CO2 absorbent
二氧化碳蓄積 CO2 acummulation
鎖骨 collarbone
膠體 colloid
膠體滲透壓 colloid oncotic pressure
膠體滲透壓 colloid osmotic pressure
膠體溶液 colloid solution
膠體的 colloidal
昏迷狀態(tài) coma position
結(jié)合,復(fù)合 combination
復(fù)合麻醉 combined anesthesia
競爭的 competitive
競爭性藥物 competitive agent
競爭性藥物 competitive drug
成分輸血 component transfusion
先天的 congenital
充血性心力衰竭 congestive heart failure
清醒插管術(shù) conscious intubation
污染 contamination
持續(xù)硬膜外麻醉 continuous epidural anesthesia
持續(xù)靜脈輸入 continuous intravenous infusion
持續(xù)正壓呼吸(法) continuous positive pressure breathing
持續(xù)正壓通氣 continuous positive pressure ventilation
持續(xù)脊髓麻醉 continuous spinal anesthesia
控制性降壓 controlled hypotension
控制呼吸 controlled respiration
控制通氣 control-mode ventilation (CMV)
瞳孔散大 corectasis
瞳孔散大 corediastasis
肋軟骨 costal cartilage
咳嗽 cough
咳嗽反射 cough reflex
顱骨 cranial bone
顱腦的 craniocerebral
環(huán)-食管壓迫手法 crico-esophageal compress
環(huán)狀軟骨 cricoid cartilage
環(huán)狀軟骨壓迫(法) cricoid pressure
環(huán)甲膜 cricothyroid membrane
環(huán)甲膜切開(術(shù)) cricothyrotomy
危像 crisis
危重的,臨界的 critical
急救醫(yī)學(xué),危重醫(yī)學(xué) critical care medicine
喘鳴性喉痙攣 crowing convulsion
血尿 cruenturesis
擠壓綜合癥 crush syndrome
蓄積的 cumulative
血清肌酐 creatinine(Cr)
心功能 cardiac function
冠心病 coronary heart disease
先天性心臟病 congenital heart disease
心肌病 cardiomyopathy
慢性肺源性心臟病 chronic pulmonary heart disease
肝硬化 cirrhosis of liver
腦出血 cerebral hemorrhage
腦梗塞 cerebral infarction
昏迷 coma
脊柱側(cè)突及后凸畸形矯形術(shù) corrective operation of scoliosis and kyphosis
軟骨瘤刮除與切除 curettage and excision with bone grafting for enchondroma
股骨頸骨折閉合復(fù)位加壓螺紋釘內(nèi)固定術(shù) close reduction and internal fixation by compressive screws for femoral neck fracture
髁突骨折 Condylar fracture
毛細(xì)管型血管瘤 Capillary hemangioma
海綿狀血管瘤 Cavernous hemangioma
囊腫刮除術(shù) Curettage of cyst
舌癌 carcinoma of tongue
頰癌 Carcinoma of check
牙齦癌 Carcinoma of gingival
口底癌 Carcinoma of mouth floor
唇癌 Carcinoma of lip
上頜竇癌 Carcinoma of maxillary sinus
顱頜聯(lián)合根治術(shù) Combined dissection of craniofacial
舌頜頸聯(lián)合根治術(shù) Combined dissection of tongue , mandible and neck
頰頜頸聯(lián)合根治術(shù) Combined dissection of check mandible and neck
齦頜頸聯(lián)合根治術(shù) Combined dissection of gingival , mandible and neck
鼻咽癌 carcinoma of the nasopharynx
腦脊液鼻漏 csf rhinorrhoea
子宮頸癌 cervix cancer
子宮內(nèi)膜癌 carcinoma of endometrium
結(jié)腸扭轉(zhuǎn) colon twist
結(jié)腸癌 cancer of colon
膽囊結(jié)石 cholecystolithiasis or cholelithiasis
膽總管結(jié)石 choledocholith
肝內(nèi)膽管結(jié)石 calculus of intrahepatic duct
膽囊炎 cholecystitis
膽囊癌 carcinoma of gallbladder
膽囊切除 cholecystectomy
膽道造影術(shù) cholangiography
