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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2018/05/07 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):5714  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

active investment 能動(dòng)的投資
actively traded securities investment 熱門證券投資
additional investment 追加投資;額外投資
admission by investment 投資入伙
aggregate investment 投資總額
aggressive investment 侵略性投資
agricultural investment 農(nóng)業(yè)投資
amortization of discount on long-term investment 長(zhǎng)期投資折價(jià)攤銷
amortization of premium on long term investment 長(zhǎng)期投資溢價(jià)攤銷
amortized investment 待攤投資
ancillary investment 輔助投資
anti pollution investment 消除污染投資
anti-pollution investment 消除污染投資
approved investment 核實(shí)投資
Arab Investment Company 阿拉伯投資公司
arithmetic investing 算術(shù)投資法
audit of benefit from urban infrastructure investment 城市基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)項(xiàng)目投資效益審計(jì)
audit of buildings and factory structures investment 建筑物和廠房投資審計(jì)
audit of construction and installment project investment 建筑安裝工程投資審計(jì)
audit of fixed assets investment amounts 固定資產(chǎn)投資規(guī)模審計(jì)
audit of industrial property rights and patent rights investment 工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)和專有技術(shù)投資審計(jì)
audit of investment decision on fixed assets 固定資產(chǎn)投資決策審計(jì)
audit of investment expenditure to be written-off 應(yīng)核銷投資支出審計(jì)
audit of investment loan of “l(fā)oaning instead of allocating” 撥改貸投資借款審計(jì)
audit of investment proportion of each joint venturer 合營(yíng)各方出資比例審查
audit of investment result of three types of agricultural farms 農(nóng)業(yè)三場(chǎng)投資效果審計(jì)
audit of investment transferred-out 轉(zhuǎn)出投資審計(jì)
audit of machinery and equipment investment 機(jī)器設(shè)備投資審計(jì)
audit of returns in railway capital investment 鐵路基建投資效果審計(jì)
authorized investments -> pl. 經(jīng)授權(quán)代辦投資
automated real-time investments exchange ltd. 自動(dòng)化證券交易公司
autonomous investment 自動(dòng)投資
autonomous investment 自發(fā)投資;自主投資
average investment 平均投資
bank investment 銀行投資
basic investment 基本投資
bond investment 公司債投資;證券投資
business fixed investment 商業(yè)固定投資
businessman’s investment 企業(yè)家投資
capacity expansion investment 生產(chǎn)能力擴(kuò)充投資
capital construction investment 基本建設(shè)投資
capital investment 資本投資
cast of investment 投資成本
chartered investment counsel 注冊(cè)投資法律顧問
Chinese and foreign investment 中外投資
close end investment company 定額投資公司
close-end investment company 定額投資公司
closed end investment 股份固定的投資
colony for investment 投資殖民地
commission of pre investment 投資前研究的酬勞動(dòng)金
community investment 共同投資
comparative returns on investment 比較投資效果
concentrated investment 集中投資
consonant investment 對(duì)稱投資
constant ratio investment 固定比例的投資方法
constant ratio investment plan 固定比例的投資方法
construction investment 基建投資
consumer investment 消費(fèi)者投資
contracting-out system of investment 投資包干責(zé)任制
controllable investment 可控投資
controlled investment 控制投資
cost of investment 投資成本
covered industries investing 拋補(bǔ)的工業(yè)投資
current investment 本期投資
decentralized investment 分散投資
defensive investment 防務(wù)投資;與競(jìng)爭(zhēng)企業(yè)作抗衡性投資
deferred investment tax credit 遞延投資減稅額
direct foreign investment 外國(guó)直接投資
direction of loan investment 貸款投向
divergent investment 發(fā)散型投資
domestic investment 國(guó)內(nèi)投資
effective investment 有效投資
effectiveness of capital construction investment 基本建設(shè)投資效果
eligible investment 合適的投資
employee’s investment fund 職工投資款
energy saving investment 節(jié)能投資
energy-saving investment 節(jié)能投資
enterprises with overseas Chinese investment 僑資企業(yè)
equity investment 產(chǎn)權(quán)投資;股票投資;直接投資
equity type investment 資本性投資
errors and malpractices of absorbing investment 吸收投資錯(cuò)弊
European Investment Bank 歐洲投資銀行
European Investment Trust 歐洲投資信托證券
ex post investment 事后投資
examine income of short-term investment 審查短期投資收益
expected rate of return on investment 預(yù)期投資收益率
extensive investment 外延的投資
fermentation of investment 鼓動(dòng)投資
fiduciary investment 信托投資
financial investment 金融投資
fixed capital investment 固定資本投資
fixed interest investment 固定利息投資
fixed investment 固定資產(chǎn)投資
follow up investment 后續(xù)資本
