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發(fā)表時間:2017/08/04 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):7748  
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construction specifications 建筑規(guī)范
construction steel 建筑用鋼
construction supervising authority 建筑施工監(jiān)督管理機構(gòu)
construction supervision 施工管理
construction techniques 建筑施工方法
construction technology 建筑工藝學(xué)
construction theory 建筑理論
construction timber 建筑木材
construction tolerances 施工容許誤差
construction train 工程運輸列車
construction under licence 有執(zhí)照建筑
construction work 建筑工程
construction worker 建筑工人
construction works 施工工程
constructional concrete 構(gòu)造混凝土
constructional defect 建筑缺點
constructional detail 構(gòu)造詳圖
constructional drawing 構(gòu)造圖
constructional iron 建筑用鋼鐵
constructional materials 建筑材料
constructional project 建筑計劃
constructor 施工人員
construuction paint 構(gòu)造用涂料
constuction area 建筑場地
constuction fits 施工容許誤差
constuction joint 施工縫
constuction loads 建筑載荷
consulting engineer 顧問工程師
consumer gas piping 用戶煤氣管道
consumption curve 消費曲線
contact aerator 接觸曝氣池
contact area 接觸表面
contact bed 接觸濾床
contact filtration 接觸過濾
contact flocculator 接觸絮凝攪拌器
contact pressure 接觸壓力
contact surface 接觸表面
contactless pick up 無觸點傳感器
containment structure 反應(yīng)堆的外殼結(jié)構(gòu)
contamination 污染
contbeat cob construction 搗土建筑物
contingency sum 意外費用總額
continuity 連續(xù)性
continuity equation 連續(xù)性方程
continuity moment 連續(xù)矩
continuous batcher 連續(xù)計量器
continuous beam 連續(xù)梁
continuous beam on many supports 多跨連續(xù)梁
continuous concrete 連續(xù)澆筑混凝土
continuous concreting 連續(xù)灌筑混凝土
continuous construction 連續(xù)施工法
continuous cracking 連續(xù)性開裂
continuous flow aeration tank 連續(xù)憐曝氣槽
continuous flow settling basin 連續(xù)憐沉淀槽
continuous foundation 連續(xù)基礎(chǔ)
continuous girder bridge 連續(xù)梁橋
continuous grading 連續(xù)級配
continuous load 均勻分布載荷
continuous mix plant 連續(xù)拌合裝置
continuous mixer 連續(xù)攪拌機
continuous proportioning plant 連續(xù)式配料設(shè)備
continuous slab 連續(xù)板
continuous stream 連續(xù)流
continuous structure 連續(xù)結(jié)構(gòu)
continuous suspension girder 連續(xù)懸梁
continuous thickener 連續(xù)式濃縮器
continuous welding 連續(xù)焊
continuously graded aggregate 連續(xù)級配骨料
continuously reinforced concrete 連續(xù)配筋的混凝土
contour drainage 圍線排水
contour line 等高線
contract agreement 承包合同
contract condition 合同條件
contract construction 發(fā)包工程
contract documents 合同文件
contract manager 承包管理者
contract price 合同價格
contract specifications 契約技術(shù)條件
contraction 壓縮
contraction crack 收縮破裂
contraction joint 收縮縫
contraction of the concrete 混凝土收縮
contrary wind 逆風(fēng)
control 第
control action 控制酌
control building 等室
control cabinet 控制艙
control gate 第閘門
control of concrete quality 混凝土質(zhì)量管理
control panel 操縱板
control point 檢查點
control test 校核試驗
control valve 第閥
controlled condition 受控條件
controlled pedestrian crossing 控制的行人橫道
controlled ventilation 可膽風(fēng)
controller 第器
convected heat 對寥
convection 對流
convection heat transfer 對寥傳達
convection heating 對兩供熱
convective heat exchange 對寥交換
converted timber 鋸材
convertible attachments 可交替附件
convertible couch 床椅兩用長沙發(fā)
convex camber 凸面
convex tile 凸?fàn)钔?/span>
conveyance structure 輸水建筑物
conveyor 傳送帶
conveyor type bucket loader 帶式戽斗搬運設(shè)備
cookhouse 廚房
coolant 冷卻劑
cooler 冷卻劑
cooling 冷卻
