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發(fā)表時間:2017/09/20 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):2204  
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       Apple unveiled the anniversary edition smartphone-iPhone X, alongside an iPhone 8 and its bigger sibling, the iPhone 8 Plus, at a press event at the brand new Apple Park campus in Cupertino on Tuesday. The company also announced a new Apple Watch with a cellular connection, an Apple TV that streams 4K video, and gave the public its first peek at the circular Steve Jobs Theater.
  蘋果2017秋季新品發(fā)布會于美國當(dāng)?shù)貢r間9月12日,在蘋果的新總部位于庫比蒂諾的Apple Park內(nèi)的圓形史蒂夫·喬布斯劇院舉行。會上,蘋果公司發(fā)布了紀(jì)念版手機iPhone X,iPhone 8及其大型版的iPhone 8 Plus。同時還亮相了一款新的支持蜂窩網(wǎng)絡(luò)的Apple Watch, 以及支持4K視頻播放的Apple TV。

iPhone X
  The new iPhone X kills the home button, and has an edge-to-edge display and glass on the front and back. It's water and dust resistant.It will also support wireless charging and its battery lasts 2 hours longer than the iPhone 7.
  新款iPhone X取消了實體Home鍵,為全面屏手機,機身采用雙面玻璃設(shè)計,抗水防塵,支持無線充電,而且續(xù)航比iPhone7長2個小時。
  The 5.8-inch OLED display isn't just bigger, it also packs 458 pixels-per-inch. Applecalls it a Super Retina Display. It also supports HDR.Apple spent a significant amount of time hyping up its 12-megapixel dual cameras with dual optical image stabilization.
  5.8英寸的OLED屏幕不僅更大,而且像素密度達到458,蘋果公司稱之為“超級網(wǎng)膜顯示屏”。此外,iPhoneX的屏幕顯示還支持HDR顯示。蘋果公司還重點宣傳了iPhone X的1200萬雙攝,以及雙重光學(xué)穩(wěn)定。

  A new technology called Face ID is a secure new way to unlock, authenticate, and pay.The company also introduced a Face ID-enabled feature called Animoji, which serves up animated emoji that mimic your facial expressions.
  全新的Face ID面部識別功能將支持解鎖、認證及支付,且更為安全。基于Face ID,iPhone X還引入了Animoji概念,可以模仿人臉表情生產(chǎn)動態(tài)表情包。

  iPhone X comes in two colors, space gray and silver. The iPhone X will cost $999 for the 64 GB version, $1,149 for the 256 GB version. Pre-orders start Oct. 27, with shipments starting Nov. 3.
  iPhone X有銀色和太空灰兩款顏色,64GB版售價999美元(約合人民幣6522元),256 GB版售價1149美元(約合人民幣7500元),10月27日起訂,11月3日起售。
iPhone 8 和 8 Plus
  Apple skipped the “S” update to the iPhone 7, instead unveiling an “all-new” glass design called iPhone 8 and 8 Plus — which looks exactly like the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.The new glass back allows iPhone 8 to support wireless charging.

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