foreign capital investment 外資投資
foreign direct investment 外國(guó)直接投資
foreign investment 國(guó)外投資
foreign securities investment 外國(guó)證券投資
fulfil task with fixed amount of investment -> vi. 投資包干
full investment 充分投資
fully investment 全部進(jìn)行投資
gains on investment 投資收益
gains on the sale of investment 投資出售利益
government investment 政府投資
government investment 國(guó)家投資;政府投資
governmental investment audit 政府投資審計(jì)
gross fixed investment 總固定投資
gross investment 總投資
Grunfeld’s investment theory 格倉費(fèi)爾德投資理論
Guaranteed Investment Certificate 保證投資證書
guiding list of industries for foreign investment <<外商投資產(chǎn)業(yè)指導(dǎo)目錄>>
high priority investment ship 重要優(yōu)先投資項(xiàng)目
high risk investment 高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資
high-priority investment ship 重要優(yōu)先投資項(xiàng)目
high-risk investment 高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資
holding company for investment 投資控股公司
homeland investment 回國(guó)投資
housing investment 住房投資
human investment 人力投資
income on investment 投資收益
incremental investment 增量投資
indirect investment 間接投資
induced investment 誘致投資
induced investment 勸誘投資;誘發(fā)性投資
infrastructural investment 基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施投資
innovating type investment 創(chuàng)新投資
innovating-type investment 創(chuàng)新投資
innovational investment 技術(shù)革新投資
insecure investment 不安全的投資
intended investment 計(jì)劃投資
intensive investment 集約投資
interest bearing investment 帶息投資項(xiàng)目
interest receivable on investment 應(yīng)收投資利息
International equity investment 國(guó)際證券投資
invest heavily in -> v. 大量投資
invest in 投資
invest in stock -> vi. 投資股票
invest on 在…上投資
invest one’s money in 投資于;投資于
invest sth in 把某物投入
invest with 授予
invest with full authority 授予全權(quán)
invest with full powers 授予全權(quán)
invest with romance 賦予浪漫
invested capital 投入資本;已投資本;原有資本
invested money 股本
invested with 帶有…色彩
investing capitalist 經(jīng)營(yíng)資本家
investment abroad 對(duì)外投資額
investment account 投資帳戶
investment account 投資帳
investment act 投資法
investment act 投資法;投資條例
investment act 投資法
investment activity 投資活動(dòng)
investment adviser 投資顧問
investment advisers act 投資顧問法
investment advisory act 投資咨詢條例
investment agreement of project financing 項(xiàng)目融資中的投資協(xié)議
investment allocation 投資分布
investment allowance 投資減免稅
investment allowance 投資補(bǔ)助;投資減免稅
investment allowance 投資減免稅
investment allowances 投資抵減
investment allowances -> pl. 投資補(bǔ)貼;投資減免稅
investment analysis 投資分析;投資經(jīng)濟(jì)效果分析
investment and financing 投資和籌資
investment and trade interest in 在…的投資和貿(mào)易利益
investment and trust company 投資信托公司
investment appraisal 投資估價(jià);投資評(píng)價(jià)
investment assets 投資資產(chǎn)
investment assets -> pl. 投入資產(chǎn)
investment association 投資協(xié)會(huì)
investment bank 投資銀行
investment banker 投資銀行家
investment banker 投資銀行家;證券包銷商
investment banking 投資銀行業(yè)務(wù)
investment banking firm 投資銀行
investment banking frim 投資銀行
investment banking services 投資銀行服務(wù)
investment banking syndicates 投資銀行辛迪加
investment barke 投資銀行
investment barkeer 投資銀行
investment base 投資基準(zhǔn)
investment bill 投資匯票
investment bill 投資匯票;投資票據(jù)
investment bond 投資性債券;投資債券
investment bond 投資債券
investment book 投資簿
investment boom 投資繁榮
investment broker 投資經(jīng)紀(jì)人
investment budget 投資預(yù)算
investment business 投資業(yè)
investment buying 投資購買
investment capital 投資資本
investment casting 熔模鑄造;失臘鑄造
investment center 投資中心
investment centre 投資中心
investment certificate 出資證明書;投資證明
investment certificate 投資證書
investment classifiable as current assets 投資歸屬流動(dòng)資產(chǎn)類
investment classificable as current assets 可歸屬流動(dòng)資產(chǎn)類的投資
investment client 投資客戶
investment climate 投資環(huán)境
investment company 投資公司
investment company 投資公司
investment company act 投資公司法案
investment company act 投資公司法
investment company institute 投資公司協(xié)會(huì)
investment company S.A. 投資公司
investment contract 投資合同
investment control 投資管理
investment control 投資管理;投資控制
investment corporation 投資公司
investment cost 投資費(fèi)用
investment counseling 投資建設(shè);投資審查
investment counsellor 投資顧問
investment counselor 投資顧問
investment credit 投資信貸
investment credit 投資補(bǔ)貼;投資信貸;投資信用
investment criteria 投資準(zhǔn)則


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