cooling agent 冷卻劑
cooling air 冷卻空氣
cooling and heating 降溫及櫟暖
cooling and heating unit 供冷供熱裝置
cooling apparatus 冷卻棄
cooling coil 冷卻盤管
cooling grid 排管蒸發(fā)器
cooling load 冷卻負(fù)載
cooling medium 冷卻劑
cooling pond 冷卻池
cooling power 冷卻能力
cooling tower 冷卻塔
cooling tower packing 冷卻塔罩
cooling unit 冷卻裝置
cooling water 冷卻水
coordinate axes 坐標(biāo)軸
coordinates 坐標(biāo)
coordination drawing 坐標(biāo)示圖
coping stone 蓋頂石
copying mechanism 復(fù)制裝置
corbel 突額
corbel piece 支架
corbelling 挑磚
cord 繩索
core 芯核心
core area 中心地區(qū)
core drill 巖芯鉆
core of column 柱芯子
core of section 截面核心
core pool 澄清池
core sample 鉆芯試樣
core wall 心墻
core wall dam 心墻壩
cork 軟木
cork slab 軟木板
corner bead 墻角護條
corner cabinet 墻角柜
corner chisel 角鑿
corner column 隅角柱
corner post 角柱
corner trowel 隅角抹子
cornerlock joint 直釘榫對接
cornice 檐板
corridor type block of flats 走廊形房屋
corrosion 腐蝕
corrosion control 腐蝕防止
corrosion inhibiting admixture 防銹摻會料
corrugate steel fibers 卷曲鋼纖維
corrugated aluminium 波狀鋁板
corrugated asbestos 波狀石棉水泥板
corrugated sheet 波紋板
corrugated toothed ring 波紋齒環(huán)
cost account 成本計算
cost efficient design 有經(jīng)濟效益的設(shè)計
cost estimating 成本計算
cost of construction 建筑費
cost of construction materials 施工材料費用
cost of construction work 建筑施工費
cost of contract 合同費用
cost of design 設(shè)計費用
cost of erecting work of construction 工程的裝配施工費
cost of furniture 七費
cost of labour 勞動工資費
cost of maintenance 養(yǎng)護費
cost of materials 材料費
cost of operation 運轉(zhuǎn)費
cost of production 生產(chǎn)成本
cost of transportation 運輸費
cost of upkeep 維持費
cost per unit 單價
costing 成本計算
cottage 村舍
cotton tape 棉織帶
couch 睡椅
counter 副斜桿
counter brace 交叉撐
counter ceiling 吊平頂
counter current mixer 逆兩拌合機
counter flashing 泛水帽蓋
counter floor 粗地板
counter flow heat exchange 逆兩熱交換器
counter mechanism 計算機構(gòu)
counter weight rope 均力繩
counterbracing 交叉斜撐
counterflow 逆流
counterflow cooling tower 逆齡卻塔
counterfort 扶壁
counterfort dam 后扶垛壩
counterfort type powerhouse 后扶垛式發(fā)電廠
counterforted retaining wall 扶壁式圍墻土墻
counterpoise bridge 豎旋吊橋
counterslope 逆斜度
counterweight 平衡錘
country 地方
country house 郊區(qū)住宅
country planning 農(nóng)村居住區(qū)規(guī)劃
country road 農(nóng)村道路
couple 力偶
couple close roof 閉合式對偶屋頂
couple of forces 力偶
couple roof 對椽屋頂
couple roof construction 成雙屋頂結(jié)構(gòu)
coupler 耦合器
coupling 聯(lián)接器
course 行列
course of diagonal bricks 對角砌磚層
course of headers 丁磚層
coursed brickwork 成層的砌磚
coursed masonry 成層砌體
coursed pavement 成層鋪面
coursing joint 成行縫
court 庭院
court building 法院
courtyard 庭院
cove 弧形
cove lighting 凹圓形天棚照明
cover 蓋子
cover meter 保護層厚測定儀
cover plate 蓋板
coverage 覆蓋;建筑面積;范圍
covering 覆蓋
covering in scale tiles 瓦片屋面
covering layer 覆蓋層
covering mortar 覆蓋灰漿
covering of roadway 道路鋪面
covering panel 蓋面護墻板
covering slate 蓋面石板瓦
covering tile 蓋面瓷磚
cow house 牛欄
cowl 罩
crab 起重絞車
crack 裂縫
crack control 裂絞控制
crack formation 裂縫形成
crack pattern 裂紋圖形
crack width 裂縫寬度
cracking 裂開
cracking limit state 開裂極限狀態(tài)
cracking moment 開裂力矩
crackle paint 裂紋圖形
cradle 吊架
crampet 壁鉤
crampon 夾鉗
crampoon 夾鉗
crane 起重機
crane beam 起重機梁
crane boom 起重機吊架
crane erection 起重機安裝
crane girder 起重機梁
crane hook 起重機吊鉤
crane load 吊車荷載
crane runway 起重機軌道
crank brace 手搖鉆
crarck restraint 裂絞控制
crash barrier 安全護攔
crawl space 窄小空間
crawler crane 覆帶起重機
crawler excavator 覆帶挖土機

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