膽囊空腸吻合術(shù) cholecystoenterostomy
膽囊造口術(shù) cholecystostomy
膽總管對端吻合術(shù) choledcho-choledochostomy
膽總管造口術(shù) choledochostomy
胃空腸吻合術(shù) cystogastrostomy
內(nèi)痔環(huán)型切除術(shù) circumferential hemorrhoidectomy
先天性瞼裂狹窄綜合征 congenital blepharophimosis syndrome
電除顫 defibrillation
除顫器 defibrillator
缺乏,不足 deficiency
程度 degree
脫水劑 dehydrating agent
延遲 delay
延遲反應(yīng),遲發(fā)反應(yīng) delay reaction
延緩感覺 delay sensation
延遲的 delayed
延遲作用 delayed action
蘇醒延遲 delayed recovery
譫妄,發(fā)狂,妄想 delirium
去極化肌松藥 depolarizing muscle relaxants
抑制 depression
麻醉深度 depth of anesthesia
呼吸深度 depth of respiration
瞳孔散大 dilatation of pupil
明視插管 direct vision intubation
一次性吸氧面罩 disposable oxygen face mask
配置,處置 disposal
分離性感覺缺失,分離麻醉 dissociated anesthesia
分離性感覺缺失,分離麻醉 dissociation anesthesia
解離曲線 dissociation curve
分布,分配 distribution
分配系數(shù) distribution coefficient
脊神經(jīng)節(jié) dorsal root ganglion
胸椎 dorsal vertebra
截石位 dorsosacral position
雙盲實(shí)驗(yàn)法 double blind test
雙腔導(dǎo)管 double channel catheter
雙腔氣管導(dǎo)管 double lumen endotracheal tube
雙腔管 double lumen tube
牽引痛 dragging pain
困倦,倦睡 drowsiness
困倦的,倦睡的 drowsy
藥癮 drug addiction
藥物過敏 drug allergy
藥物相互作用 drug interaction
抗藥性 drug resistance
耐藥性 drug tolerance
抗藥的,耐藥的 drug-fast
干羅音 dry rale
二重,雙相 dual
雙相阻滯 dual block
雙相阻滯作用 dual block action
雙相作用 dual effect
延續(xù)時(shí)間 duration
呼吸困難 dyspnea
呼吸困難 dyspneic respiration
排尿困難 dysuria
糖尿病 diabetes
髖關(guān)節(jié)結(jié)核病灶清除和關(guān)節(jié)融合術(shù) debridement of tuberculous focus and arthrodesis of hip joint
股骨大轉(zhuǎn)子部結(jié)核病灶清除術(shù) debridement of tuberculous focus of greater trochanter of femur
牙頜面畸形 dento-maxillofacial deformities
關(guān)節(jié)盤摘除術(shù) diskectomy
直疝 direct inguinal hernia
十二指腸潰瘍 duodenal ulcer
導(dǎo)管乳頭狀瘤 duct papilloma
肝膽管引流術(shù) drainage of the intrahepatic biliaty duct
膈下膿腫引流術(shù) drainage of subphrenic abscess
橫結(jié)腸雙腔造口術(shù) double barrel tranversostomy
門體靜脈斷流手術(shù) disconnection of partal-systemic venous shunt
浮腫,水腫 edema
水腫形成 edematization
無牙的 edentulous
手術(shù)臺用電熱毯 electric blanket for operating table
電擊除顫 electric defibrillation
腦電圖 electroencephalogram (EEG)
電解質(zhì) electrolyte
電解質(zhì)平衡 electrolyte balance
電解質(zhì)紊亂 electrolyte disturbance
電解質(zhì)平衡失調(diào) electrolyte imbalance
電-機(jī)械分離 electro-mechanical dissociation
緊急插管 emergency intubation
急診手術(shù) emergency operation
情緒,感情 emotion
空腹 empty stomach
咯血 emptysis
氣管內(nèi)麻醉 endotracheal anesthesia
氣管內(nèi)插管 endotracheal intubation
氣管導(dǎo)管 endotracheal tube
呼氣末的 end-tidal
巨舌 enlarged tongue
硬膜外鎮(zhèn)痛 epidural analgesia
硬膜外麻醉 epidural anesthesia
硬膜外阻滯 epidural block
