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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2017/07/31 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):4556  
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cloth roof 布屋頂
clout nails 大帽釘
clubhouse 俱樂部
coagulant 凝結(jié)劑
coagulating agent 凝結(jié)劑
coagulation 凝聚
coagulation basin 凝結(jié)池
coagulator 凝固器凝固劑
coal tar enamel 煤焦油磁漆
coarse aggregate 粗糙骨料
coarse air filter 粗凈空氣濾器
coarse asphaltic concrete 粗骨料瀝青混凝土
coarse chips 粗粒碎石
coarse concrete 粗級(jí)配混凝土
coarse graded asphaltic concrete 粗級(jí)配瀝青混凝土
coarse grading 粗級(jí)配
coarse grain filter 粗粒過濾器
coarse ground cement 粗磨水泥
coarse rock 粗粒碎石
coarse sand 粗砂
coarse screen 粗篩
coarse screening 粗篩選
coast protection 海岸防護(hù)
coast protection dam 海岸防護(hù)堤
coast protection works 海岸防護(hù)設(shè)施
coastal canal 沿海運(yùn)河
coastal park 海濱公園
coat 敷蓋層
cob 草筋泥;夯土建筑
cob brick 土磚
cob wall 土墻
cobble 中礫石
cobble stone masonry 中塊石圬工
cobbles concrete 大卵石混凝土
cobblestone 中礫石
cobblestone pavement 大卵石路面
cobwork 木籠建筑物
cock 閥
cockloft 閣樓
cockscomb 雞冠形刮刀
cocnnection angle 連接角鋼
coefficient 系數(shù)
coefficient of cohesion 粘著數(shù)
coefficient of compressibility 壓縮系數(shù)
coefficient of consolidation 壓實(shí)系數(shù)
coefficient of deformation 變形系數(shù)
coefficient of discharge 量系數(shù)
coefficient of earth pressure 土壓力系數(shù)
coefficient of elasticity 彈性系數(shù)
coefficient of filtration 過濾系數(shù)
coefficient of friction 摩擦系數(shù)
coefficient of heat transfer 熱傳遞系數(shù)
coefficient of internal friction 內(nèi)摩擦系數(shù)
coefficient of moisture precipitation 水分分泌系數(shù)
coefficient of passive earth pressure 被動(dòng)土壓力系數(shù)
coefficient of performance 性能系數(shù)
coefficient of permeability 滲透系數(shù)
coefficient of radiation 輻射系數(shù)
coefficient of resistance 阻力系數(shù)
coefficient of roughness 粗糙系數(shù)
coefficient of rugosity 粗糙系數(shù)
coefficient of soil reaction 地基系數(shù)
coefficient of subgrade reaction 地基系數(shù)
coefficient of thermal conductivity 導(dǎo)熱系數(shù)
coefficient of thermal expansion 熱膨脹系數(shù)
coefficient of uniformity 勻質(zhì)系數(shù)
coefficient of velocity 速度系數(shù)
coefficient of viscosity 粘性系數(shù)
coffer wall 沉箱墻
cofferdam 圍堰
coffered ceiling 方格天花板
cohesion 內(nèi)聚力
cohesionless soil 無粘性土
cohesive soil 粘性土
cohesive strength 內(nèi)聚力
coign 隅石
coil 盤管
coke 焦炭
coke cement concrete 焦炭屑混凝土
colcrete 膠體混凝土
cold blast 冷風(fēng)
cold drawn wire 冷拔鋼絲
cold feed 冷水供應(yīng)
cold generation 冷生產(chǎn)
cold laid asphalt surface 冷鋪瀝青混凝土路面
cold laid asphaltic concrete 冷鋪瀝青混凝土
cold penetration construction 冷灌瀝青路面施工
cold source 冷源
cold store 冷藏庫
cold supply 冷供應(yīng)
cold supply system 供冷系統(tǒng)
cold twisted bar 冷扭鋼筋
cold water supply 冷水供應(yīng)
cold weather concrete 冬季混凝土
cold weather construction 冬季建造
cold working 冷加工
colgrout 膠狀水泥灰漿
collapse 崩塌
collapse method of structural design 結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)的極限強(qiáng)度計(jì)算法
collapsible form 拌裝式模板
collapsible partition 可拆卸間壁
collar beam roof 系梁屋頂
collar for flange connection 環(huán)狀凸緣連接機(jī)構(gòu)
collecting drain 集水暗溝
collecting gutter 集水溝
collecting manhole 集水井
collecting well 集水井
collective drawing 裝配圖
collector 收集器集水管
collector drain 排水廊道
collimation line 視準(zhǔn)線
colling plant 冷卻設(shè)備
colloidal concrete 膠質(zhì)混凝土
colloidal grout 膠狀水泥灰漿
colloidal mixer 膠質(zhì)漿料混合器
colonnade 柱廊
color admixture 彩色添加劑
color agent 色素
color chart 色表
color matching 配色
color mixer 混色器
color mixing 色混合
color sensation 色感
color sensitivity 感色靈敏度
color stability 色穩(wěn)定性
color test 比色試驗(yàn)
color triangle 原色三角形
coloration 著色
colored cement 有色水泥
colored glass 顏色玻璃
colorimeter 比色計(jì)
colorimetric test 比色試驗(yàn)
coloring 著色
coloring admixture 著色添附加劑
coloring capacity 著色容量
colour adaptation 色適應(yīng)
colour concrete 彩色混凝土
colouring matter 色素
column 柱
column base 柱基
column cap 柱頭
column capital 柱頭
column crane 塔式起重機(jī)
column drill 柱狀巖取心鉆
column effective length 柱的有效長(zhǎng)度
column footing 柱基礎(chǔ)
column foundation block 柱基礎(chǔ)砌塊
column head 柱頭
column method 柱式法
column neck 圓柱頸彎飾
column slenderness ratio 柱的細(xì)長(zhǎng)比
comb 屋脊
combed fascine raft 柴排
combed joint 直釘榫對(duì)接
combed stucco 蜂窩狀漫涂
combination beam 組合梁
combination construction 混合結(jié)構(gòu)
combination plane 全能刨
combination railing 混合形欄桿
combination tap assembly 活門拌合機(jī)
combination type pavement structure 復(fù)合式鋪裝構(gòu)造
combination well 組合井
combination window 混合窗
combined aggregate 混合骨料
combined drainage system 綜合排水系統(tǒng)
combined member 組合構(gòu)件
combined sewerage system 雨污水合戀統(tǒng)
combined sewers 雨污水合戀統(tǒng)
combined stress 復(fù)合應(yīng)力
combined stresses 復(fù)合應(yīng)力
combined water 化合水
combustibility 可燃性
combustible 燃料
combustible building materials 可燃性建筑材料
combustion 燃燒
combustion chamber 火室
comfort 舒適
comfort air 舒適空氣
comfort air conditioning 適宜空氣第
comfort chart 舒適度圖
comfort conditions 舒適條件
comfort index 舒適指數(shù)
comfort zone 舒適區(qū)
commemorative architecture 紀(jì)念性建筑物
commencement of setting 凝結(jié)開始
commercial building 商業(yè)建筑
commercial cafeteria 商業(yè)自助食堂
commercial city 商業(yè)城市
commercial concrete 商品混凝土
comminutor 粉碎機(jī)

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