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發(fā)表時間:2018/05/22 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):1994  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】
...should be dealt with  ……的處理應(yīng) ...
be characterized by  ……的特點/特征是 ...
can be/is defined as  ……的定義是 
Must be pursued with vigour  必須大力進(jìn)行 
Assumes a constructive role 發(fā)揮建設(shè)性作用 
It is important to 重要的是 
It is necessary to 有必要 
It is difficult to 難于
It is commons sense that 眾所周知 
It is in the interest of... to 這樣是利于……的,即 
It is certainly useful to do sth. 這樣做肯定是有益的,即 
It is said that... 據(jù)說 
It is reported that... 據(jù)報道 
It is confirmed that... 據(jù)證實 
It is believed that... 人們認(rèn)為, 
This can only be achieved by 要實現(xiàn)這一點,只有 
Governments have a crucial role to play in doing 政府要發(fā)揮十分重要的作用,以 
It is a great privilege to be able to welcome you 非常榮幸有機(jī)會歡迎您/各位 
I hope my presence here tonight is further proof of 我希望我今晚來到這里可以進(jìn)一步證明 
We must realize the objective of 我們必須實現(xiàn)的目標(biāo)是 
A better knowledge of 更好地了解 
May be required 也許是必要的 
A is accompanied by 陪同A的是/有 
As for the interpretation of 至于如何解釋 
This is why 正因為如此 
All of us are required to 我們都需要 
Going forward/ Moving forward 向前 
If things go well 如果情況不錯/如果事情進(jìn)展得順利 
historic opportunity 歷史性機(jī)遇 
let me just wrap up by saying this 我想做如下總結(jié) 
So let me begin by saying this to you 首先,我想告訴各位 
the good news is that 好消息是 

It simply doesn’t make sense that 這就是/的確沒什么意義,即 

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