硬膜外導(dǎo)管 epidural catheter
硬膜外腔 epidural space
會厭的 epiglottic
會厭軟骨 epiglottic cartilage
會厭 epiglottis
會厭炎 epiglottitis
癲癇 epilepsia
癲癇大發(fā)作 epilepsia gravior
癲癇小發(fā)作 epilepsia mitior
癲癇 epilepsy
癲癇發(fā)作 epileptic attack
腎上腺素 epinephrine
感覺 esthesis
宮外孕 exfetation
滲出 exfiltration
胸外心臟按壓 external chest compression
體外除顫器 external defibrillator
口外麻醉 extra-oral anesthesia
體外的 extracorporeal
體外循環(huán) extracorporeal circulation
體外循環(huán)機(jī) extracorporeal circulation unit
顱外的 extracranial
拔管 extubation
睫毛反射 eyelash reflex
眼瞼反射 eyelid reflex
心電圖 electrocardiogram
肺氣腫 emphysema
顱內(nèi)外動(dòng)脈吻合 extra-intracranial artery anastomosis
肘關(guān)節(jié)成形術(shù) elbow arthroplasty
肱骨近端腫瘤切除術(shù) excision of tumor of proximal humerus
橈骨小頭切除術(shù) excision of head of radius
骨軟骨瘤切除術(shù) excision of osteochondroma
牙齦瘤 epulis
外耳道 extenal auditory canal
宮外孕 ectopic pregnancy
小腸外瘺 external fistula of the small intestine
膽總管囊腫切除術(shù) excision of the choledochol cyst
腹探查術(shù) exploratory laparotomy
肛裂切除術(shù) excision of the fissure
結(jié)腸損傷處外置造口術(shù) exteriorization of injuried colon
乳管內(nèi)乳頭狀瘤切除術(shù) excision of intraductal papilloma
乳腺癌擴(kuò)大根治切除術(shù) extensive radical mastectomy for breast cancer
股淺靜脈環(huán)縮術(shù) encircing tighting of the femoral vein
動(dòng)脈切開取栓術(shù) embolectomy by arteriotomy
瞼外翻 ectropion
面罩 face mask
假牙,義齒 false teeth
禁食,饑餓 fasting
脂肪栓塞 fat embolism
特征,容貌 feature
體液平衡 fluid balance
液體攝?。浚?/span> fluid intake
補(bǔ)液 fluid replacement
強(qiáng)迫姿勢 forced attitude
折斷,骨折 fracture
肱骨髁上魚嘴式截骨術(shù) fish-mouth –shaped osteotomy at supracondylar region of humerus
膝關(guān)節(jié)融合術(shù) fusion of knee joint
下頜升支部骨折 Fracture of the ramus of mandible
下頜體部骨折 Fracture of the body of mandible
顴弓骨折 Fracture of zygomatic arch
假性動(dòng)脈瘤 False aneurysm
骨纖維異常增殖癥 Fibromal displasia of bone
纖維結(jié)構(gòu)不良 fibrous dysplasia
輸卵管切除 fallotomy
大隱靜脈高位結(jié)扎,曲張靜脈切除術(shù) flush ligation and stripping or segmental resection or the long saphenous vein
功能性頸清 Functional neck dissection
星狀神經(jīng)節(jié) ganglion cervicothoracicum
交感叢神經(jīng)節(jié) ganglion plexuum sympathicorum
星狀神經(jīng)節(jié) ganglion stellatum
交感(神經(jīng))節(jié) ganglionated cord
交感神經(jīng)的 ganglionervous
神經(jīng)節(jié)的 ganglionic
神經(jīng)節(jié)阻滯 ganglionic blockade
神經(jīng)節(jié)阻滯作用 ganglionic blocking action
全身麻醉 general anesthesia
全身麻醉劑 general anesthetic
老年麻醉,高齡者麻醉 geriatric anesthesia
壓舌器 glossocatochus
巨舌,大舌病 glossocele
聲門水腫 glottic edema
聲門痙攣 glottic spasm
下頜角 gonial angle
球蛋白 globulin
頦成形術(shù) genioplasty
胃潰瘍 gastric ulcer
胃息室 gastric diverticulum
胃癌 gastric cancer
血紅蛋白 haemoglobin
出血 haemorrhagia
心力衰竭 heart-failure
角膜潰瘍 helcoma
血管擴(kuò)張 hemangiectasia
血管擴(kuò)張 hemangiectasis
紅(血)細(xì)胞比積 hematocrit
血腦屏障 hematoencephalic barrier
溶血的 hematolytic
血腫 hematoma
血胸 hematothorax
血尿 hematuria
血液稀釋 hemodilution
疝,突出 hernia
打呃,呃逆 hiccough
打呃,呃逆 hiccup
組(織)胺 histamine
霍納氏綜合癥 Horner’s syndrome
加濕器,濕化器 humidifier
濕度 humidity
痛覺遲鈍 hypalgesia
充血 hyperaemia
高壓氧艙 hyperbaric oxygen chamber
高堿血癥 hyperbasemia
高碳酸血癥 hypercapnia
高碳酸癥 hypercarbia
血糖過多,高血糖 hyperglycemia
高滲的 hyperisotonic
高鉀血癥 hyperkalemia
高敏反應(yīng) hypersusceptibility
高血壓 hypertension
過度通氣 hyperventilation
腎上腺功能低下 hypoadrenocorticism
低比重溶液 hypobaric solution
低鈣血癥 hypocalcemia
低碳酸血癥 hypocapnia
低血糖 hypoglycemia
低血糖性休克 hypoglycemic shock
低血鉀癥 hypokalemia
心輸出量過少 hypokinemia
下額過小 hypomicrognathus
肌張力減弱 hypomyotonia
低血壓 hypotension
全身低溫 hypothermia
低張的,低滲的 hypotonic
排尿減少 hypouresis
通氣不足 hypoventilation
(循環(huán))血容量過少,低血容量 hypovolemia
低血容量性休克 hypovolemic shock
血氧過少,低氧血癥 hypoxaemia
低氧血癥 hypoxemia
氧過少,低氧,氧不足 hypoxia
血紅蛋白 hemoglobin
血球壓積 hematocrit
人類免疫缺陷病毒 Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)
心力衰竭 heart failure
高血壓 hypertension
肝炎 hepatitis
肝性腦病 hepatic encephalopathy
甲狀腺功能亢進(jìn) hyperthyroidism
甲狀腺功能減退 hypothyroidism
偏癱 hemiplegia
股骨頸骨折空心釘內(nèi)固定術(shù) hollow needle internal fixation of femoral neck fracture
白線疝 hernia of the linea alba
肝癌 hepatocarcinoma
半胃切除 hemigastrectomy
腹股溝斜疝修補(bǔ)術(shù) hernioplasty for indirect inguinal hernia
腹股溝直疝修補(bǔ)術(shù) hernioplasty for direct inguinal hernia
肝膽管探查術(shù) hepatobiliary exploration
血管瘤 hemangioma
醫(yī)源性的 iatrogenic
醫(yī)源性疾病 iatrogenic disease
冰袋 ice-bag
冰帽 ice-cap
自發(fā)的,特發(fā)的 idiopathetic
自發(fā)的,特發(fā)的 ioiopathic
特異體質(zhì) idiosyncrasy
燃,灼熱 ignition
腸梗阻 ileus
髂骨 ilia
未成熟的 immature
浸(入) immerse
固定 immobility
免疫學(xué) immunology
免疫反應(yīng) immunoreaction
免疫抑制劑 immunosuppressive agent
免疫抑制藥 immunosuppressive drug
麻醉深度不足 inadequate anesthesia
不合適性,不相容性,配合禁忌 incompatibility
代償不全,失代償 incompensation
失禁 incontinence
大便失禁 incontinence of feces
尿失禁 incontinence of urine
共濟(jì)失調(diào) incoordination
誘導(dǎo)麻醉 induced anesthesia
控制性降壓,低血壓法 induced hypotension
控制性低溫,低體溫法 induced hypothermia
全身麻醉誘導(dǎo) induction of anesthesia
留置導(dǎo)管 indwelling catheter
惰性氣體 inert gas
嬰兒回路 infant circle
嬰兒呼吸機(jī) infant respirator
梗塞,形成 infarction
浸潤麻醉 infiltration anesthesia
充氣導(dǎo)管 inflating tube
膨脹,充氣 inflation
同意書 informed consent
輸液器 infusion apparatus
輸液泵 infusion pump
輸液加溫器 infusion warmer
成分 ingredient
腹股溝的 inguinal
吸入全身麻醉 inhalation anesthesia
吸入麻醉裝置 inhalation anesthesia apparatus
神經(jīng)支配 innervation
本能 instinct
本能的 instinctive
基本原理 institutes
器械,儀器 instrument
重癥監(jiān)測治療室 intensive care unit (ICU)
間歇的 intermittent
間歇指令通氣 intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV)
間歇正壓呼吸法 intermittent positive pressure breathing(IPPB)
間歇正壓通氣 intermittent positive pressure ventilation(IPPV)
內(nèi)部的,內(nèi)的 internal
胸內(nèi)心臟擠壓 internal cardiac compression
血栓 internal clot
內(nèi)出血 internal hemorrhage
頸內(nèi)靜脈 internal jugular vein
內(nèi)分泌 internal secretion
實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生 intern
內(nèi)科醫(yī)生 internist
肌間溝入路 interscalene approach
交,切點(diǎn) intersection
間隙 interspace
椎間的,棘突間的 interspinal
椎間的,棘突間的 interspinous
組織間液 interstitial fluid
間質(zhì)性肺炎 interstitial pneumonia
橫突間的 intertransverse
室間傳導(dǎo)阻滯 interventricular heart-block
(心)室間隔 interventricular septum
椎間盤 intervertebral cartilages
腸梗阻 intestinal obstruction
腹內(nèi)出血 intra-abdominal bleeding
細(xì)胞內(nèi)液 intracellular fluid
顱內(nèi)出血 intracranial hemorrhage
高顱壓,顱內(nèi)高壓 intracranial hypertension
顱內(nèi)壓 intracranial pressure
顱內(nèi)壓監(jiān)護(hù)儀 intracranial pressure monitor
頑固性疼痛 intractable pain
術(shù)中覺醒,術(shù)中知曉 intraoperative awareness
術(shù)中用藥 intraoperative medication
術(shù)中覺醒,術(shù)中回憶 intraoperative recall
蛛網(wǎng)膜下腔麻醉 intraspinal anesthesia
椎管內(nèi)阻滯 intrathecal block
氣管內(nèi)給藥 intratracheal administration
氣管內(nèi)麻醉 intratracheal anesthesia
靜脈內(nèi)給藥 intravenous administration
靜脈全身麻醉 intravenous anesthesia
靜脈內(nèi)置管 intravenous catheter
插管鉗 intubating forceps
插管 intubation
插管鉗 intubation forceps
插管者 intubationist
有創(chuàng)的 invasive
有創(chuàng)監(jiān)測 invasive monitoring
刺激作用 irritant action
股骨頸骨折三翼釘內(nèi)固定術(shù) nternal fixation by trifin nail for femoral neck fracture
股骨粗隆骨折切開內(nèi)固定術(shù) internal fixation of fracture of tuberosity of femur
股骨干骨折交鎖髓內(nèi)釘內(nèi)固定術(shù) internal fixation by interlocking intramedullary nail for fractures of femoral shaft
脛骨骨折交鎖髓內(nèi)釘內(nèi)固定術(shù) interlocking intramedullary nail fixation for fractures of the tibial shaft
急性骨髓炎切開引流術(shù) incision and drainage of acute osteomyelitis
肛周膿腫切開引流術(shù) incision and drainage of perianal abscess
頜骨 jaw
托下頜 jaw-lift
竇性心律失常 juvenile arrhythmia
酮癥酸中毒 ketoacidosis
心振動(dòng)圖,動(dòng)態(tài)心電圖 kinetocardiogram
膝關(guān)節(jié)鏡檢查 knee arthroscopy
結(jié),隆突 knob
半骨盆切除術(shù) king-steelquis semipelvectomy
膝關(guān)節(jié)半月板切除術(shù) knee meniscectomy
膝關(guān)節(jié)鏡手術(shù) knee arthroscope operation
角化囊腫 Keratocyst
唇角 labial angles
椎板切除術(shù) laminectomy
剖腹胃造口術(shù) laparogastrostomy
腹腔鏡 laparoscope
開腹手術(shù),剖腹手術(shù) laparotomy
喉的 laryngeal
喉軟骨 laryngeal cartilages
喉頭水腫 laryngeal edema
喉肉芽腫 laryngeal granuloma
喉罩 laryngeal mask
喉罩氣道 laryngeal mask airway
喉頭反射 laryngeal reflex
喉頭痙攣 laryngeal spasm
喉頭噴霧器 laryngeal spray
喉潰瘍 laryngeal ulcer
喉切除術(shù) laryngectomy
喉鏡 laryngendoscope
喉鏡 laryngoscope
喉痙攣 laryngospasm
睫毛 lash
側(cè)臥位 lateral poeition
側(cè)臥位 lateral recumbent position
左心室排血做功指數(shù) left ventricular stroke work index (LVSWI)
麻醉平面 level of anesthesia
結(jié)扎 ligation
光反射 light reflex
舌骨 lingual bone
截石位 lithotomy position
肝移植 liver transplantation
負(fù)荷 load
肺葉切除術(shù) lobectomy
局部麻醉(止痛)藥 local analgesic
局部麻醉(法) local anesthesia
局部浸潤 local infiltration
局部浸潤麻醉 local infiltration anesthesia
鎖定時(shí)間 lock out time
下呼吸道阻塞 lower respiratory tract obstruction
腰椎穿刺 lumbar puncture
腰穿針 lumbar puncture needle
腰部脊髓麻醉(法),腰麻 lumbar spinal anesthesia
腰穿針 lumbar spinal needle
腰交感神經(jīng) lumbar sympathetic ganglion
腰交感神經(jīng)阻滯 lumbar sympathetic ganglion block
腰椎 lumbar vertebra
肺活量 lung capacity
肺順應(yīng)性 lung compliance
肺容量 lung volume
肺膿腫 lung abscess
失語 logagnosia
韌帶延長術(shù) lengthening of ligament
長面綜合征 Long face syndrome
上頜骨I型截骨術(shù) Le Fort I osteotomy of maxillaLE FORT
淋巴管瘤 Lymphangioma
腹腔鏡膽囊切除術(shù) laparoscopic cholecystectomy
巨舌 macroglossia
大下頜畸形 macromandibular deformity
骶椎 magnum vertebra
維持,保持 maintenance
維持劑量 maintenance dose
麻醉維持 maintenance of anesthesia
主要的,大的 major
大手術(shù) major operation
大手術(shù) major surgery
惡性高血壓 malignant hypertension
惡性高熱 malignant hyperthermia
營養(yǎng)不良 malnutrition
醫(yī)療差錯(cuò),療法失當(dāng) malpractice
醫(yī)療差錯(cuò),療法失當(dāng) malpraxis
乳房切除術(shù) mammectomy
管理 management
下頜的 mandibular
下頜后縮癥 mandibular retraction
下頜骨切除術(shù) mandibulectomy
手法,操作法 maneuver
手控人工呼吸 manual artificial respiration
手控人工通氣 manual artificial ventilation
口罩,面罩 mask
大(量)出血 massive bleeding
大出血 massive hemorrhage
上頜骨(復(fù)數(shù)) maxilla
上頜骨(單數(shù)) maxillae
上頜骨 maxillary bone
上頜骨切除術(shù) maxillectomy
極量 maximum dose
最大允許劑量 maximum permissible doses
最大耐量 maximum tolerated dose
半數(shù)有效量 median effective dose(ED50)
半數(shù)致死量 median lethal dose (LD50)
縱隔的 mediastinal
縱隔氣腫 mediastinal emphysema
縱隔撲動(dòng) mediastinal flutter
縱隔移位 mediastinal shift
縱隔切開術(shù) mediastinotomy
縱隔 mediastinum
醫(yī)學(xué)統(tǒng)計(jì) medical statistics
中斜角肌 mediscalenus
胸腺肥大,巨胸腺 megalothymus
腦(脊)膜瘤 meningioma
半月板的 meniscal
半月板切除術(shù) meniscectomy
代謝性酸中毒 metabolic acidosis
代謝性堿中毒 metabolic alkalosis
代謝率 metabolic rate
代謝 metabolism
代謝產(chǎn)物 metabolite
跖骨切除術(shù) metatarsectomy
微循環(huán) microcirculation
小下頜畸形 micromaxillary deformity
小血栓形成 microthrombosis
小血栓 microthrombus
最低肺泡有效濃度 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC)
每分(心)輸出量 minute output
每分通氣量 minute ventilation
每分輸出量,每分通氣量 minute volume
二尖瓣狹窄 mitral stenosis
復(fù)合麻醉 mixed anesthesia
濕性羅音 moist rale
水分,濕度 moisture
死亡率 mortality
死亡率統(tǒng)計(jì) mortality statistics
運(yùn)動(dòng)中樞 motor center
運(yùn)動(dòng)終板 motor end-plate
運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)節(jié) motor ganglion
運(yùn)動(dòng)麻痹 motor paralysis
口對口呼吸 mouth-to-mouth breathing
肌肉松弛藥 muscle relaxants
肌肉強(qiáng)直 muscle rigidity
肌緊張 muscle tone
肌顫搐 muscle twitch
肌肉松弛 muscular relaxation
肌肉強(qiáng)直 muscular rigidity
肌緊張,肌張力 muscular tension
肌震顫 muscular tremor
橈神經(jīng) musculospiralis
肌無力 myasthenia
肌無力的 myasthenic
瞳孔散大 mydriasis
心肌缺血 myocardial ischemia
混合性通氣功能障礙 mixed ventilation function disturbance
縱隔腫瘤 mediastinal tumor
心肌梗死 myocardial infarction
肌無力 myasthenia
上頜骨發(fā)育不足 maxillary deficiency
上頜發(fā)育過度 maxillary excess
下頜骨發(fā)育不足 mandibular deficiency
下頜骨發(fā)育過度 mandibular excess
小頜畸形 microsomia
下頜骨骨折 mandibular fracture
頜面部多發(fā)性骨折 maxillofacial multifrature
黏液表皮樣癌 mucoepidermoid carcinoma
腦脊膜膨出 meningocele
小耳征 microtia
顯微喉鏡檢查術(shù) microlaryngoscopy
子宮肌瘤挖除術(shù) myomectomy
子宮肌瘤 myoma of uterus
改良乳腺癌根治術(shù) modified tadical mastectomy for breast cancer
鼻咽氣道 nasopharyngeal airway
經(jīng)鼻插管術(shù) nasotracheal intubation
經(jīng)鼻氣管內(nèi)插管 nasotracheal tube
腎切除 nephrectomize
腎切除術(shù) nephrectomy
神經(jīng)阻滯 nerve block
神經(jīng)阻滯麻醉 nerve blocking anesthesia
神經(jīng)根 nerve root
神經(jīng)安定鎮(zhèn)痛麻醉 neuroleptanesthesia
非去極化肌松藥 nondepolarizing muscle relaxant
非去極化肌松藥 nondepolarizing muscular relaxant
神經(jīng)鞘瘤 neurilemmoma
神經(jīng)纖維瘤 neurofibroma
鼻息肉 nasal polyps
鼻淚管 nasolacrimal duct
產(chǎn)科麻醉 obstetric anesthesic
產(chǎn)科醫(yī)師 obstetrician
眼膏 oculentum
眼科醫(yī)師 oculist
眼心反射 oculocardiac reflex
油/氣分配系數(shù) oil/gas partition coefficient
單肺麻醉 one-lung anesthesia
單肺通氣 one-lung ventilation
發(fā)現(xiàn),奏效,開始 onset
鎮(zhèn)痛起效 onset of analgesia
麻醉效果出現(xiàn) onset of anesthesia
卵巢切除術(shù) oophorectomy
卵巢囊腫切除術(shù) oophorocystectomy
胸內(nèi)心臟擠壓 open chest cardiac massage
開胸心臟按壓 open chest compression
經(jīng)口氣管插管 oral trachea cannula
經(jīng)口咽人工氣道 oropharyngeal airway
經(jīng)口氣管內(nèi)插管 orotracheal intubation
端坐呼吸 orthopnea
耳鼻喉科麻醉 otolaryngologic anesthesia
門診病人 outpatient
門診病人麻醉 outpatient anesthesia
門診 outpatient clinic
過量,給藥 overdosage
過度通氣 overventilation
氧合 oxygenation
缺氧 oxygen deficit
氧解離曲線 oxygen dissociation curve
氧中毒 oxygen poisoning
氧需要量 oxygen requirement
氧儲備力 oxygen reserve
氧血紅蛋白解離曲線 oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
阻塞性通氣功能障礙 obstructive ventilation function disturbance

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